Dysplasia of connective tissue of the heart: treatment, diagnosis, classification

Fibrous body structures may have defects. They are associated with changes in collagen fibers of a genetic nature and refer to a problem that is referred to as connective tissue dysplasia.

Pathology extends its influence to many systems and organs where connective tissue is present, disrupting their health. A large proportion of problems of this nature in the total number of diseases falls on the heart tissue. About what it is, dysplasia of connective tissue of the heart in adults and children, we will tell in this article.

Features of the ailment in adults and children

Disease can identify itself immediately after the birth of a person or manifest gradually during life. In children, newborns, connective heart dysplasia is most often present as a factor that causes rhythm disturbances. These are: supraventricular or ventricular extrasystole. There may be congenital heart defects, and other disorders.

In adulthood, the cause of the disorder, if it is connective tissue dysplasia, is also relevant, as in the early years. The diagnosis becomes harder.

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Classification of

There is no single-valued, generally accepted classification of the disease yet. One of the options is to divide the disorders by varieties, this is their classification according to the syndromes. Connective tissue dysplasia that affects the heart tissue and causes its diseases includes:

  • Valve Syndrome:
    • valve degeneration,
    • all kinds of prolapses caused by connective tissue disorders.
  • Vascular syndrome is a deficiency of components in the walls of the vessels, painful changes in the arteries that have an elastic type:
    • , the tone of the vessels varies and differs from the norm,
    • arterial pressure is prone to lowered indices.
  • Thoraco-diaphragmatic heart - the chambers have a normal structure, but their size is reduced( often causes the deformation of the chest).
  • Arrhythmic syndrome occurs in more than half of patients with connective tissue dysplasia. The cause is a metabolic disorder in the muscles of the heart. Arrhythmias can be initiated by valve syndrome. Possible problems:
    • paroxysmal tachyarrhythmias,
    • intraventricular and atrioventricular blockades,
    • ventricular extrasystole,
    • disturbances in the work of pacemakers,
    • overexcitation syndrome in the operation of the ventricles.
  • Syndrome of sudden death - this phenomenon can be caused by the action of one or more of the above syndromes listed above.

The heart connective tissue dysplasia syndrome in 1990 was defined as a group of diseases that cause heart disease due to organic disorders in connective tissues. The syndrome includes options for the inferior development of connective tissue, which unites the common name - dysplastic heart.

Causes of

Disturbances in the structure of connective tissue can be of different nature:

  • Congenital: a mutation of genes that are responsible for creating the enzymes necessary for the synthesis of collagen and those that are directly responsible for the formation and spatial organization of collagen fibers.
  • Purchased:
    • undernutrition,
    • disadvantaged environmental situation.

Symptoms of connective heart tissue dysplasia

Symptoms of abnormal heart activity associated with connective tissue dysplasia may be diverse, because there are many variants of the manifestation of the disease in the body. More often there are vegetative disorders and general malaise.


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  • sleep disorder,
  • increased fatigue,
  • pain in the heart,
  • weak state of health,
  • cephalgia,
  • frequent pre-occlusive conditions.

The causes of heart disease are simultaneously symptoms of possible dysplasia of connective tissue:

  • Features of the structure of the vessels, heart and its structural parts:
    • aneurysm of the septum between the atria,
    • aortic or pulmonary trunk,
    • malfunctioning of the mitral valve - prolapse of its valves,
    • problems associated with chords: excessive mobility, lengthening;
    • aneurysms located on the coronary arteries,
    • functional disorders of the conduction system,
    • tricuspid and mitral valves have excess tissue on the valves,
    • pulmonary trunk or aorta dilated in proximal part,
    • valve components have degenerative changes,
    • disorders in the structure of chord fixation,
    • oval window,
    • valves have a non-natural number of valves,
    • myocardial bridges,
    • abnormalities of the septum between the ventricles.
  • Constitutional features:
    • cardiac rotation around the longitudinal and sagittal axis,
    • "drip" heart,
    • "hanging" heart.
  • Deformities of the spine and chest, provoking heart disease.

About data of ultrasound of the heart with atrial septal dysplasia, mitral valve, left ventricle and other methods of diagnosis of the disease read below.


Early detection of the problem is very important, because it provides an opportunity to maintain the patient's condition and prevent the progression of the disease and the consequences associated with it.

Methods are applied:

  • electrocardiography,
  • Doppler echocardiography,
  • electrocardiography of 24-hour monitoring.


Therapeutic measures for connective tissue diseases are based, for the most part, on general non-drug-promoting activities. The purpose of their implementation is to improve blood circulation and nutrition of tissues missing for their full-fledged functioning components. It is important to choose a daily routine for the patient, which provides useful workloads and timely rest.


Therapeutic treatment of cardiac dysplasia:

  • therapeutic exercise - pick up the load taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient;
  • psychotherapy,
  • physiotherapy,
  • auto-training,
  • water procedures,
  • spine massage,
  • yoga exercises,
  • acupuncture.


Taking medications aimed at the following result:

  • enrichment of the body with magnesium,
  • of a metabolic character, the supply of tissues with the necessary amino acids,
  • agents that increase collagen formation;
  • decrease in the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • reduction in the calm state of the nervous system,
  • prevention of myocardial neurostroids,
  • prophylaxis with antibacterial drugs of infective endocarditis.

Drugs are used if there is a doctor's prescription:

  • magneter,
  • coenzyme,
  • panangin,
  • vitamins,
  • carnitine,
  • preparations containing fatty acids.

Folk methods

It is allowed to treat infusions and decoctions of herbs, you should first agree with the appointment with your doctor.


  • hawthorn,
  • sage,
  • motherwort,
  • valerian,
  • Ledum.

Prevention of

If there are people in the family who have a problem of connective tissue damage, then it is important:

  • that one family member observes the family members, the
  • family doctor takes care of coordinating the observation of family members by other specialists,
  • in such familiesactivities for advance family planning.

Complications of

Patients with a problem of connective tissue disorders should be in the field of specialist observation. If the condition of the tissues is not maintained in a timely manner, and the diseases caused by this phenomenon can not be treated, then further progression of the pathology and severe consequences are possible.

Connective tissue without special therapy can be degraded, degenerated and necessitate surgical intervention, if possible, for example, valve replacement. If surgery is not possible, irreversible events can lead to death.


Let's talk about prognosis in connective tissue dysplasia syndrome with heart disease. If the patient follows the recommendations of a specialist, treats with attention to one's health, periodically undergoes preventive courses of treatment, then a positive prognosis with a normal quality of life is possible.

Even more useful information about the features of connective heart dysplasia :

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