Congestive kidney: what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment

The main function of the kidneys is the filtration of blood, as well as excretion of urine, metabolic products and toxic substances. If for some reason the kidney functions are violated, it provokes the development of various pathological renal conditions such as pyelonephritis or ICD, hydronephrosis, congestive kidney, etc.

Congestive kidney - what is it?

The concept of a congestive kidney in nephrology indicates a violation of the general and renal blood flow, accompanied by dystrophy of the kidney tissues and hyperemia of renal vessels, caused by a deficit of blood flow. Usually a similar pathological picture is observed against a background of myocardial insufficiency, why such a kidney is also called cardiac. If the pathology proceeds in a sufficiently pronounced and severe form, then a renal infarct is diagnosed.

Causes of

In the development of a congestive or cardiac kidney, the following factors are important:

  • In the blood, the concentration of catecholamines increases, which causes spasmodic renal arterioles. As a result, mainly in the cortical tissues against the background of spasms, there is a significant decrease in blood flow in the kidney structures.
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  • The lowered blood flow causes glomerular filtration disturbances, which further leads to a delay in the body of water and sodium.
  • Against the backdrop of the processes occurring there is a change in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, against which the secondary form of hyperaldosteronism develops( this is a pathology in which the adrenal cortex begins to produce a large amount of aldosterone hormone).As a result, sodium retention is further increased, which only aggravates the patient's condition.

Symptoms of

The congestive kidney is significantly heavier than the normal organ due to stagnation of blood in it and has a variety of morphological structural changes. Externally, the cardiac kidney acquires a reddish-blue hue with some yellow patchiness.

The cerebral and cortical substance of the organ is clearly divided, and the glomerular structures noticeably increase. The bloody place in the renal arteries causes vascular enlargement, in the tubules the erythrocyte and leukocyte blood cells are detected. The substance of the kidneys is atrophied, and at the incision the connective tissue growths are determined.

In general, the cardiac kidney is indicated by such symptomatic manifestations:

  • The presence in the urine of protein components;
  • Renal Hyperemia;
  • Decrease in daily diuresis;
  • The presence of erythrocyte cells in urine;
  • High pressure;
  • The predominance of nocturnal urination.

The most important sign of a congestive kidney is proteinuria and nocturia. At night, puffiness in patients is lost by increasing night diuresis.


For specialists, it is usually easy to diagnose this diagnosis, since the picture is quite clear. The syndrome must be differentiated with pathological renal conditions such as glomerulonephritis or amyloidosis, etc. Radiologic studies, laboratory diagnostics of blood and urines, magnetic resonance imaging and CT, doppler and ultrasound diagnosis are prescribed.

Also a very informative method is considered a cystoscopy, which allows you to trace urination and see ureteral canals. Angiography in the syndrome of congestive kidney is considered the most informative diagnostic method. A procedure is performed using a radioactive isotope preparation capable of transmitting X-rays and leaving marks.

We recommend
For prevention of diseases and treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more ยป


The main direction of therapy is neutralization of myocardial insufficiency. For this purpose, drugs such as Digitalis or Strofantin are prescribed, which have a positive effect on the kidney circulation, expand the vascular pathways, thereby improving blood flow. The increased release of sodium elements causes an increase in urination, which increases the daily diuresis. Recommended therapeutic diet with minimal salt intake, as well as the intake of diuretic potassium and calcium salts.

The maximum diuretic effect is achieved by taking soluble substances from the group of sulfonamides and mercury preparations, for example, Diamox or Diakarb, Merkuzal or Novurit. These drugs increase sodium release, reduce swelling and weight of the patient, reduce blood pressure. Sometimes there is a need for a patient to undergo hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

Importance is given to the diet. It is necessary to maximally enrich the daily menu with diuretics like watermelons and cucumbers, zucchini and beets, dried apricots and pumpkins. Fractional four meals a day with a restriction of liquid to one and a half liters. You can dairy products, steam meat and fish, berry juices and fruit drinks, fruit and vegetables. Under the ban, fat, canned, smoked and salted, chocolate and coffee, seasonings, beans.


To prevent renal disease, it is necessary to limit the intake of foods that can disrupt the normal functionality of the kidney structures in the diet. The exact diet is selected individually.

Strengthening the immune status also positively affects the body's condition and reduces the likelihood of kidney diseases. In fact, a congestive kidney is not an independent pathology, but a syndrome that subsequently developed cardiovascular disorders, therefore, it is necessary to additionally conduct prophylaxis of cardiovascular pathologies, avoid conflict and stress situations, nerve strains, etc.

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