Chronic( hr.) Proctosigmoiditis - symptoms and treatment

In the case when a patient with chronic colitis forgets about preventive treatment and allows errors in the recommended diet, this disease manifests itself in a form such as proctosigmoiditis, which can also have not only acute, but also recurrent course. Localized this pathology in the rectus and sigmoid colon and has the same unpleasant symptoms that are expressed in painful sensations, stool disorders and general malaise with fever.

Many patients ask that in addition to colitis can cause the development of hr.proctosigmoiditis and whether this form can arise independently, without flowing prior to it acute. They are also interested in the symptomatology, which indicates the development of this disease. Additional reasons that can cause the development of this pathology, can serve:

  • Indigestion, which usually occurs when a person prefers wearing tight belts and narrow clothing;
  • Chronic constipation and uncontrolled intake of laxatives;
  • In addition, the development of proctosigmoiditis is greatly influenced by various intestinal infections and dysbiosis.
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Patients who have these factors should be more careful about their health, so as not to miss the alarming symptoms that indicate the beginning of proctosigmoiditis in chronic form. Usually, with such a development of the disease, it does not have a vivid expression and is manifested by attacks of nausea, resulting in vomiting, fever and deterioration of well-being. Also for this pathology is characterized by the presence in the feces of inclusions of mucus and blood.

For the appointment of an adequate treatment that will not only help the early removal of symptoms of chronic proctosigmoiditis, but also significantly prolong the periods of remission, diagnosis is required. For its implementation, methods such as palpation, collection of biological material for laboratory blood and feces and specialized visual studies of the rectum and sigmoid colon, recto- and colonoscopy, are used.

Methods of treatment of chronic proctosigmoiditis

On the patient's question about what method of therapy should be used in order to quickly and forever forget about the manifestations of hr.proctosigmoiditis, any specialist will respond that the chronic form of the disease requires long-term therapy. With any violation of the prescribed treatment regime( alcohol consumption or violations in the diet), acute relapses occur. Rational nutrition becomes the basis of all therapeutic appointments appointed by the physician. Therapy of chronic proctosigmoiditis should be comprehensive, and include the following activities:

  • Local therapy. It has a direct effect on the intestines due to the use of enemas with the decoction of medicinal herbs included in their composition. Also with this method of therapy of chronic proctosigmoiditis, rectal suppositories with medicinal preparations are widely used;
  • The use of symptomatic therapy is required to remove the underlying signs of the disease. With the concomitant disease, diarrhea requires the appointment of enveloping and astringent agents, and with increased flatulence and bloating - reducing the formation of gas. If necessary, antihistamine or anthelmintic preparations are also used;
  • In the treatment of chronic proctosigmoiditis, the patient is also assigned bacteriophages and eubiotics for the normalization of the intestinal microflora, and, depending on the cause of the development of this pathology, enzymes, antibiotics and anticholinergics;
  • Mandatory for complex treatment of the disease will be sanatorium and spa treatment, the use of mineral waters for the relief of acute intestinal signs and physiotherapy.

Folk methods, long recognized as traditional medicine, are also widely used in chronic proctosigmoiditis along with prescribed medications. But at the same time it is necessary to first get a qualified expert advice, which of them will have the best effect and in what dosages should they be taken.

Therapy of chronic proctosigmoiditis will be effective and will give a favorable prognosis only if the appeal to the specialist was timely and no errors were committed in the medication prescribed by him. If the disease is started, then the inflammatory process in the very near future is capable of provoking adverse consequences that will endanger the patient's life. This can be as perforation of the intestines, accompanied by peritonitis, and the development of tumors, including malignant tumors.

To avoid all this, patients, especially those who are at risk, must undergo mandatory annual diagnostics, and in case of symptoms, immediately consult a specialist for advice.

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