How to deal with pinworms, the fight against enterobiasis in adults, how to clean at home, what are they afraid of, than to poison?

During his entire life, a person has to repeatedly face a parasite such as a pinworm. In most cases, helminth affects children. This is due to the fact that they constantly play in the sand and forget to wash their hands.

In order to timely cope with the problem, parents should know how to deal with pinworms. Before you begin to eliminate parasites, you should take tests. If the diagnosis confirms the presence of parasites in the body, you can begin to fight them. You can choose one of the ways of treatment:

  • Destruction of helminths with the help of medicines;
  • Destruction of worms with the help of alternative medicine.

Regardless of the selected method for controlling pinworms in adults and children, the result will be positive in a short time.

Fighting with pinworms

Modern man is in constant motion, so he needs to get rid of enterobiasis in a short period of time. It is for this reason that patients ask the doctor how to remove the pinworm in a few days. Doctors often recommend the following drugs to their patients:

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  • Vormin;
  • Vermox;
  • Mebex;
  • Vermakar;
  • Pirantel.

In most cases, a single use of the medication is enough to get rid of pinworms. It should be remembered that any medication can cause side effects if there are contraindications or the permitted dosage is not observed.

It's best if the doctor tells you what to do with pinworms in adults. This is due to the individuality of the organism of each person.14 days after the first administration of the drug, it is necessary to repeat the treatment, since new eggs appear from the eggs, which can cause a relapse of the disease.

If you do not want to use strong antihelminthic drugs, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. To do this, you need to know what the pinworms are afraid of.

Wormwood is an excellent remedy for combating enterobiasis. It is best if the infusion is prepared. To prepare it you will need:

  • Leaves of wormwood;
  • Ground Pumpkin Seeds;
  • Vodka.

Wormwood and pumpkin seeds are mixed in equal proportions. After that, add the vodka is twice as much as the dry mixture. The resulting medicine should be infused for 7 days in a warm place and hidden from the sun. To fight with pinworms, adults should drink infusion of 50 milliliters 2 times a day for 25-30 minutes before a meal.

Another wonderful tool that allows you to fight with pinworms at home is a garlic-milk enema. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • Milk - 200 milliliters;
  • Garlic - 1 large head.

Capacity with milk put on fire, and add there the garlic. When the broth is cooked, it must be filtered and slightly cooled. Enema is best done 15 minutes before bedtime.

Also at night, it is recommended that a cotton swab moistened with oil or vaseline is placed in the anus. In this way, it is possible to prevent the exit of mature individuals to the outside, for laying eggs. If the helminths can not go outside, the patient will not be bothered by itching and insomnia.

How to remove the pinworm from the house?

Eliminating pinworms from the patient's body is not enough, as helminth eggs can get into the external environment, so the fight should continue. At night, the parasite is selected in the perianal region to lead its future offspring. When a person turns and scratches an itchy place, eggs fall on the sheet, and then on the floor and other objects.

It is recommended that parents wash all bedding and underwear. Also carefully remove the entire room. To do this, it is best to use disinfectants.

Pinworms are afraid of high temperatures. Death of worms occurs:

  • At a temperature of 70 degrees in 5-10 seconds;
  • At a temperature of 60 degrees after 5 minutes;
  • At a temperature of 50 degrees after 10 minutes.

When washing items, it is necessary to take into account the specified temperature regime in order to completely eliminate worms and their larvae.

A good tool for fighting pinworms at home is direct sunlight. The room must be ventilated and open the curtains so that the sun enters the room.

Baby pots should be covered with 200 grams of dry bleach, for at least 30 minutes. Only after this time you can wash the container. Feces are also recommended for processing, so that eggs do not get to other family members, and fighting with them was not in vain.

It is especially important to fight with pinworms in preschool. If the timely cleaning is not carried out and the laundry is washed, the whole group can get infected. In this case, it is necessary to close the institution to quarantine. If you know how to remove parasites, you can avoid unnecessary problems.

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