Hardware phonoelectrophoresis: how many sessions are needed for treatment, indications

Various methods of physiotherapy are actively used by doctors in the treatment of patients in combination with diseases of the ear, throat, nose, eyes and skin. Physical factors can be natural or created artificially.

It is possible to use light and water, natural objects and landscape, and among the specially selected factors, the changed types of electrical and mechanical energy are available. The therapeutic effect has such components, the energy of which can absorb body tissues.

The energy that remains outside can not positively influence the process. Phonoelectrophoresis is one of the components of physiotherapy, in which ultrasound and a constant electric current are combined.


Phonoelectrophoresis, as one of the physiotherapy procedures, proved itself well in the treatment of neurosensory hearing loss. In this case, drugs quickly fall into the necessary area of ​​the inner ear, avoiding other places, and the action begins much faster.

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With FEF, the drugs administered last longer and the healing effect is prolonged.

Exposure to the body

With the help of ultrasonic waves, drugs penetrate more easily into the biological tissues of the body by increasing their permeability and enhancing the transport of liquids in the capillaries. Ultrasound causes molecules of introduced substances to be more mobile, while their reactivity increases.

More drug in the body is the result of a long-term effect from its use. Due to ultrasound, side effects of drugs are reduced. Drugs in the aquatic environment have the highest activity in the ultrasound field.

They enter the blood in an hour, reaching a maximum concentration of 12 hours. The increase in the duration of exposure and its intensity requires a larger amount of the drug that is needed by the body.

Indications for

procedure: Background phonoelectrophoresis is indicated for neurosensory hearing loss, as drugs can penetrate the hematolabyrinth barrier. Assign this procedure to various eye diseases:

  • corneal infiltration of various etiologies;
  • delayed absorption of exudate;
  • of the blood in the anterior chamber;
  • is an intense opacification of the vitreous humor.

Technique for conducting phonoelectrophoresis


Electrophoresis may not be administered to patients with foreign bodies from the metal in the organ of vision. It is not prescribed for:

  • severe endocrine disorders;
  • psycho-neurotic diseases;
  • organic lesions of the nervous system;
  • severe hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the hematopoiesis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • recurrent diseases;
  • complicated retinal detachment;
  • myopia in progress;
  • epilepsy.

The benefits of phonoelectrophoresis in our video:

Procedure for

The procedure is carried out by applying a drug substance to the skin. And then at a certain frequency - 880 kHz for the body surface and 2640 kHz for the face skin, the device injects the drugs into the body. Ultrasound from 20 to 40 kHz for phonophoresis has recently been used.

Benefits of

Phonoelectrophoresis is a catalyst for oxidation-reduction processes, it improves blood circulation in all vessels. FEP stimulates regeneration, relieves inflammation, improves the condition of connective tissue, relieves spasms and relieves pain syndrome.

Phonoelectrophoresis is gaining popularity with its availability and proven effectiveness.

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