Hamartoma of the hypothalamus, breast, liver, spleen, retina and iris of the eye, skin

A hemarthoma is a nodule formation of a benign character. The term was first proposed in 1904.

The hemarthomas consist of the components of the organ where they are located. However, the cells under some factors of influence change their structure, leading to differentiation of tissues. In malignant tumors such tumors outgrow in exceptional cases.

A hemarthoma is a single, dense rounded formation that has a slightly bumpy surface. Dimensions can reach from 0.5 to 5 cm.

More common in people 30-40 years. In men, they are found 2-4 times more often than in women. Sometimes it is congenital, so it is found in newborns.

Which bodies are affected?

Education may appear in:

  • hypothalamus,
  • breast,
  • liver,
  • spleen,
  • eyes,
  • lung,
  • skin.

Varieties by hemarthrosis

Three large species are divided:

  • mesenchymal,
  • fibrotic,
  • chondromatous.

The first type of benign formation is a large lobate tumor. The course of the disease is asymptomatic until the tumor begins to interfere with the functioning of the organ.

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Fibrous consists of an appropriate tissue. It is located in the deep layers of the subcutaneous tissue of newborns. Many scientists consider this option as fibromatosis. It is usually found in the first two years of life.70% of the sick are boys.

Chondromatous consists of cartilaginous tissue. It is most often found in the peripheral parts of the lungs. Some scientists believe that it appears from the peribronchial connective tissue. Epithelium is involved in the process of growth of education.

Reasons for the formation of

The main prerequisites for the development of the disease include:

  1. Disorders of histogenesis and organogenesis in the process of embryonic development.
  2. In childhood can appear due to injuries and various infections leading to immunodeficiency.
  3. Genetic predisposition and gene mutations.
  4. Negative impact of external factors.

All these factors several times increase the risk of education.

Hematoma of the hypothalamus

Pathology is congenital. The first manifestations are noted in the first year of life. As education grows slowly, sometimes the diagnosis is made already in the adult state.

Is manifested by behavioral disorders, epilepsy, endocrine diseases.

Patients have uncontrolled bouts of crying and laughter. In rare cases, mental retardation is noted. Depending on the location and characteristics of some children, the cognitive sphere suffers.

In the course of diagnosis, reflexes, skin sensitivity, and vestibular apparatus performance are assessed.

The main diagnostic procedures are CT and MRI.They help determine the size and location of the tumor. The electroencephalogram used for epilepsy does not give the desired results.

Breast cancer

Breast hemritoma consists mainly of fat and connective tissue, a glandular component. It is mobile, does not cause any inconvenience. The diagnosis is made when palpation and the results of mammography. Ultrasound will not show accurate results.

If you take a puncture, then the biomaterial will have normal breast tissue. With the help of a mammogram, well-defined formations are revealed. The disease is considered rare.

Surgical treatment is prescribed only if it is necessary to eliminate the aesthetic defect. Usually a hemarthoma is simply observed. Drug therapy may be prescribed.


Hematoma of the liver is more often detected in children under two years old. The formation can be located both under the capsule of the organ and in the hepatic tissues.

Among the symptoms - weight loss, nausea, digestive system disorders. In adults, the symptoms are not expressed.

For diagnosis, an X-ray is used, which allows to determine the presence of a pathological site in the organ. If the tumor is large, there is a displacement of the stomach.

Treatment is assigned surgical. During the operation, the segments of the organ are made. If the tumor has reached a large size, then the proportion of the liver is eliminated.the smallest organ damage is noted if the hemarthoma is located on the leg.


The disease develops due to a violation of morphogenesis. In the spleen, white pulp can appear, which consists of lymphoid tissue and red pulp. The latter is created by a complex of sinuses.

occurs more often in older women. The course is painless. Sometimes there is an increase in the organ.

In exceptional cases, a rupture of the spleen is detected.

With the help of ultrasound, homogeneous formation with precise contours is detected. Sometimes there is cystic deformity and calcification. Histological examination reveals the absence of follicles and dendritic cells.

Treatment is always surgical. A splenectomy aimed at complete or partial organ removal is used.


Formed from glial cells of the retina. It is located around the optic nerve disc. The cause may be tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis.

Sometimes found in healthy people. More often the disease is congenital. While the formation is small, there may not be symptoms.

Thus, hemarthoma is a benign formation that, depending on the localization, is treated medically or surgically. Happens congenital and got.

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