In the urine found bacteria, what does it mean?

A healthy person should not be in the urine analysis of bacteria. If a bacteriological study of urine reveals them, this condition is called bacteriuria and requires treatment by a urologist.

The most common urine in the culture is Escherichia coli. Bacteriuria in the urine is determined only if the organs of the urinary system( kidneys, bladder, ureters) are infected, and the immune system could not independently cope with the pathogens.

Why does a person in the general analysis of urine show bacteria, and what does this mean we will consider in this article.

How do bacteria get into the urine?

There are several ways of getting the pathogen into the urinary tract:

  1. Ascending - an infectious agent penetrates the urinary tract through the urethra. This variant of infection is more typical for women, because of anatomical features( short and wide urethra).In addition, this mechanism of penetration of bacteria into the urine is very likely with such instrumental manipulations as bladder catheterization, urethroscopy, cystoscopy, urethral bougie, transurethral surgery.
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  2. Descending - with infectious kidney damage.
  3. Lymphogenous - infection occurs through lymphatic pathways from infectious foci located near the organs of the genitourinary system.
  4. Hematogenous is a pathogen infiltrated into the urinary tract with blood from distant foci of infection.

As a rule, with pathological changes in the urinary system, in addition to bacteria, an increase in the concentration of other inflammatory parameters, such as leukocytes and mucus, is revealed.

Forms of bacteriuria

  • True bacteriuria are bacteria that do not just enter the urinary tract, but also multiply there, provoking severe inflammation.
  • False bacteriuria - bacteria enter the bladder, urinary tract, but they do not have time to spread and multiply due to the fact that a person has either active immunity or he is taking antibacterial therapy for an inflammatory disease.
  • Hidden bacteriuria is most often determined by routine prophylactic medical examination in people who are not disturbed by the bladder, kidneys, or impaired urination. Especially often in this sense, asymptomatic bacteriuria is detected in pregnant women.
  • The fact that the patient has asymptomatic bacteriuria , you can speak after a positive two-stage study of urine. The collection of the material should occur at intervals of 24 hours, and the bacterial index should be twice confirmed within the range of 100,000 per milliliter of urine.

Causes of bacteria in general urine analysis

If bacteria are found in urine in large numbers - this is called bacteriuria, and indicates the likelihood that an infection develops in the urinary system. But before taking any steps, you need to make sure that the analysis was passed correctly. You may have used an unsterilized jar, and repeated diagnostics will reveal that all the indicators are normal. Sometimes peresdavat analyzes are 2-3 times.

What diseases can manifest themselves at the initial stages only by changing the above indicator?

  1. Urethritis. If the opportunistic microorganisms in the urinary canal are actively multiplying( as a result of various causes), inflammation of the urethra occurs.
  2. Pyelonephritis. The second of the most common causes of the appearance of bacteria in the urine. Inflammation of the kidneys can also be primary or secondary.
  3. Cystitis. One of the two most likely pathologies, accompanied by increased release of microorganisms.

If bacteria are detected in the urinalysis, it is necessary to determine which bacteria it is to find the right treatment. To do this, bacteriological culture of urine is carried out - the bacteria are placed in a nutrient medium and grown in favorable conditions for them. With the help of such a study, the type of bacteria is determined, as well as their sensitivity to antibiotics.

Explanation of the results

The result is evaluated in colony-forming units contained in 1 ml of the test fluid. If indicators are obtained that are less than 1000 cfu / ml, then, as a rule, there is no need for treatment. When the results of the study showed that the number of microorganisms from 1000 to 100 000 cfu / ml, this analysis can cause doubts, it will be necessary to re-take urine.

If the number of microorganisms is equal to or exceeds 100,000 cfu / ml, then we can talk about the connection of inflammation with the infection. It is necessary to conduct compulsory treatment.

Elevated leukocytes and bacteria in the urine

Leukocytes and pathogenic bacteria in the urine indicate the possible development of such diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • interstitial nephritis;
  • vasculitis;
  • atheroembolia of the renal arteries;
  • vesicles;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • nephrosclerosis.

Epithelial cells are sometimes present in the material for analysis, but in a minimal amount.

Mucus and bacteria in urine

If the urine has mucus and bacteria in a concentration exceeding the norm, the causes are usually the following:

  • urolithiasis;
  • nephritis;
  • inflammation of the ureter, bladder or kidney.

Also microbes, epithelium and leukocytes are often detected due to improper collection of biological fluid. The external genitalia should be thoroughly washed before urination, and the urine transport container should be purchased in a pharmacy completely sterile.

Escherichia coli

This type of bacteria lives in the lower parts of the digestive system. This is the gram-negative bacteria that are released during the act of defecation. Getting on the genitals, they multiply in the urethra, then reach the bladder.

Propagation of microorganisms occurs very quickly in any of the departments of the urinary system. With the development of these bacteria in the kidneys, pyelonephritis appears, in the urethra - urethritis, in the bladder - cystitis. Escherichia coli is most commonly found in infectious diseases of the urinary tract.

Enterococcus faecalis

Following E. coli, the occurrence is Enterococcus faecalis. Being a gram positive bacterium, it is normally present in the gastrointestinal tract in healthy people, participating in digestion. Entry into the urinary tract occurs by means of stool. After that, there is uncontrolled growth of this bacterium. Infection of blood, wounds and pelvic regions is also possible. Infection caused by Enterococcus faecalis is difficult to treat. This bacterium is very resistant to most antibiotics.

Causes of bacteria in the urine during pregnancy

There are many reasons for their appearance, because this is a very difficult period for a woman, different conditions are created when urine stagnates and bacteria develop in it. Also during pregnancy, the uterus is constantly growing, which presses on the kidneys and does not allow them to fully work.

Often the cause of bacteriuria is hormonal restructuring. It is necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of the urogenital system of the pregnant woman, the urethra is located near the rectum, while the urethra is too short. In addition, the bladder can be close to the rectum.

Changing the hormonal background can also affect the appearance of bacteria in the urine during pregnancy. Bacteriuria occurs when caries or because of decreased immunity. In women suffering from diabetes, bacteria can also appear in the urine.

Especially at risk of getting bacteria are pregnant women, leading a disordered sex life, that is, often changing their sexual partners. The same danger lies in women who do not properly observe the rules of personal hygiene. A certain threat of pregnancy is caused by diseases of the genitourinary system, such as cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Bacteria in the urine of a child

Depending on the number of bacteria detected in the baby's urine, the following diseases can occur:

  1. For cystitis and urethritis, dysuric disorders are more common( delay or incontinence, increased urination at night, urination in small portions), pain and burning with urination, weakness, lethargy, fever of 37-38 degrees, abdominal pain with irradiation incrotch and / or lower back.
  2. Pyelonephritis, which causes pain in the lumbar region and abdomen, diarrhea, chills, fever, vomiting. In newborn infants and infants with the disease, there is a complete refusal to eat and general anxiety.
  3. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is a condition in which there are no signs of disease. This phenomenon is benign and does not require treatment, since damage to the kidney tissue does not occur with it.
  4. Bacteria in the urine of a child can be found in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, which develop against the background of congenital malformations of the kidneys, ureters and bladder, as well as the genital area( the vas deferens, the testicle) or with complex congenital inguinal and scrotal hernias.

Accordingly, the treatment of bacteria in the urine of a child occurs on the basis of data from the analysis of the analysis and prescriptions of the doctor, individually in each case. The cause should be treated, that is, a disease that allowed bacteria to enter the urine.

Symptoms of

Usually, bacteriuria is accompanied by some clinical manifestations, but in some cases these phenomena are asymptomatic.

The most characteristic signs of bacteriuria include:

  • frequent urination;
  • pain and burning when urinating;
  • reddening of the vulva, accompanied by itching;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • urine comes with a sharp, nasty odor, possible admixture of blood or mucus;
  • the color of urine is very murky or has a whitish shade.

If the infection affects the bladder or urethra, the body temperature does not rise, but with the spread of infection to the kidneys, a fever, dull pain in the lumbar region, nausea and vomiting are possible.

Than to treat bacteria in urine?

First of all, you need to undergo a detailed examination to discover the nature and cause of bacteriuria. Also, the resistance of bacteria to this or that antibiotic is revealed experimentally.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the focus of the disease and improving the process of urination. Usually, antibiotics, nitrofurans and sulfonamide preparations are prescribed.

To prevent the emergence of bacteriuria, you must always observe personal hygiene, and in case of any suspicion, immediately consult a specialist. The delivery of tests is not just a whim of doctors, but a way to protect you from dangerous diseases. If you find dubious microorganisms during the examination, repeat the analysis.

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