How different types of drugs work on the human body and its psyche

There are many types of drugs, but they are all poisons and have a harmful effect on the body. Initially, a person feels euphoria, excitement or calm, but with the first dose taken, the destruction of internal organs begins. This leads to serious illnesses, mental disorders and death.

How do drugs work

All drugs have two main effects - narcotic and toxic. The narcotic effect leads to mental and physical dependencies. The toxic effect is the poisoning of the whole organism, which results in a variety of diseases.

Drugs from the group of opiates, which include heroin, methadone, raw opium, morphine, cause euphoria and have a calming effect. Psychostimulants like cocaine, ecstasy and methamphetamines, on the contrary, excite the CNS and impart a charge of vivacity. The use of hallucinogens, including LSD and marijuana, provokes psychoses with a violation of consciousness.

However, the pleasure obtained from drugs passes quickly, and it takes serious illnesses and an early death to pay for it. Both heavy and light drugs act on the structures of the brain, interfere with the metabolic processes of the central nervous system. A person begins to use drugs for the sake of euphoria, but they begin to displace and replace the natural endorphins, as a result of which dependence develops.

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Drugs, interfering with all processes of vital activity of the body, create the illusion of well-being. However, because of their toxic effect, the organism gradually breaks down, primarily the brain and the psyche.

For example, only 3-4 months of substance abuse with gasoline or glue leads to the development of mental inferiority, and after a couple of months of using morphine the patient loses its human appearance. He stops washing, caring for himself, working, he does not have any interests, except the drug.

On the video about the principle of drug action:

People who use illegal drugs significantly shorten their life expectancy. Often, they die within a few years because of diseases caused by intoxication of the body, or mutilate themselves due to mental disorders - severe depression, lack of instinct for self-preservation.

Most often, the death of drug addicts leads to:

  1. accident.
  2. Overdose.
  3. Poisoning by substandard drugs.
  4. Suicides.
  5. Sepsis.
  6. of HIV infection.
  7. Pneumonia.
  8. Chronic liver failure.
  9. Heart failure.

According to statistics, drug addicts live 5 years less than HIV-infected and oncological patients. They quickly degrade and lose interest in everything except drugs. Only a dose brings them joy, but only a short-term, and then the body again begins to demand a drug.

Physical state

One of the reasons that people start using drugs is their analgesic effect. So the addicts themselves often explain their addiction.

Pain is a signal of the body about any violations in its functioning or that there is a danger. Without it, a person becomes helpless before damage.

A person feels pain when the corresponding signal in the central nervous system passes pain receptors. They can become irritated as a result of bruises, sprains and other mechanical damages, or under the action of chemicals that release the collapsing cells.

Drugs block these receptors, as a result of which vital body functions are violated. After a while, the pain returns, and the person again looks for drugs to calm him.

Under the influence of narcotic substances in the body there are multiple changes. They interfere with metabolism and become an integral part of it. That is why physiological dependence on drugs develops, and rejection of them leads to abstinence.

After the first use of the drug, the destruction of brain cells begins.

It is caused by three main reasons:

  1. Oxygen starvation.
  2. General poisoning of the body. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

Poisons from which drugs consist, accumulate in tissues, and they are withdrawn with great difficulty. Some drugs, including amphetamines, are not completely removed from the body. Under the influence of poisonous substances, the functions of many organs are suppressed, and the human brain is a very serious blow. Drugs destroy links between neurons, and this provokes a decrease in intellectual abilities.

When drugs are used for a long time on the human body, they stop monitoring their health and diet. Not getting the necessary vitamins and minerals, the brain continues to collapse rapidly.

Drugs also depress the centers regulating cardiovascular activity. The pressure decreases, the pulse becomes less frequent, and the body begins to lack oxygen. This leads to hypoxia, because of which metabolic processes in the myocardium are disturbed, and its dystrophy develops.

Since the heart can not work at full strength, it does not provide the body with the necessary amount of oxygen. Under the influence of amphetamines, ecstasy, cocaine and other stimulants, the pressure, on the contrary, rises, and the pulse - increases.

Although the mechanism of action of these drugs is different, the consequences for the organism develop the same - the heart wears out faster and how much the addict lives on is unknown to anyone. After 3-4 years, it becomes the same as an 80-year-old man. If a drug addict does not die from an overdose or hepatitis, he eventually develops a heart failure, which entails a fatal outcome.

Diseases of the lungs often affect smokers, but drugs cause even greater harm to the paired body. For example, marijuana, which is considered to be harmless by many, is smoke-free without a filter, so 4 times more tar and soot are absorbed into the human body by its use than with cigarette smoke. In grass lovers, not only does chronic bronchitis develop faster, but the risk of lung cancer increases.

Almost all types of drugs reduce appetite, which leads to a reduction in nutrition and complete exhaustion. Also, under the influence of illicit drugs, especially opiates, the synthesis of digestive enzymes deteriorates, and with it digestion of food is hampered. Violated and motor activity of the intestine, which leads to abdominal pain and constipation.

Because of its toxic effect, drugs heavily load the liver, because this very body is responsible for removing poisons from the body. Therefore, among drug addicts, cirrhosis develops much more often than alcoholics.

The effect of drugs on the reproductive system is expressed in a decrease in libido and impotence. In addition, many drugs cause mutations - for example, LSD.After taking just one dose of "acid", irreversible chromosomal changes can occur.

The impact of various types of drugs on the body

According to the theory of Ron Hubbard, the author of the well-known drug dependence treatment, drugs and other toxins get stuck in adipose tissue, so they remain in the body for many years. As a result, these deposits continue to destroy a person after the drug has stopped.

According to Hubbard, the remnants of toxic substances, entrenched in adipose tissue, worsen perception, provoke lethargy, apathy, confusion of thoughts. Therefore, before rehabilitation it is necessary to conduct a deep detoxification of the organism and neutralize the action of poisons accumulated in it.

Psychological problems of

Drugs increase the production of dopamine - a substance that causes impulses between neurons of the brain. As a result, a person experiences pleasure, for which many people are trying illegal drugs.

There is euphoria with the illusion of weightlessness of the body and the erasure of space-time boundaries. However, this is a false state, which is also observed in certain mental illnesses. In addition, it is euphoria that plays a key role in the development of addiction, because the desire to experience it pushes a person to the following methods of the drug.

After a pleasant experience, the opposite process is launched. The amount of dopamine is sharply reduced, causing depression, lethargy, irritability, lack of the drug provokes "breakage".If a person begins to take drugs to cheer up or relax, then later he seeks a dose to overcome severe depression, but he does not always succeed.

Longevity narcotic depression often develops. They are dangerous because they lead to serious mental disorders. A person literally falls out of the real world.

The greatest harm to the mental state of a person is caused by hallucinogens. They often cause psychosis, lead to moral degradation and personal disintegration, and also damage the instinct of self-preservation. A man has a craving for flying, because of which he can dump from the roof or step out of the window.

Documentary about the impact of drugs on the human psyche:

The destruction of brain neurons caused by drug use provokes:

  • decreased learning ability;
  • memory degradation;
  • amnesia( with an overdose);
  • mental disorders;
  • hallucinations.

Drugs provoke the development of mental disorders, because they affect the processes of excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system. They change the ratio of pleasure and displeasure centers, because of which the psychoemotional state of the patient becomes unstable. He can rejoice without reason, and the next second - to huddle in a corner, experiencing a strong fear.

Due to the rupture of neural connections under the influence of drugs, a person loses the ability to apply existing knowledge in practice. He can not service himself, he ceases to be aware of what is happening, he begins to behave inadequately. All this sooner or later leads to dementia.

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