The initial stage of pancreatitis

No disease, including pancreatitis, does not occur instantaneously. As a rule, it is preceded by a certain period during which the organism is negatively affected, depressing this or that organ, which, in the final analysis, is the reason for its "failure".

For example, the initial stage of pancreatitis develops with a constant overeating and abuse of alcohol, diseases associated with the functioning of the stomach and duodenum.

The first symptoms of the disease are often mistaken for digestive disorders and are attributed to poor quality food. Moreover, patients tend to neglect the disorder of the stool, mild nausea and tingling in the left side, engage in self-medication, taking uncontrolledly different medications.

A significant negative role in this is played by commercials promoting the products of pharmaceutical companies and promising an easy solution to any digestive problems by simply taking a "wonderful" tablet.

This approach is especially dangerous in the initial stage of pancreatitis, because it is a disease of the pancreas, which is almost entirely responsible for digestion. Indeed, all enzymes, under the influence of which proteins, fat and carbohydrates are digested, are produced precisely by this organ. Any failure in her work is manifested by pain in the upper left side of the abdomen.

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At the initial stage of pancreatitis, the pain may be uncertain, wear a blurred character, while giving back. If during this period of the disease's development does not seek medical help, pancreatitis from the initial stage can become acute and become a chronic disease.

Diseases of the pancreas are dangerous in that its tissues that produce digestive enzymes can be in the area of ​​their effects. In this case, pancreonecrosis develops, an extremely serious form of the disease leading to death.

For this reason, every person who has experienced characteristic symptoms should undergo a screening and immediately begin treatment.

As a rule, at the initial stage of pancreatitis, it is enough to make small changes in nutrition, adhere to a low-calorie diet, while excluding alcohol, and take medicine prescribed by a doctor. In the initial stage this terrible disease is completely curable.

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