Allergic myocarditis: symptoms, treatment, stages, diagnosis

For myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle occurs due to external or internal factors. Despite the relative scarcity( 7% of all heart diseases) myocarditis is dangerous because it can be secretive, developing to dangerous complications.

Features of the disease

Allergic myocarditis most often affects men aged 20-60 years. Its greatest prevalence is seen in Europe.

Allergic myocarditis manifests the same in all age groups, however, children notice additional symptoms: irritability, lethargy, general malaise, decreased performance.

Forms of

Modern classification divides several forms of allergic myocarditis:

  1. drug;
  2. serum;
  3. post vaccination;
  4. transplant;

There are also several classifications for manifestations, flow and morphology. So, according to the manifestations, myocarditis forms are distinguished:

  1. asthmatic;
  2. pain;
  3. mixed;
  4. arrhythmic;
  5. is asymptomatic;
  6. thromboembolic;

On morphological manifestations will identify 2 forms:

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  • Interstitial.
  • Parinocytosis.

Forms directly depend on the causes of the disease. Allergic myocarditis has several scenarios of the course: acute with pronounced symptomatology, subacute, chronic with prolonged course and latent, leaking secretly.

The following video will tell you about the symptoms and different forms of myocarditis:


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Causes of

In the case of myocarditis, the standard mechanism of an allergic reaction acts. Allergy is formed against the background of the struggle of the immune system with one's own organism. The condition forms an abnormal response of the immune system, which causes the accumulation of immune complexes in the body, which, due to a large amount, affect the target organ.

There are certain factors that contribute to the emergence of allergies, i.e., allergic myocarditis:

  • Taking medications in large amounts, most often antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs.
  • Vaccinations, especially in adulthood or their group. For example, children are often given DTP together with hepatitis vaccinations or polio drops, which is why weakened immunity can not cope with them.
  • Infections, most commonly streptococcus. In this case, they speak of an infectious-allergic myocarditis.
  • Surgery for organ / tissue transplant, most commonly replacement of heart valves.
  • Poisoning by toxic substances.

The latter may be due to external factors, for example, the intake of drugs or alcohol, or internal. In the case of internal, the body can produce toxins due to any pathologies, for example, hyperthyroidism or chronic renal failure.

We will talk about the symptoms and treatment of allergic myocarditis later.

Symptoms of

The symptoms of the disease largely depend on how much the heart is affected. So, at the initial stages allergic myocarditis can proceed without symptoms. In rare cases, the symptomatology is expressed strongly at once.

There is no specific symptomatology in allergic myocarditis. In general, the disease manifests itself as "cardiac" symptoms, for example:

  1. shortness of breath;
  2. bradycardia;
  3. heart rhythm disturbances;
  4. by hypotension;
  5. fast fatigue;

Patients also notice pain in the area of ​​the heart muscle with a aching, blunt character.


When a patient comes to see a doctor, the patient begins a diagnosis with a history of life and complaints. This can help to establish the cause of myocarditis. After this, the doctor conducts a physical examination, which can reveal tachycardia, gallop rhythm, stagnation in the lungs and other indicators of inflammation.

After preliminary diagnosis, the doctor prescribes additional studies:

  • Chest X-ray, which determines whether the heart is widened.
  • ECG for determining the degree of myocardial damage.
  • EchoCG for determining the degree of myocardial dysfunction. Isotope study of the heart.

The patient may also be given additional tests, such as MRI, blood tests, and others.


Myocarditis is treated in the hospital, as it allows to ensure its maximum effectiveness. The basis of treatment is drug therapy. The operation is not required.


During the hospital, the patient must comply with bed rest and a diet high in vitamins and minerals. Also, he can write out hardware procedures for cleaning blood, for example, plasmapheresis.


Drug therapy is prescribed according to the cause of the diseases. For example, if this poisoning is toxic substances, then the patient is detoxified. Also prescribed drugs that eliminate the symptoms of the disease:

  1. antihistamine;
  2. immunosuppressive;
  3. is an anti-inflammatory;

If necessary, antiarrhythmic drugs and diuretics may be used.

Prevention and recommendations

Preventative measures also apply to patients who have already suffered allergic myocarditis, since they are at risk. To avoid the occurrence of myocarditis, including relapse, it is necessary: ​​

  • To consult a cardiologist once a half a year and have a full instrumental examination.
  • Do not overcool, protect yourself from colds.
  • Tempering and taking multivitamins at the rate.
  • Take only those drugs that have been prescribed by a doctor, to avoid self-medication.
  • Avoid contact with toxic substances.
  • Timely treat emerging diseases.

Those who have already suffered allergic myocarditis, it is necessary to undergo maintenance therapy at the rate.

Different types of myocarditis( infectious, allergic) suggest different symptoms and procedures, as will be discussed later.

More details on the methods of prophylaxis of myocarditis will be described by E. Malysheva in her video:

Differences from infectious-allergic myocarditis

Infectious allergic myocarditis is the most frequent case of myocarditis. As the name suggests, it develops against the background of an infectious infection of the body. As statistics show, more than 70% of patients with infectious-allergic myocarditis have chronic infections.

Complications of

Since allergic myocarditis may not manifest immediately, the risk of its late diagnosis is great. This, in turn, contributes to the development of complications:

  • Myocarditis cardiosclerosis, when scar tissue grows in the myocardium and deforms the valves.
  • Heart failure.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances, such as arrhythmia.
  • Thromboembolism.

Rarely, allergic myocarditis can lead to sudden cardiac death.


In most cases, the prognosis is good, as myocarditis responds positively to treatment. Five-year survival after surgery is more than 80%.However, among those who have recovered from allergic myocarditis, there are frequent cases of relapses( more than 30%).

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