Atrioventricular node rhythm of the heart: ECG, treatment, diagnosis

Rhythm disturbances cause various diseases and functional disruptions. This can be a subtle phenomenon or cause serious ailments. Heart health should be treated with attention, if there are indispositions, the right action will be to seek advice from a cardiologist.

Features of the phenomenon

Nature programmed that the heart rhythm sets the sinus node. Pulses go along a conducting system, which branches into the walls of the chambers. The atrioventricular node is located in the system, which conducts pulses below the sinus node in the atrium.

The task of the atrioventricular node is to reduce the pulse rate when it is transferred to the ventricles. This is to ensure that the systole of the ventricles does not coincide with the contraction of the atria, and follows immediately after their diastole. If in the creation of heart rhythms are violations for various reasons, the atrioventricular node is able in a sense to assume the mission to set the heart rate. This phenomenon is called an atrioventricular nodal rhythm.

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In this case, the heart, guided by impulses from the atrioventricular system, has contractions of one minute 40 ÷ 60 times. Passive impulses act for a long period. The atrioventricular nodal rhythm of the heart is established when there are six or more strokes, defined as regular replacements of the heart. How does the impulse originate from the atrioventricular node: it passes by a retrograde motion upward to the atria and a natural movement downward, affecting the ventricles.

Observations show that circulatory disorders in the atrioventricular rhythm occur if the heart beat per minute occurs less than forty or more than one hundred and forty strokes. Negative manifestation affects the insufficient blood supply to the heart, kidneys, brain.

Forms and types of

Atrioventricular rhythm happens:

  • Accelerated AV nodal rhythm - cuts per minute within 70-130 strokes. The disorder occurs as a consequence of:
    • myocarditis,
    • glycoside intoxication,
    • rheumatic attack,
    • myocardial infarction,
    • heart operations.
  • Slow rhythm is characterized by a frequency of cuts per minute ranging from 35 to 60 times. This type of atrioventricular rhythm occurs due to violations:
    • as a negative reaction to taking medications,
    • with AB blockade,
    • in case the sinus node does not perform its functions,
    • as a result of increased parasympathetic tone.

AV rhythm occurs in such manifestations:

  • when first atrial excitation occurs, the
  • of the ventricle and atrial pulses are received simultaneously, and their reduction also occurs at the same time.

For the reasons for the appearance of ectopic and other types of AV nodal rhythm, see below.


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Causes of atrioventricular nodal rhythm

The atrioventricular node participates in creating rhythm under such circumstances:

  • If the sinus rhythm does not enter the atrioventricular node. This may be due to:
    • sinoauric blockade,
    • sinus node does not cope with its function,
    • atrioventricular block;
    • arrhythmia with delayed sinus rhythm - bradycardia,
    • if pulses from ectopic foci located in the atrium do not have the ability to get into the atrioventricular node.
  • Atrioventricular rhythm can be caused by such diseases:
    • myocarditis,
    • atrial infarction,
    • acute myocardial infarction,
    • heart defects,
    • hypertension.
  • Rhythm disturbances can trigger drug intoxication:
    • morphine,
    • foxglove preparations,
    • guanethidine,
    • reserpine,
    • quinidine,
    • strophanthin.

About the causes of AV rhythm in a child will tell a video of Elena Malysheva:

Symptoms of

The manifestation of atrioventricular rhythm coincides with the symptoms of that arrhythmia that initiated the occurrence of this problem. The severity of a condition depends on how severe the manifestations of the underlying disease are.

There are three main signs:

  • the first tone of the heart has a strong tone sound,
  • in the cervical veins there is noticeable pulsation,
  • bradycardia, which has the right rhythm( the number of cuts per minute: 40-60 beats).

With prolonged atrioventricular rhythm due to heart disease, there may be:

  • heart failure,
  • acute conditions associated with Morgagni-Edessa-Stokes syndrome,
  • syncope,
  • angina.

Diagnostics of

The main method for determining AV rhythms is the Electrocardiogram - the recording of electrical impulses of the heart on a paper carrier. The results of the ECG study indicate a nodal imbalance or no problems.

Treatment of

If sinus bradycardia is observed and the nodal rhythm manifests itself for a short time, then treatment of this phenomenon does not occur.

In the case when the rhythm disturbance manifests itself vividly, leads to a worsening of blood circulation, then medical procedures are provided.


The treatment of rhythm disturbance is the activities that will translate the atrioventricular rhythm into the sinus rhythm. The main diseases are treated, they affect the vegetative system.

Heart health is always helped by healthy habits:

  • outdoor walks,
  • loads should be moderate,
  • cigarette refusal,
  • positive thinking.


A specialist can prescribe medications:

  • isoprenaline - is used by intravenous infusion, combining the drug with glucose solution or
  • atropine - is used intravenously.

Drugs may cause unwanted effects:

  • angina,
  • , pressure reduction,
  • ventricular arrhythmias.

If the patient does not receive these medicines, then the doctor can use the aminophylline intravenously or in the form of tablets instead.

If prior to the treatment of atrioventricular rhythm were used drugs that can cause rhythm disturbance, they should be discarded. These are:

  • digitalis preparations,
  • guanethidim,
  • quinidine,
  • antiarrhythmics
  • and others.


In case of abnormalities of rhythms caused by serious heart diseases, an exercise is required to restore and maintain the right heart rate. For this purpose, a simple operation is performed to introduce a pacemaker into the patient's body.

Folk remedies

You can drink infusions and decoctions of herbs. Recipes must necessarily be discussed with a doctor who observes the patient.

Recipe No.1

In a glass of boiling water, infuse herbs and seeds taken in equal amounts( 20 g):

  • goldenroot grass,
  • flaxseed( ground),
  • heron motherwort,
  • valerian root,
  • of viburnum shoots.

Infusion drink in small sips for a month.

Recipe №2

Prepare the infusion with the components taken in equal amounts( 40 g), mixing them with a glass of boiling water:

  • balm of medicinal,
  • grass motherwort,
  • buckwheat flowers,
  • goldenroot grass.

The broth is drunk in small sips for fourteen days. After a week's break, repeat the reception of herbal infusions as well as the first time.

Prevention of


  1. Carefully use preparations:
    • reserpine,
    • digoxin,
    • morphine,
    • strophantine,
    • antiarrhythmics to avoid creating a prerequisite for rhythm disturbance with replacement of the influence of the main pacemaker on atrioventricular impulses.
  2. To treat heart diseases that can cause these disorders in a timely manner,
  3. Carry out medical and preventive measures to prevent:
    • Acidosis - a change in the acid-base balance towards an acidic reaction can cause irregularities in the heart. It is necessary to treat diseases that initiate an increase in the acidic environment, choose the right diet, using specialist advice.
    • Hyperkalemia - occurs with elevated blood levels of potassium cations. Potassium is a mineral necessary for the health of the kidneys, heart and general condition. If its content is much higher than the required rate, then this can cause a risk of heart rhythm disturbances and other problems. This happens if the body does not cope well with excretion of the substance, or the use of potassium in supplements and preparations occurs in doses exceeding the need for this substance.
    • Hypoxia - a condition where tissues suffer from a lack of oxygen. It is necessary to investigate the cause of the phenomenon and follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Complications of

Consequences of heart rhythm disturbances are determined by the underlying disease that caused these disorders.


If the atrioventricular rhythm lasts a short period with sinus bradycardia or rhythm migration, then we can talk about a good prognosis. It's another matter if the nodal rhythm is caused by dangerous disorders, for example:

  • with serious heart diseases,
  • with atrioventricular blockade,
  • with intoxication.

A low nodal rhythm leads to serious manifestations. For example, if the situation of rhythm disturbance has led to heart failure, then this phenomenon is irreversible.

Since the atrioventricular rhythm appears as a result of a whole complex of diseases and disorders, the prognosis depends precisely on those primary causes that caused heart rhythm disturbances.

More details about AV blockade as a cause of nodal rhythm disorders will be told by the video below:

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