Prevention and treatment of pancreatic diseases, chronic pancreatitis - drugs, medicines, folk remedies

Experts call the prevention of pancreatitis( pancreas disease) almost the most important criterion of treatment and successful fight against it. Preventive measures will help to prevent undesirable consequences, as well as significantly reduce risk factors. The recommendations described below will help first of all patients with chronic pancreatitis, because in the case of an acute form of the disease, they are practically useless, because they are calculated and oriented mainly for the future.

What is surprising, to reduce the risk of new exacerbations and prolong the periods of remission will help simple to ugly actions and principles that are known to everyone who promotes healthy lifestyle. This is the difficulty of preventive measures to combat chronic pancreatitis - a person will have to significantly change the way of his usual life and eradicate all his bad habits.

First of all, smoking cessation should follow. The very process of smoking is extremely harmful for an absolutely healthy person, and what to say about people who have problems with the pancreas! Entering the blood from cigarettes, tar and other harmful substances cause irreparable harm and significantly increase the chance of new exacerbations of the disease.

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The next step is to stop drinking alcohol. What is harmful alcohol, you do not need to explain: it is a blockage of blood vessels, and a decrease in metabolic processes in the body, and oxygen starvation of internal organs and much, much more. By refusing cigarettes and booze, you are guaranteed to reduce the burden on the pancreas and probably prolong the period of remission for a long time.

Not surprisingly, in a row with the listed measures for treatment and prevention, experts put the culture of proper and rational nutrition, because the pancreas belongs to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Of the daily diet will have to exclude excessively greasy, sweet, salty and sour food. It is undesirable to use smoked meat, serverelata, soda and some fruits( mostly citrus fruits).We welcome the use of low-fat dairy products, poultry meat, seafood, as well as a table of mineral water. Support the work of the stomach is a special vitamin and mineral complexes.

Prophylaxis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis pancreatitis will make it necessary to seek a measure in all potentially hazardous to health. It will be necessary to revise its attitude to sports and physical activities. Unimaginative exercises, in the process of which the load on the body rises at times, can also exacerbate pancreatitis. You will also have to limit cardio training( running, jumping, etc.), because in the process of such training, internal organs shake and anticipate the consequences of such exercises rather difficult. The most acceptable option here will be specialized exercise complexes with moderate physical exertion, exercise therapy, gymnastics, breathing exercises and massage. Remember that before playing sports, you should always consult your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine the possibility or impossibility of training, as well as develop an individual training plan.

Among other things, minimize the number of visits to baths and saunas, prevent the development of pancreatic diseases associated with chronic pancreatitis and not only, avoid heavy physical labor, occupational hazards, and several times a year undergo scheduled preventive medical examinations.

Drugs and medications for pancreatic prophylaxis and treatment

For the prevention of pancreatic diseases, a number of medications are prescribed. A specific choice, which depends on the type of disease, the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases and other factors. Complex, effective treatment can be prescribed exclusively by a competent specialist. Depending on the clinical picture.

As a rule, the list of preventive medicines for the pancreas is complex. It consists of: cholinopreparations, H2-blockers and antacids, antiferment and enzyme agents. In detail, the patients are prescribed: Fosfalugel, Almagel, Festal, Enzyme Forte and many other medicines. No less popular are Creon and Contrikal.

Pancreatitis prophylaxis with folk remedies

Often, in the prevention of pancreatitis, traditional treatment is combined with the use of folk remedies. In some cases, and at all prevent the development of the ailment of the pancreas, exclusively, folk remedies. As such, mainly herbs, root crops, cereals are used. From them they make medicinal infusions, decoctions, juices, and also tinctures.

So, one of the most effective means for the prevention of pancreas, in traditional medicine is the juice of ordinary potatoes. It is obtained by extrusion from the root crop. Take it a couple of hours before a meal of 100 ml. It is recommended to use juice courses for 14 days with a further break for 2 - 3 months.

No less effective is a decoction from the root of burdock. It is preliminarily ground, after pouring 0, 5 liters of water. The resulting composition is allowed to infuse for 5 hours. And then put it on the fire and cook for exactly 30 minutes. A ready-made broth is filtered and taken after each meal of 200 ml.

Secondary prevention of chronic pancreatitis

In medicine, strictly distinguish the concepts of "primary" and "secondary" prevention of chronic pancreatitis. In the first case, the goal is to prevent the development of a chronic form of the disease. And in the second, prevention is aimed at preventing the onset of exacerbation of pancreatitis. It consists in the following actions:

  • with absolute exception of alcoholic beverages;
  • full compliance with the prescribed diet;
  • prohibition of taking medications that injure the pancreas.

Listen to your body, and it will certainly please you with the absence of pain!

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