Chronic( cron, chronic, hr) pancreatitis( illness, pancreatic disease) and diabetes, photos, video, what is it, what to do?

Chronic pancreatitis refers to diseases of the pancreas. The mechanism of development of this internal disease is simple - the pancreatic ducts after the neuro-reflex spasm narrow. As a result, the outflow from the gland is difficult and the edema begins to form, after activation of lipase, chymotrypsin, trypsin and other enzymes. These enzymes lead to autolysis of the parenchyma of the gland, in which the connective tissue then grows, which leads to sclerosis and cicatricial scarring of the pancreas.

The nature of chronic pancreatitis is divided into:

  • Toxic-metabolic. The cause of this are medicines and alcoholic beverages.
  • Idiopathic. The reason for the change is not set.
  • Hereditary. The reason is information in the DNA code, which after reading at a certain age leads to the onset of the disease.
  • Autoimmune. The cause of this rare form of chronic pancreatitis is the morphological changes in the pancreas and other autoimmune diseases of the whole organism.
  • Recurrent. The cause of this disease is most often associated with acute chronic pancreatic diseases, such as mechanical jaundice, liver colic and chronic cholecystitis.
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  • Obstructive. The reason for the development of obstruction in the main duct of the pancreas.
  • Primary Form. The cause was the inflammatory process, which began in the gland itself.
  • Secondary form. The cause was an inflammatory process in other tissues and organs, which then spread to the pancreas.

The disease can have 5 forms of percolation:

  • has clearly traced periods of exacerbation and remission of the disease;
  • is characterized by constant pain;
  • has a pseudo-tumor form;
  • occurs without pain symptoms;
  • is rapidly progressing and has signs of gland failure.

In the pancreas with cron.pancreatitis changes self-regulation and enzyme-containing juice in the ducts of the body begins to stagnate. Initially, the enzymes are in an unactivated state, but a prolonged residence in the ducts causes their gradual activation. Activated enzymes begin to gradually digest their own parenchyma. In the course of illness, the gland acquires a connective tissue, then it cicatrizes and gradually scleroses. In this state, the pancreas can not cope with its function of fermentation. Lack of enzymes leads to the occurrence of a violation of digestion of food in the intestines, and this leads to a shortage of vitamins and nutrients.

Flowing, internal pancreatic disease manifests itself by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the left hypochondrium and epigastric region;
  • dyspeptic phenomena;
  • pancreatogenic diarrhea;
  • weight loss;
  • diabetes mellitus.

If the disease occurs in the gland's head, the pain will be given to the epigastric region on the right, with the pancreatic body disease localized in the epigastric region and the tail of the gland to the left hypochondrium. Pain can be either permanent or manifest only after taking fatty, fried or spicy food, or have a paroxysmal character. When palpation, pain is noted in the above zones and the protective tone of the abdominal muscles.

Patients with chronic pancreatitis often feel a subconscious aversion to fried and fatty foods until they lose their appetite. And if the islet apparatus of the pancreas is involved in the process of the disease, then the development of diabetes mellitus is possible. With diabetes, caused by chronic pancreatitis, patients, on the contrary, feel a constant hunger and thirst.

What is chronic pancreatitis - the definition of

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process of the pancreas. The chronic form is a relapsing disease, when the pancreatic ducts are in a blocked or narrowed state.

Acute pancreatic inflammation gradually flows into a chronic inflammation, leading to a progressive organ damage. The glandular tissue is gradually replaced by a denser connective tissue. Thus, functional insufficiency develops, which leads to irreversible changes in the pancreas.

Sick people with this diagnosis should know what chronic pancreatitis means, what definition and symptoms it has, how to properly treat and eat. If an acute form has arisen, it is important to know that subsequently it can go on a chronic form of pathology. If the disease is long, it develops endocrine, exocrine and pancreatic insufficiency. Such a disease can develop as a consequence of alcoholism, allergic reactions, cholelithiasis and endocrinopathy. It can be accompanied by such symptoms that the patient can not cope without emergency medical care.

I have chronic pancreatitis, what should I do?

If the diagnosis is established and pancreatitis has passed into a chronic form, then the patient's lifestyle changes dramatically. The first thing you need to do is forget about alcoholic beverages, preferably forever. In the life of a sick person, the first place should be a healthy lifestyle. This is both nutrition and physical activity. Usually it is enough that the pancreas is not subjected to stress. If you remove all harmful foods( fatty, seasoned, spicy, smoked), then there is no question: what if I have chronic pancreatitis? Even carbonated drinks are able to strike the organ, and therefore they will have to be excluded.

Patients with this form of pancreatic inflammation are advised to discard large amounts of salt and sugar, honey, jam. The ban includes radish, spinach, cabbage and other vegetables.

Chronic secondary pancreatitis

Pathology develops again, due to diseases of the gastrointestinal system. Biliary-dependent pancreatitis of a chronic form can occur in the case when small stones of the common bile duct are observed. This disease is always chronic. Complications contributing to the development of secondary pathology: peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the biliary tract, etc. This pathology leads to the fact that the outflow of pancreatic juice is violated, the casting of bile and the composition of the duodenum. Chronic secondary pancreatitis has a different pathogenesis and is accompanied by a complication of peptic ulcer disease - penetration of the ulcer.

The prevalence and relevance of chronic pancreatitis

Recently, the picture is growing increasingly - the growth of chronic pancreatitis is growing rapidly. Every year more and more patients are registered. Growth ranges from 0.3% to 0.6% of the total population. And these figures are growing all over the world. The relevance is quite simple:

  • The growth of alcoholism in the world.
  • Frequent symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Progression of biliary tract diseases.

The prevalence and relevance of chronic pancreatitis, in the first place, is associated with the lifestyle of modern man. Foodstuffs increasingly began to contain dyes and preservatives, and this affects the pancreas. Pathology is affected by sedentary lifestyle of people who prefer to spend free time at the computer, rather than in the fresh air. The development of this internal disease affects alcohol, ecology, toxins and other things surrounding the person.

Video about chronic pancreatitis( Live healthy!)

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