Parenchymal chronic( hr) pancreatitis - symptoms, treatment, diet

Pancreatitis is one of the most common pathologies of the pancreas, which manifests itself in the inflammatory process of the whole gland or part of it. Based on the symptoms, clinical picture and duration of the disease, doctors subdivide this ailment into several types, one of which is chronic recurrent or parenchymal pancreatitis.

Manifestations, causes and symptoms of the disease

About chronic parenchymal disease, doctors say if the exacerbation of pancreatitis occurs several times a year and the cause for an attack is not the pathology of the ducts of the gland, but acute infections, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, alcohol or gross violation of diet.

Parenchymal pancreatitis is a slowly progressing chronic inflammatory process of the pancreas, which leads to organ atrophy, and, accordingly, to a violation of its basic functions. This is manifested in pancreatic insufficiency, expressed in the digestive disorder and the possible cause of the onset of diabetes mellitus.

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Such a chronic ailment can be asymptomatic for a long time, because its clinical picture is less pronounced compared with other forms of the disease. Moreover, the pain does not occupy a central place in the symptomatology of this form of the disease. Often, parenchymal pancreatitis is diagnosed by doctors as enteritis or enterocolitis.

During an exacerbation, the main symptoms of chronic inflammation of the pancreas are:

  • Stool disorder manifested in constipation or fat diarrhea. That indicates that the iron produces an inadequate amount of digestive enzymes that can split and digest fat;
  • Nausea, bloating from increased gas formation in the intestine indicates a dysfunction of the digestive system, characteristic of parenchymal pancreatitis;
  • Weight loss. Discomfort, which the patient experiences in the intestines after eating, becomes a frequent reason for refusing it.

Treatment of parenchymatous pancreatitis

As a rule, doctors recommend a strict long-term, predominantly protein one in the treatment of chronic parenchymal pancreatitis in addition to restorative drugs( vitamins, steroids, anabolics), substitution enzyme therapy and recommendations for healthy lifestyles( smoking cessation and prohibition of alcohol)diet( table number five).And also prescribed therapeutic therapy aimed at eliminating chronic gastrointestinal diseases, which caused the attack of parenchymal pancreatitis.

Basic principles of the diet for parenchymatous pancreatitis

Diet therapy is one of the main methods of treatment of parenchymal pancreatitis, which helps prevent the exacerbation of the disease and its further progression. That is why the correct and competent composition of the diet is of no small importance for the human body, burdened by disease.

In case of parenchymal pancreatitis, the patient must follow a special diet, the principles of which require strict adherence. The main ones are as follows:

  • frequent meals, approximately every four hours;
  • not too plentiful food - eating small portions;
  • eating mainly in a warm, crumbly form;
  • increase in protein intake with a reduction in fat and carbohydrates.

People suffering from pancreatitis should eat diet food cooked steamed, boiled or baked. This can be lean beef or veal, rabbit or poultry meat, as well as low-fat fish species, such as pike, bream or cod. Welcome a generous drink in the form of herbal decoctions, freshly squeezed juices, dairy products, if they are not too acidic. And, of course, more vegetables and fruits, preferably in baked form.

Limit in use you need baking, fatty meat and fish, smoked products and spicy seasonings, pickles and legumes, sweets and alcohol.

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