Bullous dermatitis: causes, photos, treatment, diet, form, types

Bullous dermatitis is an inflammatory lesion of the epithelium, in which the dermis is covered with bubbles filled with liquid. Inflammation arises from the influence of an aggressive factor in the external environment.

Also it can act as a symptom of any dermatological disease, the manifestation of genetic abnormalities, the effects of metabolic, endocrine disorders. About preparations and treatment of bullous dermatitis, its symptoms and causes will be described in this issue.

Features of the disease

In this disease, blisters( bullae) are localized under the dermis or in it. Bulla is filled with serous, serous-hemorrhagic fluid. Its diameter is more than 5 mm.

There is such a bubble from:

  • tires( the upper layer of the dermis);
  • cavity( it contains liquid);
  • bottom( deep layers of the dermis).

After the opening of the bulls, an erosive surface is formed. This erosion is initially covered by the crust, then heals.

About bullous allergic, herpetiform, exfoliative and other forms of such dermatitis we will tell below.

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Bullous dermatitis in children( photo)

Classification of

Bullous dermatitis has its own classification. It is based on a factor that affects the epidermis and looks as follows:

  • pin bullous dermatitis, resulting from exposure to dermis of salts, alkalis, acids;
  • is a phototoxic , resulting from exposure to ultraviolet light;
  • allergic , which occurs after exposure to varnishes, paints, plants, metals;
  • temperature , resulting from burns, frostbite;
  • mechanical , which appears in the form of diaper rash, omozolelosti.

The above classification is considered conditional because the disease can provoke several factors simultaneously.

More details on bullous dermatitis will be told by this video:

Causes of bullous dermatitis in adults and children

Bullous dermatitis develops due to 2 types of factors: external, internal.

To external include:

  • medicines;
  • the radiation of the sun;
  • inorganic compounds( hair dye, ammonia, turpentine);
  • ultraviolet from various sources;
  • low, high temperatures;
  • cosmetic products;
  • latex, its compounds;
  • to nickel compounds( dishes, coins, jewelry.)

To internal belong:

  • porphyria, which is a violation of iron metabolism;
  • herpes;
  • impetigo;
  • diabetes;
  • genetic defects;
  • lupus erythematosus.

Prodermatitis, bullous rash and alopecia, as well as other manifestations will be discussed below.

Symptoms of

The peculiarity of this disease is that its symptoms depend on the cause of the onset. Consider the main signs of bullous dermatitis:

  1. If the cause of the disease are burns, frostbite, bulls can be huge. Their surface can be smooth, slightly wrinkled. Inside the bull there is a serous fluid. When such bubbles appear, the patient feels pain, tingling in the area of ​​the lesion.
  2. If the cause of the disease is the sun's rays, the bullae will appear 2-3 hours after their exposure. The patient has a feeling of tightened skin. Dermis becomes hot, dry.
  3. If the cause of the disease is allergic dermatitis, blisters will occur in rare cases. Basically the patient will be bothered by itching, reddening of the epidermis.
  4. If the cause of the disease are bullous dermatosis, pemphigus, blisters will appear periodically. The period of remission can be very long.
  5. If the cause of the disease is contact dermatitis, the patient will disturb the appearance of hyperemia, after which there are bullae, vesicles. A feature of this type of disease is that bullae appear after contact with the allergen.
  6. If the cause of bullous dermatitis are diseases in which there are bubbles, then the rash appears during the period of exacerbation of the underlying disease( diabetes, lupus erythematosus, erysipelas).


Initially, an evaluation of the clinical picture of the disease should be made. It is very important to study the location of the blisters, the number, their size, stage of development, as well as indicators such as the involvement of the mucous membranes and the symmetry of the lesion.

  • In the process of diagnosing bullous dermatitis, it is very important to determine the provoking factor.
  • If there is a suspicion of the infectious nature of the bull, the doctor prescribes bacterioscopy, seeding the fluid inside the vesicles.
  • Biopsy is a very effective method of diagnosing a disease. Taken samples are histologically examined. The best biopsy material is a fresh intact bull, the epithelium around it.
  • If it is necessary to confirm the allergic nature of the disease, in addition to histological examination, RIF( direct, indirect immunofluorescence reaction) is performed.
  • In the diagnosis of hereditary dermatitis, electron microscopy is used.
  • If the doctor suspects porphyria, the patient is assigned a urine test to detect porphyrins.
  • Blood is also taken for analysis to determine the concentration of zinc, if there is a suspicion of the presence of enteropathic acrodermatitis.

Treatment of

Therapeutic method of

Treatment of bullous dermatitis involves the elimination of a provoking factor. If this inflammatory process acts as a complication, the manifestation of another disease, the primary treatment of the underlying disease is initially performed.

If the bullous dermatitis is hereditary, the doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment. In addition to drug therapy, physiotherapy( general UFO) is prescribed.

There are such principles of therapy:

  1. Treatment of small bubbles is performed by means of green, potassium permanganate solution. These funds contribute to drying, crust formation.
  2. The opening of large bubbles is done very carefully, so that the bottom of the bulla does not become bare.
  3. When the bottom is exposed, erosion is formed, the wound is treated according to the rules of general surgical practice.

Diet for bullous dermatitis also does not interfere.

By medicamentous method

The basis of drug therapy is hormone therapy. The doses are then assigned large.

Another option is treatment with cytostatic, immunosuppressive agents( "Cyclosporine", "Azathioprine", "Methotrexate").The intake of such drugs contributes to a rapid onset of remission, as well as a decrease in the dose of hormones. These drugs should be taken even when the manifestations of the disease on the epithelium disappear. If the medication is interrupted, a relapse may occur. Also, patients are prescribed plasmapheresis, hemosorption.

For the treatment of dermatitis, which is inherited, use the following drugs:

  • "Prednisolone".
  • Fukortzin. Fluorinated ointments( hormonal).

In the therapy of Dühring's dermatitis, such sulphone agents are used:

  • "Diuzifon".
  • "Diaphenylsulfone".
  • corticosteroids( hormonal).

Ointments, creams used for topical treatment are considered very effective:

  • antibacterial( "Gentamicin", "Synthomycin");
  • hormonal( "Sinaflane", "Ftorokort", "Prednisolonovaya");
  • wound healing( Betaspan, Beloderm, Metiluratsil 10%);
  • anti-inflammatory( Voltaren, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Radevit, Elokom).

Folk methods

It is possible to apply folk methods in the treatment of bullous dermatitis. The main thing is that this treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist( dermatologist, pediatrician, allergist).

To accelerate the healing process of erosion, wounds resulting from the opening of bulls, the following tools are used:

  • ointments from medicinal plants;
  • infusions;
  • decoctions.

As a good antiseptic, thyme is used. With this medicinal plant, tinctures, ointments are prepared. To treat affected areas, prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp.l.thyme, 1 tbsp.boiling water. The broth is boiled( over low heat) until half of the water boils out. The resulting broth is mixed with any oil base.the product is ready.

In the same way, an ointment from St. John's wort is prepared. To make it, you need the juice of the plant. Boiled in half the juice mixed with butter( cream) in a combination of 1: 4.The ointment is ready.

For the treatment of the affected epithelium, tampons soaked in the decoctions of such plants are used:

  • oak( bark);
  • chamomile;
  • sequence;
  • of birch( kidney).

In the fight against rashes use such juices:

  • cucumber;
  • apple;
  • potato.

They eliminate the rash, and prevent its spread.

Beekeeping products are considered effective against bullous dermatitis:

  • royal jelly;
  • Perga;
  • honey;
  • propolis;
  • wax.

Prevention of

Disease Because of the worries that this disease brings, it is better to prevent it than to treat it.

  • For the prevention of repeated manifestations of this type of dermatitis, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, the rules of the organization of work.
  • Avoid direct sun rays, contact with exotic plants, animals.
  • It is necessary to adhere to safety rules when dealing with high / low temperatures, chemicals, varnishes.
  • It is necessary to use at work individual protective equipment, protective clothing, gloves.
  • For preventive purposes it is worth to wash clothes with sparing washing powders.

Complications of

If the treatment is late or delayed, the patient may develop a complication such as a local infection of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue. To disease can join bacterial infections.


Thanks to the availability of a wide selection of highly effective products( ointment creams) in pharmacies, the treatment of bullous dermatitis is almost always successful. The main thing is to start treatment in time.

Pro features of bullous dermatitis in adults will tell the doctor in the video below:

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