Follicular hyperkeratosis

There are many diseases of the human skin. One of them is follicular hyperkeratosis. This ailment implies a pathological proliferation of the horny layer of the dermis. This disrupts the natural sloughing of the cornified skin particles, and the follicles become clogged and inflamed. With this disease the patient's skin is covered with small red knots. In the people, this phenomenon is often called "goosebump."Appears hyperkeratosis most often on the elbows, knees, buttocks, hips. When touching the diseased parts of the skin, one can feel its roughness and dryness. Treatment of the disease is mainly in the local effect with the help of various ointments, creams, peels and vitamins are also used.

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What Causes Follicular Hyperkeratosis?

The causes of pathology are the clogging of the follicle with horny particles of the dermis. As a result, the natural function of the follicle is disturbed, it becomes inflamed. Follicular hyperkeratosis of the skin can occur in patients of different age categories. The main provoking factors are the following:

  1. Endocrine disruption. Can develop on the background of taking hormonal drugs, during pregnancy or menstruation.
  2. Follicular hyperkeratosis on the face often occurs in young people during puberty, which is also associated with hormonal disorders.
  3. With a deficiency of vitamin B, the skin becomes excessively dry. This can occur as a result of improper feeding.
  4. Often the pathology leads to stress and excessive emotional distress.
  5. The child may develop a disease due to lack of hygiene or improperly selected cosmetics.
  6. Follicular hyperkeratosis on the shoulders, face and other parts of the body can develop against the background of a lack of vitamins A, D and C. These components are very important for the normal functioning of the dermis. Vitamin A maintains normal healthy processes of renewal of the dermis, C promotes the production of collagen, D provides a normal process of renewal of skin cells.

In addition to deficiency of vitamins, an overabundance of vitamins - hypervitaminosis - can also have a negative effect on the skin of a person.

The main symptoms of the disease

Follicular hyperkeratosis affects the hair follicles. Symptoms of the disease can be as follows:

  • skin in the area of ​​affected areas become rough and rough;
  • on the surface of the dermis appears a lot of small bubbles in the form of pimples;
  • follicles become inflamed as a result of blockage, the tubercles become red.

More often keratosis can be seen on the elbows, knees, the outer side of the thighs, shoulders. That is, in those places where the skin is the most dry.

Often, young people with this disease are interested in the question of whether the army is taken with follicular hyperkeratosis. The answer is yes. The army and hyperkeratosis are completely compatible, as the ailment carries no threat to the life of the patient. An exception may be the case when the patient experiences severe itching and the amount of rashes is constantly increasing.

Important! If you have symptoms of the pathology, you need to contact a dermatologist. Despite the fact that the disease neither carries a mortal danger, it is still necessary to treat it.

Diagnosis of pathology

Diagnosis of the disease by a dermatologist while examining the patient. Most often, this does not require additional laboratory studies. Also, on examination, the doctor finds out the possible causes that triggered the disease. Treatment of pathology requires the exclusion of life-provoking factors from life.

Treatment of follicular hyperkeratosis

The main causes of the disease is a lack of vitamins or a violation of the process of their absorption by the body. In order to get rid of the pathology, you should direct the effort to eliminate the cause, and only after that apply the drugs for local effects.

If the disease occurs as a consequence of a lack of vitamins, the patient needs to re-evaluate his diet. The daily diet of the patient should include foods saturated with vitamins A, B, C and D. These can be the following foods:

  • vegetables, fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oils;
  • wholemeal products.

Treatment of hyperkeratosis with the help of a diet will help not only normalize the skin condition, but also significantly improve the overall well-being of the person, reduce the risk of heart disease, and prevent the appearance of malignant tumors.

Also part of the treatment of this disease is the local softening of the dermis with the help of means for external application. For this, various creams and ointments are used. Most often, for this use of funds based on salicylic acid and zinc. It can be such preparations:

  • salicylic ointment;
  • zinc;
  • flucinar;
  • sinalar;
  • dermovate.

Also in modern medical practice, laser treatment of hyperkeratosis is used. The method is quite expensive, but the results after this type of therapy are quite good.

Treatment of follicular keratosis, a photo of which children can be seen in the picture, differs little from the treatment in adults. Therapy is carried out mainly at home. This requires compliance with the diet and the use of anti-inflammatory skin softening agents. Popular to date, Dr. Komarovsky proposes to perform treatment with moisturizing creams and baths with sea salt. The doctor says that in some cases, pathology does not require treatment at all, except for dieting.

Important! If we do not exclude provoking factors of the disease, the local treatment can be completely useless. Only after eliminating the causes of pathology, therapy will be successful.

The use of traditional medicine

Treatment with folk remedies also gives good results in the treatment of follicular hyperkeratosis. Most often for the elimination of symptoms of pathology, herbs and some other natural remedies are used. Popular recipes include:

  1. Calendula and chamomile broth. To prepare the preparation, you need to pour 500 ml of 1 tablespoon of herbs.boiling water. On a slow fire, the medicine is boiled for 5-10 minutes, after being removed and allowed to stand for 3-4 hours. Use a decoction for baths and rubbing the skin.
  2. Use of blue clay. This product perfectly removes the inflammatory process, cleans the dermis, promotes the establishment of metabolic processes, and also enriches with useful trace elements. Clay is applied to the affected areas with a thin layer for 15-20 minutes, after it is washed off with warm water and a moisturizer is applied.
  3. Compress of olive oil. This product perfectly moisturizes the skin and nourishes it with nutrients. The affected areas are applied with oil and wrapped with a film. The compress is held for 30-40 minutes.

Follicular hyperkeratosis, while not a fatal disease, but it gives the patient a lot of inconvenience. Treatment of pathology is mainly in the observance of diet, saturation of the body with vitamins, as well as elimination of factors that provoke the disease.

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