What if I have a headache on the weather?

1 Climatic Factors of Influence of

Different natural factors influence human health. From the physiological point of view, this is a fully explicable phenomenon. The greatest impact on most people has atmospheric pressure, affecting the cardiovascular system, the tone of blood vessels, blood pressure. These effects can be of 2 main types:

  1. Reduction of the oxygen content in the blood with a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure( barometric well effect);
  2. Irritation of nerve endings( receptors) of the pleura, synovial articular membrane, peritoneum, blood vessels. After processing the signal from these disturbed receptors, the brain commands a change in blood pressure, vascular tone, heart rate, secretion of the endocrine and sebaceous glands.

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Recently, much attention is paid to research on the effect of electromagnetic disturbance. The so-called magnetic storms increase the manifestation of a number of chronic diseases, especially of a cardiological nature. Significant influence on the nervous system, affecting the nerve endings, resulting in hormonal regulators. Accordingly, the enzymatic process, tissue and steroid metabolism, which breaks the metabolism, is intensified.

Wind amplification is also able to influence a person's health by irritating skin receptors. The change in the humidity characteristics of the atmosphere leads to anomalies of heat exchange and sweating. Increased humidity is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in it, which increases the manifestation of hypertension, cardiac ischemia, atherosclerosis. Temperature jumps can exacerbate inflammatory diseases.

2 Classification of weather conditions

Taking into account the climatic factors affecting the question of why the head hurts when changing weather, the following 5 weather variants are distinguished:

  1. Toning conditions: the most favorable type of weather, facilitating the state of a person with cardiac pathologies and hypertension, as well as those suffering from chronic oxygendeficiency.
  2. Indifferent type: characterized by weather stability and its insignificant effect on the human condition.
  3. Spastic variant: has a tendency to sharp cold snaps, an increase in barometric pressure, a change in the concentration of oxygen, which causes headaches and cardiological problems, especially with increasing pressure.
  4. Hypotensive version: accompanied by a sharp decrease in barometric pressure, particularly in cloudy weather and before rain, is characterized by oxygen deficiency for people with cardiac and pulmonary problems, but causes some relief in hypertensive patients.
  5. Hypoxemic weather: a decrease in oxygen content and a sharp temperature change before snow or rain, causing oxygen starvation.

3 Species of the body's reaction

Intensive adaptation and disturbance of biorhythms in meteosensitive people( meteopaths) is expressed in different degrees with the same weather load, and also has a different severity of manifestation in different climatic anomalies. It is accepted to distinguish 3 degrees of sensitivity of meteorological factors:

  1. Easy stage: slight general malaise, drowsiness, irritability, mood instability, general weakness.
  2. The middle stage: a marked change in blood pressure, tachycardia, various variants of cardiac arrhythmia, the appearance of abnormalities on the ECG.
  3. The heavy stage: significant deterioration in health, loss of efficiency.

The weather effect provokes the dysfunction of a number of body systems. The following reflexes to the meteorological impact of a different nature can be detected:


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  1. Cardiac disorders: heart symptoms, dyspnea, arrhythmia.
  2. Brain reflex: headache, dizziness, background noise in the ears, various hindrances before the eyes.
  3. Mixed variety: a combination of the two mentioned reactions.
  4. Astheno-neurotic reaction: sleep disturbance, apathy or irritability, unstable blood pressure.
  5. Other variants of manifestation: muscle pain, general weakness, articular aches.

4 Exposure to meteorology

Severe weather events can cause meteosensitivity even in people who do not have any deviations in health. However, such phenomena in them are mild and have a short-term character. Sensitivity to weather factors increases in people with sedentary work, most of the time in the room, in the absence of physical activity, engaged in mental activity. The risk group is a person during the period of hormonal changes( adolescents during puberty, pregnant women and women during menopause) and endocrine disorders.

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There are 3 main categories of people most susceptible to meteorology:

  • having cardiovascular, articular and asthmatic pathologies;
  • suffering from mental illness;
  • had a head injury or experienced a severe shock.

A special group of meteopaths are people with a meteonurosis. This condition is due to increased psychological sensitivity: well-being strongly depends on the influence of psychological factors. At them at a weather irritation of nervous receptors the head at a change of weather necessarily starts to hurt or be ill; be sick.

5 Meteorological Depreciation

Meteopathy is often due to the presence of internal diseases, which means that its treatment requires timely treatment of underlying diseases. At the time of occurrence of meteorological complications, certain measures should be taken. With a pronounced spastic type reaction, it is necessary to reduce physical stresses, avoid stressful situations, exclude the use of stimulant drinks( alcohol and strong coffee), take sedatives - tincture of valerian or motherwort.

With significant headaches and worsening overall health, you can use spasmolytic drugs( No-shpa, Papaverin), drugs that normalize the blood flow( Cavinton, Curantil, Trental), anesthetics( Ibuprofen, Brufen, Orthofen).It is best if the use of medications is agreed with the doctor. A good way to combat meteopathy is to treat massage. According to the doctor's prescription, such drugs as Vinpocetine, sodium benzoate, Ascophene are taken.

To reduce the meteosensitivity, it is necessary to introduce an active lifestyle, physical education combined with frequent outdoor activities. In the confrontation with headaches, hardening procedures, carbon dioxide baths and baths with coniferous extracts, mud baths are helpful. If the lowering of blood pressure during weather anomalies was tormented, then eleutherococcus, ginseng, tinctures of aralia and magnolia vine are recommended.

A good assistant in eliminating the dependence of state of health on the weather is nutrition with increased intake of vitamin C, calcium, potassium and iron. It is recommended to add fish, dairy products and vegetables to the diet, but meat, starches, sweets, canned food, smoked products should not be abused. People prone to hypertension in the period of weather anomalies, it is necessary to reduce the intake of salt and liquid.

Headache in weather disasters is a common phenomenon that affects people in different ways. This pathology is not recommended to be allowed to drift, but it is better to determine the cause and take measures for treatment.

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