Characteristic first symptoms, signs and stages of Alzheimer's disease

Every year, Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed in an increasing number of people. This is a fairly serious disease, the cause of which is the violation of brain activity. It develops as a result of the destruction of nerve cells and is characterized by very specific symptoms. Often people ignore these signs, taking them for age-specific features. But this can not be done, because timely diagnosis and treatment of pathology can significantly facilitate a person's life.

How Alzheimer's disease develops

The disease usually develops in 50-55 years. The initial and subsequent symptoms of this pathology are significantly different and depend on its stage.

Early Alzheimer's disease

For this stage, the following are characteristic:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • attention disorders;
  • slight deterioration of cognitive abilities;
  • slight memory corruption;
  • irritability.

The photo shows damage to brain neurons in Alzheimer's disease, which causes various symptoms:

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Focal disorders

The disease is characterized by manifestations of focal brain lesions:

  • , the loss of the ability to perform automated actions;
  • violation of word order at the time of writing;
  • loss of ability to make up the whole of parts;
  • impaired motor function;
  • increase in speech disorders;
  • loss of ability to count.

Terminal stage

At this stage, all violations reach their peak. At the last stage, the following symptoms are possible:

  • loss of ability to sit and walk;
  • development of automatic reflexes;
  • loss of ability to speak;
  • complete exhaustion of the body.

It is not necessary to delay with the reference to the doctor for the help, at suspicion of people close to you of this dangerous disease. Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease can significantly increase the chances of the patient living a longer life.

Do not forget about preventive measures, which to some extent will help to avoid the development and progression of Alzheimer's disease. The most popular measures are written here.

Complaints of the patient

Alzheimer's disease develops slowly enough, and its clinical picture largely depends on the patient's body.

Early or first signs and symptoms of the disease are memory problems, and many associate such violations with age.

With this pathology, short-term memory first of all worsens. This means that a person may have difficulty remembering recent events, it is difficult for him to solve mathematical problems or remember the names of people.

In addition, at an early stage of the pathology, a person can complain about the following problems:

  • Appearance of forgetfulness.
  • Loss of the ability to recognize familiar items.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Loss of orientation in space.
  • Indifference to events or people.

Stages of the disease

Alzheimer's disease has seven stages, each has its own characteristics. How they appear are written below.

  • Stage 1. At this stage, no significant brain damage is observed. At medical examination do not reveal deep infringements of memory or serious problems with health.
  • Stage 2. At this stage, there are small mental disorders. A person can notice that he loses memory: it is difficult for him to remember words or to find objects. However, such changes are very poorly expressed, and even a medical examination does not always reveal them.
  • Stage 3. It is characterized by intellectual disorders of mild degree, which can be identified by a detailed medical examination. Using special tests determine the level of memory and attention violations.
  • Stage 4. Moderate violations are typical for this stage. Memory impairment, difficulty in performing arithmetic operations can be observed. A person can be depressed.
  • Stage 5. In this case, mental disorders of moderate severity are observed. The patient is characterized by a significant memory impairment and severe mental disorders. More and more often a person begins to need help from relatives when doing the usual things.
  • Stage 6. This phase is characterized by severe violations. Significantly progresses memory impairment. Personality of a person changes greatly, because he needs constant help from relatives.
  • Stage 7. Serious violations are observed. At the last stage of the disease a person loses contact with the environment, he can not talk and control his movements.

Each stage has its own characteristic symptoms and requires certain treatment.

Dementia in Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease ranks first among the dementia of late age, characterized by the progression of memory impairment and, as a result, complete decay of the intellect.

Dementia is accompanied by a gradual degradation of the ability to think. A person loses speech functions, the ability to reason, count, cognize, suffer from memory disorders and thinking.

Loss of cognitive functions sometimes causes degradation of social contacts, loss of control over emotions. Dementia very often leads to disability, it strongly affects not only patients, but also their loved ones.

Many words are said and written about the harm of alcohol. The people believe that the most dangerous consequence is "squirrel" or alcoholic delirium. From the article you will find out whether this is so.

In medicine, various medications and medications are constantly used to treat a particular disease. However, they all have many contraindications and side effects. Here you will find whether it is possible to combine beta-blockers and alcohol.

And about how to treat neurosyphilis, read, following the link http: // bolezni-nevrologii / infekcionnye-zabolevanija / nejrosifilis-nervnoj-sistemy.html.

Memory loss in Alzheimer's disease

One of the main symptoms of this pathology is memory loss. At an early stage of the disease, loss of short-term memory may occur.

This means that a person can not remember recently learned information, find things, remember the names of acquaintances.

Gradually the loss of these abilities leads to the isolation of a person, the patients lose their independence and need the help of their relatives. As the disease develops, a person loses a long-term memory.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease play an important role in diagnosing this disease. If you identify the pathology at an early stage, you can significantly affect the course of its development. Therefore, no symptom associated with a disorder of mental functions can not be ignored.

The video describes what happens to a person at different stages of Alzheimer's disease:

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