Enterosgel, Polysorb, Activated Carbon, Lactofiltrum for Dysbacteriosis

For the treatment of dysbacteriosis, a variety of drugs are used. Some of the most effective are adsorbents. Such medicines, for example, Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon, Lactofiltrum, help to cleanse the body of various toxins that could have formed as a result of pathology, having a detrimental effect on the general condition of the patient. Admission of such drugs can significantly improve the state of the intestine and normalize the microflora.

Special requirements are imposed on the adsorbents, namely the absence of toxic properties, excretion from the body is very fast, and the preparation does not irritate the mucous membrane of the intestine and other organs of the digestive system.

To get rid of the symptoms of dysbiosis, you can use Enterosgel - a drug with a high enveloping and anti-diarrhea effect.

Removing unnecessary substances from the body, it leaves useful microorganisms. Enterosgel with dysbiosis can be used even for a long time.

Enterosgel - gel or paste for oral administration. The intake of the drug helps to purify not only the intestine, but also blood, and improves the functioning of the intestine.

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To treat them is possible not only various intestinal poisonings and infectious diseases, but also long-term illnesses, accompanied by intoxication of the body.

The drug has a wide adsorption effect, so it is used not only for dysbacteriosis, but also for food poisoning, including poisons. Enterosgel is usually used in complex treatment, but it can be used independently. You can also alleviate the symptoms of intestinal infections.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis Enterosgel helps remove harmful substances from the intestinal environment, the toxic effect of which has a destructive effect on the body. Thanks to the action of this drug, the intestine is purified and begins to produce immune cells, helping to strengthen the body's immune system, as well as improving the overall condition of the patient.

Enterosgel should not be taken if the patient has intolerance to the components of the drug or there are serious morphophysiological disorders of the intestine.

Side effects include constipation, swelling, or mild nausea.

Polysorb at dysbacteriosis

Polysorb - a preparation whose main action is the purification of the human body from toxins. It is ideal for the treatment of dysbiosis, various infectious diseases, food poisoning. It is a powder from which a suspension is prepared.

It is acceptable to use Polysorb in complex intestinal treatment together with other drugs. The action of the agent occurs directly in the digestive tract and in the intestine, where it blocks the action of toxic substances. The medicine is not absorbed in the intestines, but completely eliminated from the body. Reception Polisorba at a dysbacteriosis does not cause any complications, but all the same long use of a preparation can break reception in an organism of necessary substances.

If the patient has intestinal obstruction, intestinal bleeding or hypersensitivity to the drug, its use is undesirable. Depending on the age, the dosage of Polysorb in dysbacteriosis is different.

Polysorb is an effective drug. The action of Polysorb can be aimed at the destruction of both endogenous and exogenous toxins.

Activated carbon for dysbacteriosis

This adsorbent, like activated charcoal, is very effective in treating dysbacteriosis, contributing to the release of the body from toxic substances. But prolonged use can only exacerbate the disease, so it is important to adhere to a certain dosage.

Activated charcoal for dysbacteriosis contributes to the recovery of beneficial microflora, disturbed during illness.

Activated charcoal is ground before use and mixed with water, then drunk. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment with this medicine. The course of taking the medicine is small, after taking vitamins and probiotics to restore the natural microflora.

It is necessary to take the drug with great care during constipation, as the drug can strengthen them and there is a risk of intestinal obstruction.

The use of activated charcoal is necessary in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient.

Lactofiltrum for dysbacteriosis

The drug contains sorbent and prebiotic. These components act directly in the intestines, removing toxic substances and preventing their reproduction. The use of Lactofiltrum in dysbacteriosis helps to cleanse the intestines and strengthen the immune system.

It is possible to apply it in a complex of treatment of dysbacteriosis in parallel with other medicines.

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