Varicose veins on the legs: treatment with folk remedies, prevention, surgery

Varicose veins on the lower extremities consists in the expansion of superficial veins on the legs, which is accompanied by impaired blood flow and valve function.

In women, varicose veins are more common than in men, due to hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, lactation and menopause. Also the difference between male and female varicose in the localization, which is especially pronounced in the perineum.

Causes of

Lower limb varicose occurs in about 15% of cases due to a predisposition to the disease. In other cases, the disease is caused by excessive strain on the veins. Factors associated with the development of the disease can be called:

  1. sedentary lifestyle without normal muscle activity;
  2. is over 40 years of age;
  3. work in a sitting position;
  4. pregnancy( along with varicose veins can develop and varicose veins of the small pelvis, labia, etc.);
  5. use of hormonal medications, including contraceptives;
  6. high cholesterol;
  7. weight above normal;
  8. instagram viewer
  9. flat feet;
  10. of the spinal column;
  11. smoking and alcohol abuse;
  12. abuse of sauna and solarium visits;
  13. permanent acceptance of hot tubs;
  14. constant lifting of heavy objects;
  15. excessively tight clothes;

There is also secondary varicose, which appears against a cured thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, and also due to congenital pathologies, for example, dysplasia or arterio-venous fistulas. It is very rare to have congenital vein obstruction, which leads to secondary varicose veins and is called Klippel-Trenone syndrome.

The following video contains useful information on the cause of the occurrence of varicose veins in women:

Symptoms of

Varicosity manifests itself even in the early stages and is accompanied by such symptoms:

  1. severity in the lower limbs;
  2. enlarged veins, from nodes to large conglomerates;
  3. feeling of fatigue in the legs;
  4. convulsions, increasing in standing position, decreasing when lying;
  5. pain, aching and bursting nature;
  6. burning sensation;
  7. edema, especially pronounced in the region of the foot, ankle and lower leg;

It is noteworthy that the symptomatology intensifies in the evening.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;


Diagnosis can be performed even the first time you see a doctor, because the enlarged veins are clearly visible. However, in order to confirm the diagnosis and to check for complications, additional studies are being prescribed:

  • An-z of general blood. The level of erythrocytes shows a thickening of blood, leukocytes - the presence of thrombophlebitis, and the level of platelets - the presence of blood clotting disorders.
  • of the legs. Confirms varicose veins, shows its localization.
  • Rheovasography. Determines the stage of the disease.
  • Phlebography. If previous studies failed to confirm varicose veins, intravenous contrast agent is injected to assess the state of the venous system.

Additional studies and consultations with phlebologists may also be prescribed. Next, we talk about what to do and how to treat varicose veins in women and men.



Therapeutic treatment is performed in conjunction with a surgical procedure, or when:

  • a patient with a chronic form of venous insufficiency prepares for surgery;
  • operation is postponed for an indefinite period;
  • provides rehabilitation after surgical treatment;

Therapeutic methods are aimed at maximum safety of the patient's working capacity, elimination of signs of the disease, as well as prevention of his relapses. The methods include compression and drug therapy.

Compression therapy consists of wearing elastic bandages, compression knitwear and a bandage. Thus, the pressure created by compression therapy helps:

  1. to reduce the diameter of veins;
  2. to increase lymphatic drainage;
  3. to accelerate blood flow in the veins.


Drug therapy is aimed at increasing the tone of the veins, reducing the permeability of capillaries, improving lymph drainage and microcirculation, as well as stopping the inflammatory process. For this, the patient is prescribed drugs:

  1. alpha-benzopropines;
  2. flavonoids;
  3. derived routine;
  4. pycnogenol;
  5. saponins;

As well as synthetic substances.

And then you should talk about the operation to remove varicose veins, which has many positive reviews.


Surgical treatment is the most effective. There are several operations that allow you to get rid of varicose veins. Previously, an open surgery was used, which is now less and less common, as it is often complicated and difficult to tolerate by patients. Most in demand now:

  • Microflebectomy. On the lower limbs I make punctures, after which the affected areas are removed. In this case, the operation is carried out using a video camera, which transmits the image to the monitor.
  • Sclerotherapy. The operation involves the introduction of a drug, gluing the walls with the disappearance of veins. Especially effective in vascular asterisks and reticular varicose veins.
  • Laser removal. The most popular method of treatment, because it is inexpensive and does not bear complications, can treat both varicose veins and trophic ulcers. The venous walls are heated by a laser, after which they dissolve.
  • Radiofrequency obliteration. The method is safe and is accompanied by a simple rehabilitation period. The operation consists in heating the probe from the metal by means of microwave radiation. The heated probe destroys the inner vein of the vein.

The operation should be selected with the attending physician in order to avoid possible complications.

On how to get rid of varicose veins on your legs and whether it is possible at all with the help of folk remedies, read on.

About sclerotherapy as a method of treating varicose veins of the lower limbs, the doctor tells the following video:

Is it possible to treat folk remedies

It is impossible to completely cure varicose veins with folk remedies. All folk remedies are aimed at diluting blood and improving microcirculation, which has no special effect on varicose veins.

However, folk remedies can help to remove the symptoms of the disease, so they can be used in conjunction with traditional means prescribed by a doctor.

At home

Treatment of varicose veins on the legs at home is in compliance with the doctor's recommendation. In the initial stages of varicose can indeed be cured without surgery and with the help of medicines, medical gymnastics and compression therapy. It is not superfluous to attend massages and follow preventive measures.

And now it's time to talk about the prevention of varicose veins on the legs.

More details on the possibility of treating leg varicose in the home will be described by the following video:

Prevention of the disease

It is impossible to completely prevent the appearance of varicose veins, however, it is possible to reduce the possibility of its occurrence with the help of preventive measures:

  • discard bad habits;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • do gymnastics;
  • visit massage if possible;
  • avoid large loads on the veins;

Also, with a heavy workload on the veins, it is necessary to wear compression knitwear, visit a phlebologist and take venotonics.

Photo of varicose veins on the legs

Complications of

Wrong treatment of varicose veins. So, approximately in 22% of cases there is an occurrence of trophic ulcers, and in 25% - a thrombophlebitis. If the varicose itself does not carry a threat to the life of the patient, then its complications require urgent treatment.

Complications of varicose include:

  • Thrombophlebitis. It can develop into a thrombosis.
  • Trophic ulcers. Without treatment, the causes, ulcers do not heal and constantly recur, carrying an intolerable pain.
  • Thromboembolism. Without treatment, it develops into cardiac or respiratory failure and leads to death in half the cases.

Individual symptoms may also occur, such as severe pain and general deterioration in health.


Forecast for treatment is very favorable. More than 80% of patients completely restore their efficiency with proper and timely treatment of the disease. With secondary and complicated varicosity, work capacity is reduced in about half of patients.

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