Thrombosis of hepatic veins( Badd-Chiari syndrome): symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Thrombosis of the hepatic veins is a violation of blood flow under the influence of blood clots in the lumen of blood vessels that divert blood from the liver. As a result, they can completely or partially overlap. As a result of such a disease, not only the activity of the cardiovascular system, but also the liver, is seriously disturbed.

Features of the disease

Most often, such a disease manifests in older adults, but recently many doctors have sounded the alarm. The disease is much younger.

Signs of thrombosis of the hepatic veins are observed in some young people, and this can not but alarm doctors. Most often, the disease develops in women, between the ages of forty and fifty, in men, the disease is much less common.

How the incomplete thrombosis of the portal vein of the liver looks will tell the following video:

Forms of

Often, thrombosis of the hepatic veins is classified as Badda-Chiari syndrome. The disease occurs in two forms:

  • acute. With this disease, the veins are clogged because of the appearance of a thrombus in them. The patient suddenly has severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting, jaundice. Then the disease quickly grows: a loose fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, the legs swell, veins on the front wall of the abdomen swell and become visible, bloody vomiting may begin. There is lymphostasis. If doctors do not intervene urgently, the lethal outcome will occur within a few days;
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  • is chronic. It arises from the inflammation of the hepatic veins and the growth of fibrosis into their cavity. In most patients( about 85%) there is a chronic form. It may not manifest itself for many years. But over time, all the symptoms that occur with a sharp form suddenly appear. As a rule, it is accompanied by other chronic diseases, against which it develops. Reasons for the occurrence of

    The reasons for the appearance of the disease can be several. Let's highlight the most basic:

    • bleeding disorder;
    • myeloproliferative lesions;
    • severe abdominal injuries;
    • adrenal and kidney tumors;
    • pancreatic tumors;
    • paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria;
    • is lupus erythematosus;
    • taking drugs that increase blood clotting;
    • pregnancy;
    • poor heredity.

    About the symptoms of thrombosis of the hepatic veins, arteries, read on.


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    The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

    Symptoms of Badd-Chiari Syndrome

    Immediately, there is no general clinical picture of the Badd-Chiari syndrome, each patient has an individual disease. But physicians, observing a large number of patients, still identified several of them in the general group:

    • severe pain in the abdomen. This sign is noted by almost all patients. Tolerability of pain threshold in all people is individual, but pain is so strong that they deprive a person of rest and sleep;
    • enlarged liver and spleen. These factors are clearly indicated by an enlarged abdomen. The patient is visited by feelings of bloating and heaviness;
    • of jaundice. A symptom that does not always manifest itself;
    • ascites. It is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, increasing its volume;
    • hepatic encephalopathy. This symptom is observed in a small number of patients;
    • bleeding from the enlarged varicose veins of the stomach and esophagus. Occurs in a small number of patients;


    • As visual detection of the disease is extremely difficult, and the symptoms can directly point to a number of diseases, the most effective method of diagnosing the syndrome of Budd Chiari is ultrasound with dopplerography. It allows you to determine whether there is a disease with a huge probability. At the examination, thrombi in the veins of the liver can be detected. And it will be clear what kind they are. That is, they are connected to the vein wall or not, and if they are connected, then the young connective tissue or chronic.
    • Another effective method for detecting thrombosis is angiography. A catheter with a special substance is inserted into the veins of the liver and a series of X-ray photographs is performed. Very often, along with a special solution, drugs are introduced that can not only detect but also destroy the blood clot.
    • MRI of the abdominal cavity, radionuclide study and laboratory tests and tests will also help doctors to make the most accurate diagnosis.

    On the treatment of thrombosis of the hepatic arteries read on.

    Treatment of

    In the treatment of thrombosis of the liver, complex treatment should be used, as one medication is sometimes not enough. Often additional surgical intervention and physiotherapy are required.

    Therapeutic and medicamentous methods of

    When medicamentous treatment of thrombosis of hepatic veins, diuretics, anticoagulants, thrombolytics are used.

    However, treatment with medicinal products only helps for a short time and leads to the progression of the disease.


    Surgery is performed in three different ways, all depending on the stage at which the disease is diagnosed:

    • angioplasty. In the veins of the liver, a special substance is injected, which destroys the thrombus. Perform this procedure should only be trained specialist, since it is likely that the blood clot will come off and continue to move through the vein. As a complication, progression of thromboembolism is possible;
    • bypass of the blood vessels of the liver. Artificial vessels that provide blood outflow from the liver are applied. After a similar procedure, the patient becomes much easier and the general condition of the body improves;
    • liver transplantation. It is necessary for patients with acute illness. Show in the late stages of the syndrome and the complications that developed in connection with it.

    Prevention of

    As such, prophylaxis of hepatic vein thrombosis does not exist. To prevent the onset of recurrences, regular use of blood thinners is necessary. At least once every six months, see a doctor and do ultrasound, preferably with dopplerography.

    Complications of

    With late detection of thrombosis of the hepatic veins, it can lead to the formation of portosystemic collaterals, sometimes mesenteric thrombosis occurs. In some areas of the liver, necrosis may occur. In the most severe cases, widespread fibrosis develops.


    Despite all treatment methods, the clinical prognosis of the Budda-Chiari syndrome, thrombosis of the portal vein of the liver is unpredictable. The probability of a lethal outcome is high for five years after the operation. It is about half the total number of patients.

    Even more useful information on thrombosis of the hepatic veins and its other forms contains the following video:

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