Sclerosis of cerebral vessels: signs, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Sclerosis is a systemic disease. It affects all the vessels in one way or another. But certain areas cause harm from sclerosis is applied to a greater extent. Some have more damaged heart vessels, someone has limbs or a brain. In this article we will talk about the defeat of the vessels of the brain.

Description of the disease

Sclerosis of the brain, if it is discovered in time and begin treatment, you can win. Unfortunately, most patients notice something is wrong and turns to doctors late.

It all begins with the formation of plaques in the cerebral vessels that supply it with blood. They do not allow the vessels to fully perform the function of blood supply, nutrition with oxygen and nutrients.

If the disease is not detected and treatment is not started, the brain tissue begins to change. Cysts, scars, a complete blockage of blood vessels with plaques lead to necrosis of the tissues.

Detachment of this plaque from the walls of the vessel and its movement through the bloodstream leads to a thrombus that completely blocks the smaller vessel. This is a stroke.

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The causes of the appearance of sclerosis of the brain

According to statistics, men suffer from this disease 7 times more often than women. The cause may be heredity. It is worth to carefully monitor yourself to those who suffer from high blood pressure.

Attentively it is necessary to treat yourself and those who suffer from diabetes. But most cases are associated with an incorrect lifestyle. The formation of plaques in blood vessels and insufficient nutrition of oxygen and nutrients of the brain tissue is facilitated by bad habits.

Risk of alcohol abusers and smokers. Obesity, irrational nutrition, emotional overstrain and a sedentary lifestyle also leads to the onset of this disease.

The main method for diagnosing brain diseases is the mrth of the vessels of the brain. The procedure is safe and allows you to detect virtually any deviation from the norm.

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Symptoms of the disease

Establish that the human sclerosis of cerebral vessels in the beginning is not easy.

This disease manifests itself as usual overwork:

  • The patient becomes irritable.
  • The person quickly becomes tired and falls into depressive states.
  • Often a person's disability decreases, memory worsens and insomnia appears.

The second stage of brings aggravation of mental disorders.

  • The patient clearly feels a decrease in intelligence, weakness is shown.
  • Memory deteriorates drastically, work that was previously performed automatically turns into a difficult task.
  • Even ordinary reading becomes an impossible task, because the meaning of catching is incredibly difficult, a competent person begins to make gross mistakes.
    As a rule, a patient begins to reproach himself for laziness, tries to collect will into a fist. But only a few understand that you need to go to the doctor and be examined.

The third stage of is expressed in symptoms that are already impossible to overlook. It is clear to everyone that this is a disease.

  • Very severe memory impairments, sick people are no longer able to recall even important and significant moments of their lives.
  • A person becomes an invalid, because professionally it becomes unsuitable even for performing simple actions.
  • At the peak, vascular sclerosis is manifested by dementia, strokes and heart attacks.

How is the diagnosis of the disease

If a person begins to notice the aforementioned signs of cerebral vascular sclerosis, it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

It is possible to diagnose the diagnosis of the stage of the disease with the help of ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck.

This type of ultrasound is used to test blood vessels from the outside on the head, inside the skull and on the neck.

In order to get a comprehensive picture, the duplex scanning is applied.

It passes in several modes:

  • Two-dimensional allows you to clearly see the vessels and tissues near them. This mode allows the doctor to know about the state of the blood flow.
  • Transcranial enables the study of blood flow in the vessels inside the skull. This mode of ultrasound is used to study the brain and search for possible voluminous formations in it.

An effective diagnostic method is angiography of cerebral vessels .It is performed by inserting contrast media into the vessels, after which several x-rays are taken. If there are plaques or cysts in the vessels, they will be visible in the pictures.

Another method - magnetic resonance angiography .This method is based on the use of electromagnetic waves and magnetic fields. MR angiography can have several variants and is performed either with the introduction of a contrast agent, or without it. This method is good for those who have an allergy to contrast agents.

How is duplex scanning of brain vessels:

Medical treatment of sclerosis

It is extremely important not to give up, listen to the doctor's recommendations and perform them.

If the patient is diagnosed with an exacerbation and hospital treatment is required, it is impossible to refuse. The rest of the time the treatment is outpatient.

To cope with the disease and stop its development, it is necessary to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner.

One set of tablets in this situation can not be limited. Medicines and methods of treatment should be selected by the doctor individually. Conventionally, drugs can be divided into several types:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Anticoagulants.
  • Drugs that dilate blood vessels.
  • Statins that lower the cholesterol production rate in the liver.

As in any other case - self-treatment is unacceptable.

Very important motor activity. If you do not eliminate the causes of the appearance of the disease, it can not be defeated with medicines alone. Physical stress should be chosen with the help of a doctor, because they also depend on the state of the body.

Someone just needs a walk in the fresh air. Someone else can actively engage in sports - ride a bike, run and do gymnastic exercises. Very good results are provided by physiotherapy.

Do not think that this diagnosis is a verdict, although the treatment will be long. In recent years, scientists are testing experimental methods of treatment. Some of them inspire me with good results.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies

Traditional healers recommend to exclude from the menu all products that give oxalic and uric acid. This category includes all types of meat, especially kidney and liver are dangerous. Do not eat chocolate, sorrel, sprats, sardines, drink black tea.

You need to eat in most sour-milk products, vegetables, fruits and cereals. It is very good to eat for breakfast sprouted grains and drink on an empty stomach a glass of hot water or the juice of raw potatoes. Well cleared vessels of sea kale, green tea, parsley, apples, dog rose, red mountain ash.

From the recipes of folk medicine it is especially worth highlighting, as a very effective, juice from the leaves and roots of dandelions. You can drink it all the time while fresh leaves grow on the street. Leaves must be collected and cooked with 50 ml of juice. It will turn out to be bitter, you need to dilute the juice with rice decoction. Take the medicine 4 times a day, 20 minutes before eating.

A good broth is obtained from a mixture of thyme and mint.1 tablespoon pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 40 minutes. Then the broth should be filtered and you can start treatment. You need to drink medicine 2-3 times a week for 3 tbsp.spoons. The recipe is given on the basis of 1 tablespoon, but do not prepare the broth for future use. Before reception it is necessary to prepare fresh.

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Prevention of cerebral vascular sclerosis

It all begins with proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits.

All products that lower cholesterol levels are your best friends and helpers.

Cabbage, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, cucumbers, onions and garlic, seafood and sea kale, peas, vegetable oil, lemon and grape juices, walnuts, skimmed milk products, green tea - all this can and should be eaten.

Keep an eye on the pressure. Keep it at the level of absolutely real - you need to reduce salt intake and monitor body weight. Obesity leads not only to sclerosis of the brain, but also a number of other diseases. Experiment with diets is not necessary. Just choose a different lifestyle.

The consumption of water, namely simple water, in the quantities necessary for a person sharply reduces the risk of many diseases. Sclerosis of cerebral vessels is no exception. A person must drink a day and a half a liter of water. Coffee and tea are not considered.

Actively go in for sports or at least walk in the fresh air. Try to remove fatigue from your life, psychological stress, stress. Quality sleep is extremely important, do not neglect it. If the work is associated with constant unrest, requires mental stress, find a way to relax at lunch time and go home on foot.

Anyway, everyone, even the most spiteful boss, will understand your desire to protect your health.

Constantly train the memory. It is proved that a man who regularly learns poems by heart or studies foreign languages ​​at a mature age, preserves the clarity of mind and good memory longer in adulthood for longer.

Sclerosis affects all vessels, but regular therapeutic examinations and preventive measures will help to avoid its serious manifestations.

Elena Malysheva about products that help to avoid the development of sclerosis:

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