Sealing the structures of the sinuses of the kidneys in children and adults: what is it, the causes, additional examinations

Kidney structures are quite complex, which is not surprising, because the body is responsible for the task - the filtration of blood. Urine accumulates and is distributed in the bowel-pelvis structures. And the original gates of the urinary tract are renal sinuses. Normally, the kidney parenchyma consists of cortical and cerebral layers, penetrated by nephrons and vascular channels, and possessing a homogeneous structure. But sometimes with ultrasound diagnosis, a certain compaction in the tissues is found. What is it?

Sealing of the sine of the kidneys - what is it?

Sinus of the kidney is called a kind of depression, which opens the renal pelvis, and through it passes the ureters and vessels. Any pathological compaction of the kidney structures can be dangerous, since there is a violation of the urinary flow, which leads to renal dysfunction.

If the seal is detected immediately, its cause can not be stated. A comprehensive examination is needed, since factors explaining the formation of a seal can be quite a lot.

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Possible causes of

Actually, the consolidation of the renal sinus is a modification of the parenchymal structure of predominantly inflammatory nature, for which vascular disorders or problems with microcirculation in the connective tissues are characteristic. Such changes are a natural reaction to local inflammation. At the compaction site, the wave signs of the tissue change, which in ultrasound diagnostics reveals how high the echogenic zones are. Therefore, compaction of renal sinuses belongs to the basic ultrasonic criteria.

When determining such changes on ultrasound, the fact of changes is primarily recorded, but it can not indicate the development of a particular disease. For additional diagnosis, additional diagnostic tests are required. And in the course of diagnostics, a lot of factors like localization and the area of ​​densified tissues, the presence of deformations, heterogeneity of contours, etc. are taken into account. The etiology of such seals can have acquired or innate origin.


To innate causes of seals in the sinuses of renal structures, such diseases can occur:

  • Strictures for which complete blockage or partial narrowing of the canals or ureter in children is characteristic. To strictures of an innate character carry vices like cicatricial defects of the walls of ducts, caused by hereditary features. Also, this is possible with a dense intersection of blood vessels and channels, in which the channels are squeezed.
  • Hydronephrosis, which leads to the expansion of cup and pelvic structures, which leads to the development of an atrophic process, more often both kidneys. Sometimes there are valve defects or a compression that occurs due to the formation of an additional vessel. Also serve as an impetus for the pathology may be an excessive narrowing of the ureter or congenital urinary reflux.
  • Doubling of cup and pelvis structures. This anomaly does not belong to serious pathologies. With a similar deviation, people live their whole lives without even knowing it exists.


Acquired factors such as

  • Pyelonephritis represent a particular danger to patients. This infectious process, which causes the development of inflammation in the pelvis, cups and sinuses.
  • Jade. Acquired parenchymal inflammation can also provoke the appearance of seals in the sinuses of the kidney.
  • Cysts and pathological growths. Sometimes the sinuses become denser on the background of cystic or tumor processes. If the pathology is not treated in a timely manner, then kidney failure is formed, fraught with a fatal outcome.
  • Also to the acquired factors can be attributed and onkoporazheniya, in which patients complain of severe pain and swelling, general weakness and hyperthermia.

In a child under one-year-old age, compaction of the calyx-and-pelvis system is considered to be a physiological norm. If the compaction persists even in the second year of life, then it is treated as a pathology.

We recommend
For prevention of diseases and treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the Monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more »

As a rule, compaction in both men and women always indicates the presence of an inflammatory process or is formed as its consequences.

Additional tests

As a rule, the compaction in the sinus does not pass for the patient asymptomatically. Usually, kidney pathologies are always accompanied by characteristic painful symptoms localized in the lumbar region. This sign already manifests itself at the initial stage, causing a lot of unpleasant sensations in patients.

The specialist will prescribe additional diagnostic methods such as ultrasound diagnostics, laboratory tests, etc. In fact, inflammation is not a pathology, it is successfully treated in modern blades.

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