Why does the left hemisphere of the head hurt?

1 The main causes of

One of the reasons for developing pain in the left hemisphere is a migraine. Localized this type of pain in the area:

  • forehead;
  • of the temple;
  • of the left eye;
  • the left part of the jaw.

Before the onset of a migraine attack, flies usually begin to flash before your eyes. The flicks can be in the form of strips, dots, spots. When the attack has come, the following symptoms appear:

  • gag reflex;
  • fever;
  • increased sweating;
  • the inability to look at light;
  • unable to listen to loud sounds.

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In some cases, there may even be a tumor on the face and skull. Sometimes in the period or before the onset of an attack a person can get confused in smells, the sense of smell is broken. Sometimes even a hallucination of smell may occur, for example, it may seem that there is a smell of stale meat or unclean laundry. Symptomatology usually lasts about 20 to 120 minutes.

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However, doctors note cases when the headache and other symptoms last for up to three days. After the attack, the person feels a desire to sleep, feels tired, lethargic, very tired. There are other reasons for the development of pain in the left hemisphere of the head. For example, the left headache may be a symptom of a disease such as osteochondrosis. The head hurts, because the salts are deposited on the vertebrae. As a result, cervical arteries are pinched, and blood flow is disturbed.

The brain is not getting enough nutrients, and there are spasms of blood vessels, and because the brain experiences oxygen starvation, it makes you dizzy.

As a result, pain appears in the head. Pain in this case is aching. It often changes ICP, and therefore develops a painful pulse in the temple. A sharp spasm can cause sensitivity to changing weather. Meteorological dependence is characterized by sharp spasms in the skull, shooting, pressing pain in the left temple, forehead and crown. Meteozavisimye people acutely respond to changes in atmospheric pressure and experience pain in the head to the left. To the usual symptoms can attach the strongest pain in the jaw, teeth and neck. Meteosensitivity is characterized by not very severe pains, but such pain lasts a very long time.

Sometimes interrupt briefly and arise again. A person during this period experiences weakness, fatigue, he wants to sleep and rest. The cause of pain in the left hemisphere of the head may be a developing infection, for example, due to caries or otitis of the ear. Pains of an infectious nature tingling. Painful sensations can radiate to the nape or cervical section. Very often, pain in the left hemisphere of the brain can be caused by a cold facial muscle, brachial muscle or neck muscles. In this case, the development of pain occurs when making movements, when a person bends or twists his head. Another cause of the development of pain in the left side of the head may be a trauma to the spine. Also, the shortened leg can cause pain, as a result of which the load on the spine is distributed unevenly, and the muscles tend to strain, an unpleasant symptom sets in.

The cause of headache can be caused by a malignant cancerous tumor of the left hemisphere of the brain. The cancerous pain is aching, throbbing. During pain, a person can snatch. If the pain is caused by a malignant tumor, the following symptoms may develop:

  • coordination problems;
  • hearing problems;
  • problems with eyesight;
  • memory loss;
  • insomnia;
  • people do not want to eat.

Often these symptoms occur until 12 noon. Another dangerous disease, which is characterized by a burning sensation, poured pain on the left side of the head is a stroke. Stroke is a very dangerous disease, and requires an operative intervention of a doctor, placement in a hospital. Stroke can be recognized by the following symptoms:


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  • fainting;
  • confused consciousness;
  • vomiting;
  • impaired coordination;
  • memory loss;
  • unclear speech.

Another cause of pain in the left hemisphere of the brain can be a psychological factor, feelings of fear, stress, emotional overstrain.

2 First aid

When the cause of unpleasant symptoms is not a stroke or a cancerous tumor, you can try to help yourself at home. Help can look like this:

  1. You should first take an anesthetic, which relieves spasms. Well shown in the removal of pain, such drugs as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Spazmalgon.
  2. It is recommended to do a massage of the muscles of the back, neck. You can massage your head in a place where pain is localized.
  3. You can try to apply to the sore spot cooling compress.
  4. Sometimes it can be helped by simply taking a hot shower or even just washing your face.
  5. After taking the medicine, it's good to go out for a walk in the fresh air.
  6. Naturally, you should lie down and relax, try to sleep.
  7. Aromatherapy can perfectly help to cope with pain. Doctors recommend inhaling essential oil, it is best to take a bath with the addition of essential oil of lavender, rose, mint, sweet orange, pine needles, lemon.
  8. Breathing exercises can also help get rid of headaches. It is good during exercises to put on a sore spot a cabbage leaf or crusts of orange, mandarin, lemon.
  9. If a person has a low blood pressure, it is recommended to drink strong tea or coffee.
  10. When pain is a symptom of migraine, it is recommended that you take a hot towel and wrap your head around it.
  11. Should try to remove loud sounds, bright aromas and light.
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Even if the headaches have passed, but are repeated regularly, it is still better to visit the doctor and find out why the headache hurts, to find out the true cause. Only a doctor can prescribe an adequate treatment that will help to overcome headaches once and for all.

3 Medical treatment

When alone to cope with the pain in the left side of the head is not possible, it is recommended to visit the doctor immediately. If the pain does not pass, then the cause is very serious, and the symptoms should be treated under the supervision of a specialist. If the pain is caused by acute respiratory viral infection or otitis media, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics, antipyretic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, the doctor must prescribe physiotherapy, warming up or washing. All this will help get rid of the cause that causes a headache.

Bound muscles can be tried to warm up, rub, but it's better to visit a doctor who prescribes treatment.

It is recommended to run to the dentist if there is a flux or caries. In this case, pus can get into the brain, which is fraught with complications and death due to blood poisoning. If a person suspects that his head hurts because of a spinal injury, then it is necessary to visit the osteopath. The doctor will prescribe an effective complex therapy, which includes a course of massage, acupuncture, exercise therapy, swimming pool. To cure an anesthetizing agent a migraine does not turn out, therefore it is necessary to address to the neurologist. With migraines, the neurologist performs a thorough examination and, only to find out the reason, prescribes medication. These can be drugs for normalizing metabolic processes and for improving the tone of the vessels of the brain.

If there is a suspicion of a stroke or cancer, you should immediately go to the clinic for examination and emergency medical care. It is important to undergo MRI and ultrasound examination, visit a neurosurgeon, neurologist and neurologist.

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