Symptoms and signs of stomach and intestinal cancer in women, men and children, photos and videos

Malignant neoplasms are the most common, among other neoplasms occurring in the stomach. Cancer is 90% of all neoplasms. Recently, the disease, due to its wide spread, ceased to represent only a medical problem, and also passed into the division of social problems.

Symptoms and signs of stomach cancer in women, men and children

The risk group for stomach cancer is the age category over 50 years. There are recorded single cases of the appearance of the disease in adults and at an earlier age. In children, the appearance of this type of oncology is a rarity. The onset of this disease is sharply reduced after 70 years. Women suffer from stomach cancer 2 times less than men.

The main causes of cancer in children and adult men and women include:

  1. Poor heredity. The development of the disease receives an additional stimulus, if several previous generations suffered from it. But such a cause is infrequent. Some experts believe that people with a second positive blood group may be at risk.
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  3. The occurrence of gastric cancer is more common in residents of the North more often than in southerners.
  4. Changing the place or region of residence also has a major impact on the onset of the disease.
  5. Consumption of very hot food can provoke cancer development.
  6. Harmful habits and certain diseases of the stomach, as a rule, are the trigger mechanism.

Symptoms of the disease in adults do not have a general picture. In many ways, they depend on the size and location of the tumor, and also on the stage of the disease. To some extent, the symptoms depend on the histological pattern. In some cases, the symptoms of complications that accompany the course of the disease come to the forefront.

The main symptoms can be conditionally divided into general and local. Locally observed unsharp pain of the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting. The patient completely disappears appetite. There is an aversion to food. Constantly there is a heaviness in the stomach, dysphagia and fast saturation.

Common characteristics include:

  • depletion;
  • general weakness;
  • apathy.

The presence of common symptoms can accompany any of the stages of the disease.

Early stages of the disease, accompanied by both general and local symptoms, may not cause anxiety in patients. Presence of a precancer, such as gastritis or polyps, can also be accompanied by similar manifestations. But it is the presence of symptoms of precancerous conditions that should prompt the patient to systematically monitor the course of these processes in the specialist.

Signs and symptoms of stomach and bowel cancer

Very often, malignant neoplasms are localized in the pyloric or cardiac region of the stomach, capturing the intestinal region. With this tumor localization, the patient has difficulty in removing food masses from the stomach. Symptoms of defeat of the pyloric or cardiac part of the stomach and part of the intestine include:

  • sensation of overflow and raspiraniya in the epigastric region;
  • at later stages there is frequent belching of air masses, and subsequently hydrogen sulphide;
  • frequent vomiting undigested remnants of food, taken many hours before vomiting with the smell of stool;
  • dehydration of the body and the presence of electrolyte imbalance, which are the result of vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

Violation of water, salt balances and metabolic alkalosis require immediate measures to conduct infusion therapy.

In addition to the above, extremely unpleasant symptoms of malignant neoplasm of the stomach and intestines, a constant symptom is pain. The patient complains of constant pains, which increase dramatically after eating. In many cases, acute pain is paroxysmal or cramping.

Cancer of the pyloric or other parts of the stomach and intestines may have a symptom of a lack of satiety. These complaints characterize the infiltrative growth of the malignant neoplasm, the gaping of the gatekeeper, as a result of which food quickly moves from the stomach to the intestine.

Cancer of the body, cardiac or pyloric part of the stomach is fraught with metastasis in the lymphatic system, the liver, which provokes obstructive jaundice and speaks of the patient's incompetence. Metastasis in the head of the pancreas is manifested by severe pain in the back.

Symptoms of antral stomach cancer

This part of the stomach does not participate in digestion processes. Nevertheless, it is most often affected by malignant tumors. The course of the disease in this department of the stomach is characterized by a rapid flow and metastasis. About 70% of all cases of lesions are in the antrum department.

Tumors most often affecting the antral region are:

  • adenocarcinomas, affecting up to 90% of patients;
  • is a solid type of cancer( it is much less common);
  • skirr is the rarest type of tumors.

Symptoms of malignant neoplasms of the antral department include:

  • frequent fetid eructation;
  • severity in the stomach;
  • lack of satiety;
  • pain in epigastrium.

X-ray signs of stomach cancer

Carrying out X-ray studies for suspected illness is the most reliable way to "catch" the disease in the early stages. Depending on the part of the stomach in which the tumor is localized, the pictures reflect a completely different picture. When examining a picture, you can see such symptoms:

  • deformation of the bottom of the organ with the presence of nodes visible against the background of gas bubbles;
  • inflection of the stomach;
  • deformation of the abdominal part of the esophagus;
  • ulceration in the subcardial part.

If the ulcer is visible, as a niche with great depth and small width, then the cancer is an additional shadow( plus a shadow).Which allows the doctor to see the growth of the neoplasm exophytally( that is, inside), while the ulcer is endophyte( outward).Cancer is a very dense tissue that does not pass through the peristaltic wave.

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