General analysis of urine with microscopy of sediment: indications, how it is performed, norm, decoding

General urine analysis among general clinical trials is prescribed by physicians more often than others. The fact is that it is very informative, simple and cheap, while it reflects fairly complete data on the state of human health.

Urinalysis with microscopy of sediment

Urine, or urine, is a product of the kidneys, the ultimate component of metabolic processes. In the urine there is water, as well as hormones dissolved in it, electrolytes, dead cells of the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, salt, mucus, leukocytes, etc. The general analysis of urine( OAM) gives a set of information about the physical, chemical parameters of urine, the presence in it of various metabolites.

The general analysis of urine allows to estimate activity of the kidneys, bladder and other organs of the system, these are its most important but not exhaustive purposes. Also, the study will help to identify violations in the activities of internal organs that are not related to the urinary system.

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The data to be obtained after the study is performed are as follows:

  • General analysis( wet urine study by dry chemistry) - specific gravity of urine, shade, transparency, acid-base index, protein, sugar, nitrites, hemoglobin, ketone bodies, bilirubin, urobilinogen.
  • Microscopy of the precipitate( qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a number of insoluble components) - leukocytes, cylinders, erythrocytes, epithelial cells, salts, bacteria.


Patients with a variety of pathologies of the urinary and other systems analysis is prescribed according to the recommendations of the doctor, healthy people for preventive purposes should do it every 6-12 months. After the transferred streptococcal infection OAM is given 7-14 days after recovery. The results of the analysis should be interpreted only by the physician in order to correctly diagnose or exclude it.

Other indications for the analysis:

  • Screening studies, examinations.
  • Monitoring of complications.
  • Evaluation of treatment effectiveness.
  • In a complex examination of the body.
  • For differential diagnosis.
  • For the detection of metabolic diseases, electrolyte balance failures.
  • For the diagnosis of infections, inflammatory pathologies.
  • In order to monitor the clinical condition of a patient after surgery.
  • For the analysis of kidney condition when taking nephrotoxic drugs.

Most often OAMS is recommended for delivery if there are symptoms of inflammation in the urinary system - changes in the daily volume of urine, low back pain, edema, changes in odor, urine color, temperature rise, etc.

On the photo microscopy of urine sediments

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How do they do it?

The container for analysis collection should be bought only in the pharmacy, home containers and containers used before are strictly not suitable! Disposable sterile jars exclude the ingress of foreign substances into the material and distortion of the results.

On the eve it is not necessary to use coloring products - beets, carrots, wine, blueberries and other natural dyes. Determining the correct color of urine is very important, because, for example, a dark shade of urine is sometimes a sign of inflammation of the liver. One day prior to taking the test with microscopy of the sediment, it is undesirable to take medications - some of them distort the results, for example, Aspirin colors the urine in a pinkish hue. If the patient takes antibiotics, antiseptics, uroseptics, this must be reported to the doctor.

Also, one day before the sample collection, you should discard:

  • Drinking alcohol;
  • Drinking lots of fluids;
  • Sexuality Management;
  • Perform cystoscopy.

Before collecting urine should be washed, while not using soap, disinfectants. After the toilet, you need to collect the morning portion of urine( the first after sleeping) in the container. The container should be delivered to the laboratory within 24 hours, stored at a temperature of + 2 + 24 degrees.

Urine examination is performed as follows:

  1. In physical appearance and with the help of necessary equipment, the physical characteristics of urine are evaluated.
  2. At the bottom of the container, which stood for 2 hours, lower the pipette.
  3. Collect 10 ml of urine, which is centrifuged for 5-7 minutes.
  4. The composition of the precipitate drop is analyzed, obtaining all the main data.

Explanation of

The OAM specification is given in the table:

Parameters Norm Units
Shade Yellow, straw yellow -
Transparency Transparent -
Specific gravity 1.010-1.025 -
pH 5,00-700 pH
protein No or traces g / l
Ketone bodies No mmol / l
Glucose No mmol / l
Bilirubin No mmol / l
Hemoglobin No Ery / uL
Nitrite No -
Urolinogen No Mmol / L

Variations in variance in general urine analysis with microscopy of sediment:

Parameters Norms Units of measure
Leukocytes Up to 3 in men, up to 5 in women In view
Red blood cells Up to 3 In view of
Epithelium Less than 5 in women, less than 3 in men In view of
Salts No In view of
Cylinders No or single hyaline In view
Bacteria No In view of
Slime No or minorthe number of In the field of view

The doctor after receiving the results of the analysis will be able to draw conclusions about the changes in the body:
  1. Color. Darkening of the urine means the presence of bilirubin or urobilinogen in large quantities. A red shade can talk about the presence of blood, whitish color - about inflammation, the presence of mucus, blue-green - about rotting in the intestine.
  2. Reaction. Abundance of animal food leads to acidification of urine, milk-vegetable food - to alkalization. Acid urine is also observed in diabetes mellitus, gout, febrile state, the shift to the alkaline side is characteristic for inflammation of the kidneys, massive loss of salts against a background of vomiting, diarrhea.
  3. Specific gravity. The density of urine increases with diseases of the heart and kidneys, loss of water from the body, the accumulation of protein, sugar, metabolites of drugs, toxins. The specific weight decreases because of the hormonal imbalance, with some pathologies of the kidneys.
  4. Transparency. If the urine is cloudy, this is due to the presence of fat, salts, epithelial cells, red blood cells, white blood cells.
  5. Protein. The presence of protein means the development of severe or long-term ongoing kidney diseases, without kidney damage can occur with fever, after heavy sports, with congestive heart failure.
  6. Bilirubin. Appears in urine with pathologies of the liver, bile ducts.
  7. Urolilinogen makes urine more yellow, observed in liver diseases, enteritis, hemolytic anemia.
  8. Nitrite in urine is associated with the presence of bacteria and inflammatory reaction products in it.
  9. Glucose. Appears in diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, acromegaly, Fanconi syndrome.
  10. Ketone bodies. They grow with diabetes, less often - with fasting, a sharp decrease in carbohydrate food, a prolonged temperature increase.
  11. Epithelium. It appears in large quantities in the inflammatory process in the urinary system.
  12. Erythrocytes. Blood in the urine is present in severe cardiac pathologies, kidney and urethral injuries, cystitis, kidney infarction, bladder tuberculosis, vasculitis, polycystic kidney, infectious process, cancer.
  13. Leukocytes. The growth of leukocytes in the urine means the development of various forms of inflammatory process in the kidneys, urethra, bladder, and also occurs with common infections, fever.
  14. Cylinders. Appear when there is a violation of renal filtration, typical for serious kidney and heart diseases, for dehydration, overheating, poisoning.
  15. Mucus. Increases in inflammatory conditions in the kidneys and underlying parts of the urinary system.
  16. Bacteria. Means the presence of a bacterial infection.
  17. Salts( crystals).Indicate violations of mineral metabolism, the presence of stones, sand.

Poor sample collection, prolonged storage, poor hygiene, excessive fluid intake, drugs and colorants, as well as stress, pregnancy, menstruation can negatively affect the analysis.
On the video of the microscopy of sediment:

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