Isoptin: analogues, reviews, prices, indications and contraindications, instructions

Isoptin is a medicament used to eliminate the symptoms of certain forms of arterial hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias. The drug is an improved form of the analogue - Verapamil with the same active substance. So, let's take a closer look at the indications and contraindications for taking Isoptin, its instructions, analogues, prices and reviews of patients and doctors.

Features of the preparation


The chemical composition of the isoptin tablet is composed of an active substance, auxiliary substances to facilitate absorption in the gastrointestinal mucosa and substances that make up the tablet shell. Active substance Isoptina - hydrochloride verapamil. Excipients are hydrophosphate calcium dihydrate, stearic magnesium, silica in colloid form, cellulose in microcrystals, disintegrant croscarmellose sodium NF.

The chemical composition of the tablet shell forms titanium oxide, talc, an ethylene glycol-based macrogol, lauryl sulfate sodium, hypromellose.

Dosage forms

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Drug Isoptine pharmaceutical production is offered in two forms: solution for injection and tablet.

  • Isoptin solution is packaged in ampoules with a capacity of 2 ml. Cardboard boxes with ampoules include 5 to 50 ampoules. The content of verapamil hydrochloride in each ampoule is 5 mg.
  • In one tablet of Isoptin 40 or 80 mg of active ingredient. Tablets are in blisters for 20 pieces. A cardboard box holds 5 blisters. Tablets are white, the form is biconvex, round. On one side of the tablet is engraved the figure 40, on the other - a triangle. Tablets with 80 mg of verapamil hydrochloride have a figure of "80" on one side. The other side has a separating label and the inscription "KNOLL".

The price of the drug varies depending on the manufacturer, the number of tablets or ampoules in the package. The average price for isoptin prolonged action in tablets( in the package - 30 pieces) is 390 rubles.

Pharmacological action of

  • Verapamil hydrochloride inhibits the influx of calcium ions to the smooth muscle cells of the coronary arteries and the striated myofibrils of the cardiac myocardium.
  • Reduces oxygen consumption in the heart muscle by reducing oxidative phosphorylation in muscle mitochondria and reducing the amount of postload on the heart muscle.
  • Restricting the influx of calcium ions to myofibrils of the heart and cardiac vessels, verapamil causes an increase in cardiac capacity in relation to blood. Perfusion increases even in those areas that have been exposed to stenosis.
  • Verapamil relieves heart spasms.
  • Vascular resistance decreases, resulting in a decrease in systolic pressure without increasing the heart rate. Reductions in blood pressure do not occur with normal indices.
  • The frequency of cardiac contractions is practically unchanged( in some cases it varies insignificantly) with the action of Verapamil. The drug normalizes the rhythms of the heart in the presence of pathologies( atrial fibrillation).
  • The electric pulse in the atrioventricular node is delayed, resulting in a normal heart rhythm as a whole and a separate area restored.

Farmakodinostika Isoptina

One-time use of verapamil in voluntary subjects reveals a bioavailability index of 22%.Systemic drug use increases bioavailability to 45%.The change in dynamic parameters is explained by the effect of the first passage through hepatic hepatocytes. Absorption of the active substance in the microvilli of the small intestine is 90%.

The maximum concentration of the active substance is detected 1.5 hours after the use of Isoptin. Complexes with proteins form 90% of verapamil. The half-life of the compound is 3 hours( minimum), 7 hours( maximum).Intermediate decay products of Verapamil do not have pharmacological activity, with the exception of norverapamil, whose activity fluctuates within 20% of the active substance.


84% of the active substance is excreted through the urinary system, the rest is removed by the intestine. The first day excreted about half of Verapamil, after five days - 70%.In the original form, no more than 4% of the drug is excreted. Verapamil freely passes the hematomolar and hematoplacental barriers.


For prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, our readers advise the drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Patients with hepatic diseases have a half-life index higher due to insufficient oral clearance. The drug is not excreted during the procedure of hemodialysis. The parameters of renal excretion of the drug did not reveal differences in patients with healthy kidneys and having severe pathologies.


  • systolic hypertension;
  • supraventricular arrhythmias in the form of paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • atrial flutter with a pronounced increase in rhythm;
  • various forms of angina( stable, chronic, unstable, Prinzmetal).

Lactation after taking Isoptin is stopped. The drug is not prescribed for pregnant women and children under 18 years of age. The use is justified in pregnancy, if the risk to the life of a woman exceeds the risk of fetal death.

Isoptin injection solution is also used in childhood after dosage is prescribed by the treating pediatrician. Due to changes in hemodynamic parameters of blood up to lethal outcomes in children, the use of the drug in pediatric practice has become a rare phenomenon. On how to take isoptin, read on.

Instructions for Use

  • Isoptin tablets can not be resorbed or chewed.
  • Isoptin is consumed orally with a small amount of purified water.
  • Do not take on an empty stomach, after eating or eating a meal - the best time to eat Isoptin.
  • The duration of the treatment course is determined by the treating doctor.

Normally, Isoptin is administered at a dosage of 40 mg or 80 mg 3 times per day. Dosage can be increased only in a hospital. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 480 mg. Patients with liver pathologies can take Isoptin 40 mg twice daily.

Instructions for the use of tablets and solution Isoptin also speaks about some contraindications, let's consider them below.


  • shock of cardiac origin;
  • arterial hypotension, a decrease in heart rate in combination with acute myocardial infarction;
  • combination of treatment with colchicine;
  • individual intolerance of the drug;
  • atrial arrhythmia in the presence of auxiliary conductive mechanisms;
  • blockade of the atrioventricular node of medium and severe degree;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • weakness of the sinus node.

Side effects of

Isoptin sometimes causes side effects.

  • Allergic reactions in persons prone to exposure to allergens are not ruled out.
  • The nervous system detects pain and twisting in the head, tremors of limbs, fatigue.
  • Individual patients after using Isoptin complained of ringing in the ears.
  • Sometimes there are pains and unpleasant sensations in the joints, muscles.
  • Patients on taking the drug do not exclude disorders of the digestive organs in the form of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation.
  • The list of side effects from the dermatological side is most rich: itching, rashes, reddening of the skin, urticaria, swelling, alopecia, etc.

Special instructions

  • It is better to temporarily exclude isoptin from works requiring attention and accuracy.
  • Driving vehicles should be temporarily discontinued.
  • The feature of taking the drug is the categorical abrupt withdrawal of the drug, the dosage should decrease smoothly.


Patients taking Isoptin respond positively to the action of the drug, although there are many reviews of the many side effects that caused the dosage to decrease over time.


In addition to verapamil, the drug has several more analogues for the active substance: Kaveril, Finoptin, Lekoptin, etc.

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