Staphylococcal impetigo: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Staphylococcal impetigo is a skin infection. Infected with illness during direct contact, transmitted infection from a person, the phenomenon is able to spread especially actively in kindergartens, hospitals. In this article you will find detailed information on the treatment, the causes of the appearance and symptoms of staphylococcal impetigo, its photos and learn about important nuances.

Features of the disease

Staphylococcal impetigo is called a kind of pyoderma, an abscess infection, which is provoked by coccal bacteria - golden or white staphylococcus aureus. The disease, which is called ostiophalliculitis in another way, is mainly found in infants with carelessness errors, hygiene disorders.

  • Such a skin disease, staphylococcal impetigo, affects men, arises from a breach of hygiene during shaving, is transmitted through a poorly processed tool to hairdressers. The eruption is located mainly on the skin of the face in the places of growth of the beard, mustache, hair on the head.
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  • Staphylococcal impetigo is observed in young women with tender skin, adolescents with tender skin, people with reduced immunity.

For a classification of common follicular impetigo, see below.


According to the type of bacteria that caused the disease, impetigo is classified:

  1. bullous;
  2. is non-bullet.

In this case:

  • Bullous is caused by staphylococcus Staphylococcus aulreuls. Bacteria break the integrity of the skin with the help of exfoliantin toxin, which dissolves the intercellular adhesive that seals the hair follicle, penetrates into the subcutaneous layers, from where it enters the bloodstream, having a toxic effect on the body as a whole.
  • Non-bulletous Staphylococcal impetigo is provoked by Staphylococcus aulreuls and Staph.pyogenus. On clinical symptoms, non-bullet impetigo has a similarity to streptococcal infection, which has several forms. In this case, there are no large abscesses( bullae), there is no tendency to unification of vesicles.

The causes of the appearance of staphylococcal impetigo

On the skin there are always colonies of diverse microorganisms that do not cause disease. They peacefully coexist, do not penetrate into the deep subcutaneous layers.

This is due to the barrier function of the skin, which is provided by:

  • stratum corneum;
  • is a sticky substance that prevents the penetration of bacteria into the hair follicle;
  • acidity of the integument;
  • is a sweat composition that contains immunoglobulins.

In violation of the barrier properties of the skin, the infection easily penetrates into the hair follicle, causing its inflammation, forming a pustule with purulent contents of the size of a millet seed. Staphylococci secretes a toxin that causes detachment of the stratum corneum, which facilitates bacteria penetration under the skin.

Associated with the appearance of ostiofolliculitis:

  • diseases caused by metabolic disorders - gout, obesity, diabetes;
  • sweating;
  • chronic diseases that reduce immunity.

Sometimes it's a mixed impetigo.

Symptoms of

Rash pustules are noted mainly on the face, open areas. Gnoynichok is permeated with hair, filled with yellowish contents, around the pustule is a ring of hyperemic skin.

Usual localization:

  • area of ​​the mouth;
  • navel;
  • skin folds.

First the rashes are minor, occupy a small area, the number of pustules is small. But gradually the amount of bubbles filled with purulent contents increases, the skin around them turns red, it starts to itch. The patient, combing the rashes, causes the destruction of the thin upper flat tire, and the pus with the bacteria spreads further.

The diameter of purulent blisters can reach 1.5 cm in diameter in staphylococcal bullous impetigo. After the opening of the bladder, in its place remains a moccasin, gradually increasing in diameter along the periphery as a result of detachment of the stratum corneum of the skin under the action of the toxin that the bacteria secrete.

At the edge of the stain of the moccasiveness, there appear well-marked pustules filled with pus, which tend to merge, forming lumpy dense, untidy crusts, constantly fueled by purulent contents from opening pustules.

With a favorable course of the disease self-healing. Pustules dry out after 6-7 days, and after them there is a dry crust that disappears, and in its place there remains a small speck with flaky skin.


The diagnosis of the disease is based on clinical symptoms and according to the analysis of scrapings from the sore. The analysis allows to accurately identify the pathogen and prescribe a treatment directed against bacteria that caused a purulent rash.


Surgical dissection of ulcers in the treatment of staphylococcal impetigo is practically not applied. Treatment is limited to external treatment, compresses, physiotherapy( UFO, autohemotherapy).


For minor skin damage, local treatment with antibiotic ointments is prescribed. Usually, drugs with neomycin, bacitracin, mupirocin, colomycin, biomycin are used.

The surface of the skin can be wiped with camphor alcohol, greens. It is believed that it is useful to treat pustular eruptions with ultraviolet radiation, use the method of autohemotherapy - the injection of its own UV-irradiated blood.


In oral tablets, antibacterial agents are used:

  • erythromycin;
  • penicillin;
  • cephalosporins are cephalexin.

Drugs are drunk according to a special scheme. Treatment with antibiotics is necessarily accompanied by vitamin therapy, proper nutrition with the introduction of all the necessary nutrients in the diet. Be sure to be present in the vitamin B vitamins, vitamin C.


Large blisters are opened with a sterile instrument, clean the wound from pus, treated with an antiseptic, using:

  • lapis;
  • iodine;
  • green;
  • solution of pioctanine.

Small, abundant rashes are treated with antiseptics, after which a sterile bandage is applied with an antibiotic. Bandages are changed twice a day, the treatment lasts 7-10 days.

Folk methods

Against staphylococcal impetigo compresses from the comfrey decoction, lovage, flax seeds are effective. To prepare a compress from the comfrey decoction, the leaves of the medicinal plant:

  • are ground;
  • is poured over with boiling water;
  • insists for 30 minutes;
  • filter, cool to a comfortable temperature.

The compress is applied warm, the procedure is done in the evening in addition to the main treatment.

It is useful to take vitamin broths from dog rose, hawthorn, rhodiola rosea. Inside, you can take a decoction of flax seeds, which is prepared as follows:

  • a spoonful of seeds is boiled with boiling water( one glass);
  • is cooled, filtered;
  • drink half the glass 2 times a day.

Decoction of flax seeds can be used in a warm form for lotions. In this case, add a little flax flour to the broth. Folk methods are used on the recommendation of a dermatologist only as an adjunct to the main medicamental treatment.


Prevention of infection is:

  • compliance with personal hygiene;
  • limiting contacts of babies up to a year with possible bacterial carriers of staphylococcal impetigo;
  • timely treatment of a dermatologist with the appearance of pustulous rashes in case of rubbing, skin damage.

For complications of bacterial impetigo Bokharta we will tell below.

Complications of

A dangerous complication of staphylococcal impetigo is burned skin syndrome, in which approximately 5% of cases are fatal. The syndrome is caused by staphylococcal toxin exfoliantin, which accumulates in the blood in high concentrations, has a toxic effect on the body.


Prognosis for staphylococcal impetigo is favorable, with the exception of especially neglected cases of extensive skin lesions.

In this video Elena Malysheva will tell about staphylococcal impetigo and streptodermia:

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