Causes of pain in the right, left or both kidneys with deep inspiration and dangerous symptoms

Painful sensations when inhaled or exhaled - not so rare. But, according to statistics, only 6% of the onset of pain is due to kidney disease. Pain, whatever it may be, is only a symptom, a sign that organs are broken at some part of the body. However, which organs were affected, and for whatever reasons, it is almost impossible to determine only by the localization of pain and its nature. Speaking of pain in the kidney, with a sigh, it makes sense to mean pain in the region of the waist with a sigh.

Pain in the kidneys with the inspiration

First of all, this pain can be either two- or one-sided. The first thing that comes to mind is some form of inflammation of the kidneys from one or two sides. The pain is uncharacteristic, it can be acute, pulling, paroxysmal and completely different in time.

The most common symptoms are:

  • pain with deep inspiration or expiration in the kidney area, most often the first. Dependence on the time of day is not observed;
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  • pain syndrome, which appears or intensifies with physical activity on the right or on the left - fast walking, running, dancing;
  • pain associated with the time of day - at night, only in the morning and so on.

Such a variety of symptoms, obviously, are associated with different causes and kidneys, as practice shows, is by no means the most frequent of them.

How are these organs related to breathing? At first glance, there is no relationship between their work, and this is quite true. However, there is a mechanical connection associated with the arrangement of organs. The kidney is an organ that is somewhat mobile.

The kidney keeps the ligament in place. If it is damaged, the organ begins to move chaotically, to turn over - the syndrome of the "wandering kidney".Such biases, intensified by a deep breath, cause painful sensations.

The relationship of breathing with sensations in the kidney area

How to recognize kidney pain

However, other diseases can have similar symptoms, so it is very difficult to recognize what exactly hurts. According to statistics, 90% of such pains are associated with diseases of the spine, 6% - with the kidneys, and 4% fall on other ailments.

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For prevention of diseases and treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the Monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more »

However, by some indications, it is possible to determine what exactly caused the pain syndrome or what form indicates other diseases:

  • So, if the pain sensations coincide with the limitation of mobility or subside with the use of warming and anti-inflammatory connections and if only the right or left kidney hurts, it can be confidently said that the kidneys have nothing to do with it.
  • The organs are located on both sides of the spine and slightly above the waist. Therefore, if the pain syndrome is localized in the center or below the waist, then its cause is some other damage.
  • Problems with the kidneys are often accompanied by a characteristic swelling in the morning: first there are swelling under the eyes, a little later swells the face, and then the limbs.
  • More severe stages of kidney damage are accompanied by clouding of urine, the appearance of a drop of blood in it, an unusual distribution of urine - for example, more urine is released at night than during the day, and so on.
  • Tenderness when urinating, increasing blood pressure is a fairly characteristic symptom in combination with pain in the area of ​​the kidneys during inspiration.
  • Kidney diseases can be accompanied by impaired vision, the appearance of skin rashes, as a result of intoxication of the body. But, as a rule, at this stage the pain is localized very clearly and accompanies not only inhalation but is constant.
  • It is important to pay attention to the previous circumstances. If before the appearance of the symptom the patient performed heavy and unusual physical work, then the matter is most likely in the muscles. And if before this there was a hypothermia or blotting of the legs, inflammation of the kidney is more likely cause.
  • Pasternatsky's test is quite effective - up to 70%.When tapping in the area of ​​the placement of the kidneys, painful sensations arise.

Of course, the final diagnosis, why when inhaling kidneys, the doctor puts, and, as a rule, not one. However, preliminary imprisonment, even if independent, is also important. The fact is that the usual method of treatment for stretching muscles or osteochondrosis - which is wrong, but at least safe, is the heating of the waist. If the cause of pain is inflammation of the kidneys, it is by no means impossible. With inflammation, the kidney tissue swells, the kidney capsule is stretched, which is rich in nerve endings. This stretching leads to a pain syndrome. When the area warms up, the edema will increase, which, accordingly, will only worsen the patient's condition.

Possible causes of

All possible causes are divided into primary, associated with diseases of the spine, and secondary, caused by diseases of internal organs.

  • Osteochondrosis, not only in the lumbar region, but also in the thoracic region, is the most frequent cause of various pains in the lower back, including those taken for renal colic. The fact is that with such a disease blood circulation in the muscles around the spinal column is disturbed, accordingly, the latter ceases to receive nutrition in the proper amount, which leads to damage and destruction of the cartilages between the vertebrae. In turn, a decrease in cartilage blocks the mobility of the entire spine, leads to swelling and spasms of the surrounding muscles, and, therefore, to squeezing the nerve fibers and their damage.

Separating such a syndrome from renal colic is not so easy, as the swelling of the muscle tissue affects the position of the kidney. A squeezing of tissues around the organ quite successfully simulates pain in inflammation.

  • Intercostal neuralgia - causes very severe pain when inhaling or exhaling. If the sensations are localized not in the area of ​​the chest, but in the region of the waist, you can confuse this syndrome with a sign of inflammation of the kidney. However, it is not accompanied by any changes in the urine, does not provoke an increase in pressure or temperature, but only significantly limits mobility.
  • Gallstone disease - its clinical picture is very diverse and includes both renal, hepatic colic, and dyspepsia. To establish the diagnosis in this case it is possible only after hardware diagnostics.
  • Pancreatitis - chronic or asymptomatic accompanied by blunt aching pains that increase with inspiration, although the latter is not a characteristic feature. However, most often these feelings appear after eating food or alcohol, which is easy enough to notice. In addition, the pain quickly acquires a girdling character.

Kidneys are not often a cause of pain when inhaled or exhaled. But in this case, not everything is clear: similar symptoms have several different diseases.

  • Inflammation of the kidney - pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis. In acute cases, the disease develops quickly and leaves no room for doubt: in most cases, inflammation is accompanied by fever and a fever of 40 degrees. Pain in the lower back is acute, quickly becomes independent of neither the condition of the patient nor the situation. Dizziness, headache, rapidly accumulating signs of intoxication of the body. In chronic course, symptoms are not as pronounced. However, the temperature increase is stable, the well-being deteriorates noticeably, the skin acquires an earthy or icteric color.
  • Nephroptosis - or omission of the kidney. When the organ is in its place, its blood supply is made in a normal way. However, when displaced, the vessels - arteries and veins, begin to stretch and, accordingly, taper. As a result, the kidney does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. To "fix" this situation in renal tissues, renin is produced, which helps increase blood pressure in order to improve blood supply. But since the cause of the lack of blood is purely mechanical, the problem is not only not solving it, it also aggravates.

A deep breath causes the organ to shift even more, which leads to even more stretching and squeezing of the tissues, since swelling in this case is also inevitable. As a result, there is pain syndrome.

The second problem associated with subsidence is the difficulty in the outflow of urine. When the ureter is lowered, the ureter also changes its position, becoming crooked, and in this case the outflow of urine proves to be difficult, which leads to its stagnation.

The clinical picture of the disease is very blurred. One of the additional signs by which the disease can be identified is the difference in the blood pressure value depending on the position: in the vertical blood pressure is higher.

Renal failure with many other symptoms can also be characterized by pains that increase with a deep exhalation, and especially when coughing. However, with such severe damage, more than enough other symptoms to identify the ailment: pain during urination, noticeable pain on palpation of the area, turbidity and other changes in urine, common signs of intoxication, weight loss and so on.

On the video about the possible causes of kidney pain:

Reason to see a doctor

If you have severe pain symptoms that do not go away for several days, you should contact your doctor in any case. In most cases, especially when there is a response to the Passcnatsky test, lumbar warming is used, since osteochondrosis and other disorders in the spine are, nevertheless, a more likely cause for this kind of pain. But, firstly, in this way, this disease can not be cured, and this method brings relief very briefly. And, secondly, as already mentioned, with inflammation of the kidneys, such treatment is unacceptable.

To diagnose the disease, a number of studies are prescribed.

  • General blood test - spine diseases very rarely when affect the blood condition. But with kidney disease there is anemia, leukocytosis, increased ESR.
  • Urinalysis - with renal ailments is perhaps the most informative way. With various diseases in the urine, leukocytes and erythrocytes, protein and blood are released, the density changes, there is a pathogenic microflora and so on.
  • ultrasound - with kidney disease allows you to assess the degree of change and damage to the body: size, position, shape, the presence of stones and so on.
  • X-ray image - with osteochondrosis demonstrates a completely distinct picture of lesions: osteophytes, hernias and so on. Unfortunately, osteochondrosis does not exclude renal diseases, so this method can not be considered exhaustive.

Pain in inspiration that occurs in the lower back is a symptom of a number of diseases. To determine the exact cause, it is necessary to undergo a survey.

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