What is cancer metastasis and what are they dangerous for: photos, symptoms, treatment, prognosis, video

Every day in the human body there are thousands of abnormal cellular structures that can later acquire a malignant status. Thanks to the immunity, these cells are destroyed in time.

But if the immune defense for certain reasons misses these cells, then they freely multiply, forming into a tumor of a cancerous nature.

What is metastasis in cancer?

Malignant cells from foci of primary localization through blood and lymph flow extend into other organic structures, forming metastatic foci, which are in fact secondary localizations of cancer.

When the cancer crawls into adjacent tissues, it is said about regional metastasis. If malignant cellular structures with blood or lymph fluid penetrated into peripheral tissues, then distant metastasis occurs.

Reasons for the spread of

In general, metastasis is caused by certain factors of oncological growth, which stimulate the formation of capillary and vascular networks around tumor formation.

As a result, a favorable environment for malignant structures is created, which provides them with the necessary nutrition. In this scenario, metastasis occurs throughout the body.

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In general, the spread of malignant cells can occur along different routes:

  • With blood flow - malignant cells are hematogenous through veins, capillary structures and vessels are distributed throughout the body;
  • With a current of lymph. Lymphonoduses act as a protective barrier for malignant structures and in them partial destruction occurs. But when there are too many altered cells, macrophages can not cope with them;
  • Implantation or by the envelope of serous tissue.

Metastases of lymphogenous origin are most characteristic of cancer of the uterine neck and stomach, larynx and colon, sarcomas and melanomas.

Hematogenous metastasis pathways are usually observed in the late stages of chorioepitheliomas and sarcomas, low-tidal and abdominal tumors, hypernephroma, etc.

At what stage appear and how quickly spread?

If the patient does not receive the necessary treatment, the metastases will eventually occur with any cancer process, but the time of appearance is not always unambiguous.

In some oncopathologies, metastasis occurs only a few months after the formation of the primary tumor site, and in others, only after a few years. Therefore, even presumably to establish the timing of metastasis is impossible.

Considering metastasis in the lymphatic system, it can be said that metastases are a sign of the transition of cancer to the second stage of development.

If there is a hematogenous spread of malignant cells, then we are talking about the transition of oncopathology to the 4th stage. On the average, metastases are formed in 3-4 stages of cancer. That is, in fact, the appearance of metastatic processes determines the stage of a cancerous tumor.

Video on how metastasis of cancerous tumors occurs:

How does metastasis different types of cancer?

Usually, metastases are detected in the pulmonary structures, the liver and lymph nodes. Much less often, metastatic foci are found in the heart and muscles of the skeleton, spleen and pancreas.

Specialists have determined a certain pattern of cancer metastasis of different locations:

  • Melanoma usually metastasizes into the lungs, liver, muscles or skin;
  • Pulmonary cancer - in a healthy lung, liver and adrenal tissue;
  • Malignant tumor in the ovaries and uterus, stomach and intestines, pancreas usually metastasizes to the lungs, liver and abdominal cavity;
  • Mammary, renal and prostatic oncology extends mainly to bone, liver and lung tissue.

Than dangerous?

Lethal outcome in oncopathologies is more likely to occur precisely because of active metastasis, rather than because of the presence of a primary tumor. Therefore, metastases are very dangerous.

  1. They violate the activities of vital systems and organs;
  2. If there are metastases, then the body can no longer resist oncology alone;
  3. Metastasis adversely affects the oncological process and the patient's condition, worsening it.

Varieties of

Metastases have many variants and varieties that differ significantly from one another.


Virchow metastasis is located in the supraclavicular area of ​​the neck and arises against the background of gastric cancer. A similar arrangement of the secondary oncochamber is caused by the direction of the lymph flow from the abdominal cavity.

Malignant cell structures climb lymphatic ways to the cervical lymph nodes, they can not go further, so they start forming into a secondary tumor. Virchow metastasis can occur due to cancer of the liver, pancreas and other abdominal structures.


Similar metastases are also characterized by lymphogenesis and are localized in the ovaries. These secondary tumors account for about 35-40% of the total number of ovarian metastases.

Crookenberg metastases are observed in malignant gastric, breast, intestinal or cholecystectic lesions, urinary or cervical cancer.


Schnitzler metastases are the spread of malignant process in the cellulose of the near-rectal location and the pararectal lymph nodes.

Similar metastatic formations are probed by rectal finger examination and are painless seals.

Most often occurs against a background of stomach cancer.


Metastatic tumors that form in bone tissues and promote osteoblast activity are called osteoblastic. Against the background of increased osteoblastic activity, calcium deposits in the bone tissues increase, which contributes to their rapid growth.

There are such metastatic foci on the background of a dairy, thyroid or prostatic cancer, sarcomas and lymphomas. Forecasts are mostly unfavorable.


Solitary-type metastases are coarse-nodal solitary formations localized in pulmonary, cerebrospinal and other tissues.


Osteolytic secondary formations also localize in bone structures, however, their effect on bone is slightly different. They destroy bone tissue and activate osteoclasts, which leads to destructive changes in bones.

Symptoms and signs

The clinical picture of metastasis depends on its location and type of primary tumor. Usually metastases lead to severe dysfunctional changes in the structures of the body.

  • In hepatic metastasis of , patients have skin itch, jaundice and liver failure;
  • Gastrointestinal metastatic processes of lead to rapid encephalopathy;
  • Pulmonary metastasis of causes bronchopulmonary inflammations, respiratory disorders, etc.;
  • Bone metastases are very painful throughout the body.

Skin on the skin

Skin metastasis occurs mainly on the background of malignant lesions of the ovaries, lungs and kidneys. Metastatic processes on the skin have a lymphatic or hematogenous origin. In men, such metastases are located on the abdomen and neck, chest and head, and in women on the chest and stomach.

Symptoms of cutaneous metastasis:

  1. Appearance of formations similar to birthmarks;
  2. Skin discoloration in place of metastases;
  3. Rapid increase in cutaneous formation;
  4. Asthenia;
  5. Impairment;
  6. Drowsiness and weakness;
  7. Lack of operability;
  8. Painful sensations in the tumor;
  9. Weight loss and hyperthermia.

The photo shows the cancer of the 4th stage with metastases on the skin

. If the metastasis is formed on the scalp, it usually has the appearance of a greasy cystic formation.

In the ribs of

The first signs of costal metastases are intense painful sensations, leading to a limitation of mobility. At later stages, secondary tumor lesions can lead to fracture of the ribs, which occurs even with insignificant strains.

In the ribs most often metastasize cancer tumors thyroid, breast, prostate and cervix, liver and lungs, esophagus, etc. To detect them, a scintigraphic examination of the skeleton is necessary.


Cardiac secondary tumors usually result from pleural mesothelioma, carcinoma, melanoma or esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, renal and thyroid cancer, or leukemia.

Symptoms of cardiac metastases are:

  • Pericardial effusion;
  • Obstruction of veins in the myocardium;
  • Depression of cardiac activity;
  • Arrhythmia, myocardial insufficiency.


Cancer cells can penetrate into any part of the body, in particular into the abdominal cavity. Malignant structures settle on the surface of the internal organs and the walls of the peritoneum. For quite a long time they accumulate, gradually forming a secondary tumor.

With oncology of the breast

Metastatic foci in the mammary gland are manifested by the appearance of seals in the chest, which are easily probed by palpation.

In the mammary gland, malignant cells enter the bloodstream or lymphogenically. The patient feels intense tenderness in the chest and other uncomfortable sensations.

Remote metastases

The more parameters of primary education, the earlier the metastatic processes will start. Usually, the real threat of metastasis occurs when the tumor exceeds 3-cm diameter.

Together with the bloodstream, malignant cells spread to distant tissues and organs, indicating late stages of the tumor process.

  • If metastases occur in the bone system, the patients experience bone pain, which can seriously compromise quality of life.
  • If breast cancer metastasizes into the lungs of , the patient is worried about shortness of breath, coughing and chest pains.
  • With nervous system metastasis of , dizziness and headaches, convulsions and hallucinations, auditory and visual impairments, coordination disorders, etc.


Early in oncology, mammary gland can develop metastases in regional lymph nodes. Usually these are axillary lymph nodes.

But if the primary tumor is formed closer to the center of the chest, the metastatic lymph nodes are metastasized.

In the future, the cancerous process spreads to more distant lymph nodes.

In the intestine

Metastasis in the intestines is accompanied by frequent diarrhea or constipation, blood stains in the feces, abdominal pain and swelling.

In addition, the products of vital activity of oncogenesis cause a general intoxication of the body, which is manifested by dyspeptic disorders.


The main sign of metastasis in the kidney and adrenal structures is hematuria, which is characterized by the presence of blood in the patient's urine.

An additional sign of metastasis in the kidneys is soreness in the lumbar region, constant temperature and weakness, increased blood pressure and progressive anemia.


Metastases in the spleen are extremely rare, because the body itself is capable of producing substances that destroy malignant cells.

Among the obvious signs of metastasis are fever, thrombopenia, an increase in organ size, severity and soreness. As the secondary tumor grows, the condition worsens, and the body is depleted.


The pleura lining the chest wall and the lungs from the inside. It produces a special lubricant that facilitates pulmonary work in the process of breathing. Metastasis in pleural tissues is accompanied by cough, subfebrile temperature and soreness in the sternum.


Metastasis in the stomach is rare, with tumors spreading here from the uterus, esophagus, breast or lung. Metastasis is accompanied by hyperthermia and lack of appetite, anemia and taste changes, tenderness in the stomach, etc.


At the initial stages, ovarian metastases do not manifest themselves. Some cancer patients observe a lack of appetite and general weakness, menstruation disorders and hyperthermia. When the metastasis increases, there are painful sensations and a bursting feeling in the lower abdomen.

Adrenal glands

Adrenals metastasize many tumors, for example, from the lungs, kidneys, mammary glands, etc.

A similar tumor spread causes adrenal insufficiency.

Large secondary formations are almost always accompanied by necrotic processes.

With oncology of the uterus

Metastasis in uterine cancer begins in the 3 stages of oncoprocess. The spread of malignant cells occurs lymphogenically, and hematogenous spread is possible at the last stage of cancer.

Patients complain of spotting between menstruation, lumbar pain and rubbing in the lower half of the abdomen, especially under stress.


Metastatic spread of malignant cells to the urinary structures occurs in a lymphogenous way, mainly from the pelvis or ureters.

At first, the symptoms that are most typical for cystitis are disturbed by frequent desires, lumbar pains, painful urination.

With the development of metastasis, the condition worsens, constant hyperthermia, urinary blood, etc. appear.


Pancreatic fermentation is characterized by such manifestations as sudden weight loss and lack of appetite, a sickening syndrome, epigastric pains and frequent diarrhea.

Sometimes metastases in the pancreas cause some yellowing of the skin and girdle in the abdomen.


Metastatic formations in the throat appear usually from tumors of the mouth, respiratory organs and digestion. Most often, such a localization of metastases causes such symptoms:

  • Sores and sores in the throat;
  • Edema of oral tissues;
  • Problems with talking, breathing, swallowing;
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes, etc.

How to identify in the body?

Detection of metastases requires a thorough diagnosis, including:

  • CT;
  • ultrasound;
  • MRI;
  • Review radiography;
  • PET;
  • Radioisotope diagnostics.

Similar procedures allow to determine the degree of metastasis, the size of secondary tumors, the germination in other tissues and the presence of purulent processes or decay, the nature of growth, etc.

Are they visible on ultrasound?

Ultrasound diagnosis is one of the main methods for detecting the metastatic spread of malignant processes.

Such a study is considered quite informative and is widely used in modern diagnostic practice.

How to cure?

Treatment of oncology with metastasis is caused by the location, size and number of secondary foci. Several different techniques are used: surgical removal, radiotherapy and drug therapy.

Surgical treatment

Initially, doctors are trying to remove primary education, which in the future can act as a source of metastases.

Then proceed directly to the removal of the metastatic foci themselves. To do this, remove lymph nodes and adjacent fiber.

When removing secondary formations, the surgeon also cuts off some of the healthy tissues, which may also contain micrometastases.

Radiofrequency ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is now successfully used in the treatment of metastatic spread of tumor processes.

A similar method involves the destruction of a tumor by high temperatures, which are created by special electrodes. Electromagnetic currents heat malignant tissues and destroy them. Then the dead cells shrink, and in their place a scar is formed.


The medical treatment of metastatic tumors involves the use of such methods as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted and hormone therapy.

The chemotherapeutic effect of antitumor drugs stops the growth and spread of metastases. Often this technique is combined with irradiation or radiofrequency ablation.

How many live with metastases: prognosis

Usually, the presence of metastases in lymph nodes and other organic structures suggests unfavorable predictions of oncopathology.

  • Prognosis of metastases in the abdominal cavity. Lethal outcome with a similar metastasis for today is 5%.Timely detection of abdominal metastasis and mandatory chemotherapy with appropriate rehabilitation greatly increases the patient's chances of a favorable outcome of oncology treatment.
  • In the adrenal glands. Adrenal metastases are usually combined with other organ damage, so the prognosis depends on the specific clinical situation.
  • Sadness. Similar metastasis for early detection may end positively, however, with late detection, the predictions are unfavorable.
  • Intestine. With timely access to an oncologist, there is a tendency to a safe outcome of the disease. Cure with timely surgery, combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy on average occurs in half of patients. At later stages, the forecasts are disappointing.
  • Liver. Without treatment for metastatic lesions of the liver, the survival rate is 4 months. When receiving the necessary assistance, the patient's life is extended for a year and a half, additional chemotherapy can be given to an oncologist for another year of life.
  • Light. Adverse factors in pulmonary metastasis are its appearance earlier than 12 months after removal of the primary oncochamber, as well as a rapid increase in metastatic tumors. Survival in 5 years with a single metastasis and after adequate treatment is about 40%.

If the patient has a terminal( fourth) stage of oncology and there are metastases, the life expectancy is calculated in several weeks, and sometimes even in days, depending on the type of tumor.

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