Headache after a cup of coffee

1 Dangerous coffee drinking

Yes, indeed, in some cases, after drinking coffee, my head hurts. The head may begin to ache due to increased blood pressure. The caffeine contained in the beverage, when ingested into the body, expands the blood vessels. Therefore, it is strictly contraindicated in hypertensive patients, who already have high blood pressure. For them, a cup of this fragrant drink can become fatal. The headache after it is unbearable.

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The cause of the headache from coffee can be fatigue. Initially, after a cup of drink increases nervous excitement, the heart begins to beat faster, the mood is fine. But here the action of caffeine passes, and heavy fatigue sets in. Forced additional load takes the last force. The head begins to split.

Portion of coffee with sugar, too, sometimes leads to disastrous consequences. Blood raises the level of sugar. To remove it from the body produces a large amount of insulin. All body systems work hard. As a result, there is an overstrain of the body, and as a result, the head starts to ache after some time after drinking a cup of coffee.

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Severe headache, stomach pain, nausea and even coffee vomiting occur after several cups drunk at short intervals. Overdosing of caffeine is useless to anyone and leads to intoxication of the body.

2 Little use and little harm

The most gravelly ground coffee beans. Despite the fact that it contains a lot of useful substances and a unique set of amino acids, this drink is very strong. Contains a large dose of caffeine, nicotinic acid, alkaloids. Under certain conditions, the head can get really sick from a portion of this drink.

If possible, replace it with a soluble analog. It has little caffeine, it does not aggressively affect the body. Although the benefits of coffee soluble no. In addition, the head from a cup and this drink can start to hurt. Especially after a double serving. After all, in a soluble drink, too, there is caffeine.

3 How to cure a headache

There are several ways to get rid of a headache after drinking coffee. If possible, you can arrange an afternoon siesta, sleep a couple of hours. Then the tired body will rest a little, gain strength. There will be a headache.

A good idea is mint tea. At the worst, if there is no mint, you can drink simple warm water. It quickly enters the blood vessels, cleans them of excess caffeine, improves well-being.

Reduces pressure, relieves headaches, relaxing massage. An alternative can be active outdoor sports. The influx of oxygen removes the spasm of blood vessels, saturates the blood with oxygen, helps the body to remove toxins. If all attempts to get rid of a headache have failed, you should drink anesthetic.

4 Bezkofeynovaya alternative

And what if you want to drink a cup of fragrant coffee? A great alternative are well-known coffee drinks. And by smell, and by taste, they are not much different from coffee from natural grains. But they do not contain caffeine that stirs blood.

Absolutely not worrying about the consequences, you can afford a cup of decaffeinated coffee. A dangerous component is eliminated from still raw coffee beans, passing overheated steam through them. The content of caffeine in such coffee is equal to eight hundredth percent.

To people who, because of chronic diseases, natural coffee is strictly contra-indicated, it is possible to recommend coffee from chicory. It not only does not contain caffeine, but also has many useful and medicinal properties.

Coffee made of chicory is useful for the stomach, improves liver and digestive system in general, lowers blood sugar, is useful for low-calorie diets. It contains a minimum of calories.

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