Cookies for gastritis, can oatmeal and waffles be taken?

All doctors treat the liver in their own way. Someone generally recommends not eating this kind of sweet with gastritis, but someone, on the contrary, very much welcomes. So, how is the situation really in fact? In principle, if someone permits and has not harmed anyone yet, then all the same it is possible. Let's try to disassemble all the nuances in more detail.

There are a lot of varieties of cookies on the market today, and here lies the whole clue. Of all the varieties, there are those that are exactly what you can eat. Firstly, it should be dry, preferably not rich. In this type are such varieties as gallet or oat.

Gallet biscuits are generally considered the most useful. Because of its simple composition, it can safely be referred to as hypoallergenic, dietary and low-calorie. And this is exactly what the doctor prescribed in the case of gastritis. There is nothing better. The composition is very lean: water and flour. At the same time, it is quite pleasant by taste qualities.

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Oatmeal cookies for gastritis

Oatmeal cookies for gastritis can be eaten. But in everything, again, there must be a measure. You can buy it from the store, and do it yourself. It is always better that it is prepared by own hands from natural and fresh ingredients. In addition, it is the best way to provide your body with healthy food and monitor the presence of preservatives and unnecessary additives in foods.

Homemade oat biscuits with fruit puree


  • Flakes - 2 small glasses;
  • Fruit puree( any to taste) - 200 grams;
  • Soaked dried fruits - 40-50 grams;
  • Coconut shaving - 10 grams.


The first step is to crush the flakes almost to a mushy state. For this, a coffee grinder or a blender is good. All the ingredients need to be mixed and the dough is ready. It remains only to make a form and put it on a baking tray. Bake at 190 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Wafers for gastritis

Now there is another question: what about waffles? All the same, it all depends on their type, fat and caloric content. In this regard, everyone expresses their opinion in different ways. People are divided into two fronts: those who are for and those who are against. Most do not trust wafers because of their fat content. Cream in their filling is usually used creamy or chocolate. This combination can cause discomfort. At the same time if you really want to, feel free to try. But you should try with caution. It is better to eat and see how the stomach will feel. If nothing terrible has happened and the pain is not felt, feel free to include wafers in your diet with gastritis. Just remember that overdoing should not be.1 or 2 in the lunch after the main menu for a cup of tea, probably will not hurt.

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