Syphilis: Causes and Symptoms, Types and Diagnosis, Treatment and Forecast

Syphilis is a rash that appears with syphilis. We will talk about it today.

Features of the disease

Syphilis is a rash that occurs with syphilis. If the causative agent of syphilis is pale treponema, secondary syphilis may develop in a few months. This occurs after the primary form of the disease, when the pathogen carries blood and lymph around the body, affecting the nervous system and lymph nodes. Treponema can hide in spores and cysts, waiting for its release with a decrease in immunity.

Secondary syphilis is characterized by a multiple rash and hard chancre, if it occurs immediately after the primary. The latent form does not give clinical manifestations and is detected only with the help of serological tests. The disease, manifested relapses, also has a rash, but not so abundant and larger sizes.

Buccal syphoid and cicatricial atrophy

Classification of

The rosewood syphilid is called spotted and is characterized by rounded rashes that have a pale pink color and a diameter of up to 1 cm. Their location: the trunk and limbs, but they occur on the face, hands and feet. When pressed, they can disappear. There are roseolae towering above the surface of the skin and sinking.

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With papular syphilide , the eruptions are densely elastic pink or copper-red to 5 mm. After a while in the center appears peeling, which passes to the rest. After the disappearance of the papules, a strong pigmentation is visible on the skin. Rare forms of this species are:

  • seborrhoeic;
  • is coin-like;
  • is soaked;
  • with wide condylomas;
  • is psoriasis.

In weakened patients suffering from tuberculosis, drug addicts and alcoholics, a rare pustular syphilide form is possible. At the same time, there is a purulent exudate in the pustules, when drying, a yellow crust appears. Outwardly it looks like pyoderma.

Pigmented syphilid is characterized by white spots on the surface of the neck from behind and at the sides. Rounded spots have received the second name "necklace of Venus".

The tubercular syphilid is a manifestation of tertiary syphilis. Eruptions appear on the face in the area of ​​the nose and forehead, on the back and on the mucous membranes. It develops in people with anemia, chronic diseases and those who have treated syphilis poorly in the initial stages. Rashes have a red color, and later acquire a brown tint.

There are such forms of syphilid:

  • vesicle( plaques with vesicles);
  • hyperkeratotic;
  • is gummy;
  • is lichenoid.

Causes of

The causative agent of Treponema pallidum is very mobile and stable. Do not die at low temperatures, on objects of use, it remains until it dries. It enters the body through damaged skin or mucous membranes. There are cases of penetration of treponema through undamaged sites.

But there are cases that even after contact with an infected person, infection does not occur. The main way of infection is sexual. But this affects the frequency of acts, the state of the immune system, the number of treponemes that have penetrated the body.

Psoriatic and nummular syphilid

Symptoms of syphilid

Often the symptoms are similar to the manifestation of an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza. Patients complain of:

  • headache;
  • malaise;
  • temperature.

A characteristic symptom is the pain in the muscles and joints, which become salted at night. After a few days, rashes appear on the skin. Secondary syphilis occur in different areas, they have a rounded shape and do not destroy the surrounding tissues. If they are present, there are no signs of acute inflammation, and they heal without scarring. Sometimes there may be slight itching on the skin.

Lymph nodes are enlarged, they are painless and not soldered to surrounding tissues. The roots of the hair do not get enough nutrition and they fall out. On the scalp, foci of partial or complete alopecia become visible. The mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx can be affected, which leads to the hoarseness of the voice.

With liver damage, it increases in size, becomes painful, all this is reflected in the results of liver tests. There may be gastritis and there may be disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. From the side of the nervous system - sleep disturbance and irritability. Some patients have inflammation of the ear, the iris, dry pleurisy and neurosyphilis.


  • The main point is to check all patients with a rash and characteristic symptoms. An RPR test was performed and the skin elements were examined for pale treponema. The causative agent can be detected with biopsy of lymph nodes. The material can be taken with lumbar puncture.
  • The majority of patients are diagnosed on the basis of positive serological reactions. Only 1-2% of them can be false-negative with a high antibody titer. Investigate in a dark field, to observe living microorganisms.
  • At clinical displays consultations of experts are necessary: ​​the oculist, the lung specialist, the urologist, the gastroenterologist. If necessary, conduct an ultrasound examination of the relevant organs or systems.
  • Differential diagnostics is necessary to exclude infectious rashes with chicken pox, rubella, measles, etc. Distinguish from dermatological and fungal diseases like: psoriasis, lichen, toxicodermia, candidiasis. When the mucous membrane is affected, there are differences with thrush, stomatitis and angina.

Treatment of

Treatment of syphilides is carried out by the same methods and preparations as in primary syphilis. The defeat of various organs requires additional symptomatic treatment.

Surpurgating tubercular syphilid

Therapeutic method

The dermatovenereologist is engaged in the treatment of syphilis. It is necessary to constantly monitor the doctor and follow all of his recommendations and appointments. The irradiation is carried out with ultraviolet light.

By medicamentous method

  • Water-soluble penicillins( Bicillin, Retarpen) are used and monitored for their essential content in the patient's blood. Such treatment is carried out in a hospital, where the drug is injected into the muscle every 3 hours.
  • Antibacterial drugs are given a course with a minimum duration of 24 days. Assign additional immunostimulants and vitamins.
  • For allergy or ineffectiveness of penicillins, macrolides( Clarithromycin, Medikamycin), fluoroquinolones, streptomycins( Ofloxacin) and tetracyclines( Doxycycline) are prescribed.

Prevention of the disease

If there are sick people in the family, then it is necessary to eat from a separate dish, and treat the objects well with soap. Use individual hygiene items and avoid kissing and sex during the infectious stage.

Avoid casual sexual intercourse or contact with strangers. Reduce the risk of infection can be when using a condom. Regularly check for sexually transmitted infections. In time, seek help from doctors.

Complications of

Treatment of untreated syphilis in women can be transmitted to a future child. The onset of pregnancy may not be or the woman will not be able to deliver the child.


If the treatment regimen is not adhered to or is reduced, the disease stays and passes into tertiary syphilis. Cure and success are guaranteed by contacting a specialist and following all instructions.

Syphilitic Ectima

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