How chemotherapy is conducted for breast cancer: types, drugs, effects, nutrition, reviews

Chemotherapeutic treatment is used in a variety of oncopathologies, in particular for breast cancer. Such treatment is used as an auxiliary method before and after surgery.

As a result, malignant cellular structures have local and systemic effects, which allows to prevent metastasis and relapse after surgical treatment of breast cancer.

Types of Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

The following types of chemotherapeutic treatment are given for fermented oncology:

  1. Therapeutic. Similar treatment is performed if there is an extensive local prevalence of the tumor process and with distant metastasis. The goal of such chemotherapy is to stop the spread of the oncoprocess and reduce its focus, as well as stop the metastasis.
  2. Adjuvant. Proactive or optional. Such treatment is carried out if the tumor formation is operable. Chemotherapy is performed before surgery, as well as after removal of tumor formation. The introduction of antitumor drugs before the operation makes it possible to determine the sensitivity of the cancerous formation to the preparations, however, it tightens the surgical intervention. The complexity is also the fact that the appointment of toxic drugs occurs at random, because it is necessary to determine the histological type of education, as well as its receptors for estrogen and progesterone drugs.
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  3. Induction. This type of chemotherapy is used for inoperable and locally advanced type of breast cancer. In a similar clinical situation, the goal of chemotherapeutic treatment is to reduce tumor formation to an operative size.

Which groups of drugs are used?

Drugs used for chemotherapy for breast cancer are divided into several therapeutic groups:

  • Alkylating are preparations based on substances that destroy protein compounds responsible for the gene structures of abnormal malignant cells. Such drugs are similar to radiation. First of all, these include cytostatics, for example, Cyclophosphamide.
  • Antimetabolites. Medicines of this group are designed to deceive cancer cell structures by embedding in their genes and bringing it to death in fission. This includes drugs such as Gemzar( or Gemcitabine), 5-fluorouracil( or 5-FU).
  • Taxi. These are preparations containing special agents that affect microtubules. In any cell there is a cytoskeleton, in which there are microtubules consisting of tubulin-specific protein. The most famous drugs of this group are Paclitaxel and Docetaxel.
  • Antibiotics. These medications have nothing to do with traditional antibiotics. The purpose of these drugs is to slow the process of gene division. The most famous remedy for this group is Adriamycin, which is combined with cyclophosphamide during treatment.

The meaning of "red" chemistry

Red chemotherapy is called treatment with drugs with the greatest toxic effect.

This is the most powerful chemotherapy of all, but it has the greatest severity of adverse reactions.

Why red? The color of the medicines used is anthracyclines, which have a bright red shade, for example, Epirubicin. There are other, less toxic forms of chemotherapy such as blue( Cyclophosphamide), yellow( Ftoruracil) and white( Taxol).

To maximize the therapeutic effect, experts recommend alternating types of chemotherapy, for example, first red, and then yellow.

This is necessary to minimize the burden on the patient's body and for the diversified impact of toxic preparations on malignant cells. In addition, this alternation makes it possible to exclude the adaptation and adaptation of oncocells to drugs.

A few years ago, mortality from breast cancer reached 25%, and today its rates have decreased to 3%.Therefore, the use of red chemotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer is a priority.

What is the course of chemotherapy for breast cancer?

During the chemotherapy course, a woman lives the same life without losing her capacity for work.

Although doctors recommend injecting drugs on Fridays so that if there are side reactions the patient has time to recover and lie down.

  1. Before the administration of the drug, the woman is measured with blood pressure and pulse, weight and height, in order to accurately calculate the dosage of the chemotherapeutic drug administered.
  2. Before treatment is prescribed mandatory premedication with the use of drugs that minimize adverse reactions.
  3. The patient is placed on a couch and is administered an infusion( via a dropper) infusion of a chemotherapeutic drug.
  4. After each treatment the woman gives blood tests for studying the level of leukocytes.
  5. When taking Citoxane and some other drugs in order to reduce the severity of adverse reactions, the patient will have to drink as much water as possible.

Consequences of

Chemotherapeutic treatment does not pass for patients without a trace.

It consists in the systemic administration of toxic and poisonous substances, therefore it causes many consequences and side reactions.

Particularly prominent side effects in patients who are chemotherapy in several courses and with high dosages.

But breast cancer tends to recur, and chemotherapy helps prevent the tumor from re-forming. Therefore, even with pronounced adverse reactions, the chemotherapeutic course is carried out to the end.

Among the most common adverse reactions the patient is referred to as:

  • Nausea-vomiting syndrome;Gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, diarrhea;
  • Reversible alopecia;
  • Lack of appetite, taste changes, aversion to previously loved dishes;
  • The feeling is nauseous;
  • Endocrine and menstrual disorders;
  • Rapid fatigue, lethargy and increased fatigue;
  • Propensity to infectious diseases;
  • Febrile state, hyperthermia;
  • Hemorrhages, bruises, bruises;
  • Anemic disorders;
  • Oppression of ovarian functions.

Food before and after

Because chemotherapy affects not only breast cancer, but also the body as a whole, women need to follow special dietary principles.

The body is in an exhausted and weakened state, it needs energy and additional vitality, which is ensured by a properly delivered and balanced diet. Its principles:

  1. In the daily diet should be 10-20% protein from the total number of calories.
  2. Carbohydrates 60-80% of total calories.
  3. 10-20% of vegetable fats per day.
  4. In the diet must include beans, cereals and cereals, fruits, vegetable dishes.
  5. Daily intake of vitamins.
  6. Drinking enough fluids per day, about 1.5-2 liters.
  7. Reduce consumption of sugar and animal food to a minimum;
  8. Eliminate the use of smoked foods, canned food, fatty and fried foods.

Increased drinking regimen is necessary because chemotherapy treatment can lead to dehydration.

For drinking non-carbonated mineral water, milk drinks, green tea, juices. If the patient has an increased swelling, then the liquid, on the contrary, will have to be limited.

There are a little, often and preferably by the hour. Categorically prohibited products like alcohol, carbonated drinks, strong tea or coffee, marinated vegetables or grown in a greenhouse, liver dishes, smoked foods, spicy and fried foods.

Reviews for the treatment of

Patients leave a lot of reviews about chemotherapy.

Anna, 38 years old:

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer - was just terrified. I was only 33 years old, and already such a diagnosis. First the tumor was removed, partially with the breast, then a chemotherapy course was assigned. The first two days nauseated and vomited so that even impossible to convey. No antiemetics helped. In the second week, hair came up. I had to cut them short. But I kept, the main thing, the result. Almost five years have passed since that time. About the disease I do not remember, although I periodically go through the examination to prevent a relapse in time.

Irina, 44:

When breast cancer was detected, he was already up to stage 3.Therefore, the breast was immediately removed. There are distant metastases, so they prescribed several courses of chemotherapy. What just was not - strongly vomited, disgusted was any food, nails and hair, along with eyelashes and eyebrows povylazili, lost weight from 72 to 45 kilograms. But now everything is over, after the last chemistry 2 years have passed. The body is restored, hair and other vegetation has grown back. Every six months I go through the examination for prophylaxis.

Some types of breast cancer are treated only chemotherapy, although in most cases, antitumor drugs relieve symptoms and inhibit the growth and spread of the tumor process.

Video about the chemotherapy of metastatic breast cancer:

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