The first signs and symptoms of an ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke, as well as a spinal cord stroke

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Some people suffer a stroke without noticing it. For example, a person can fall abruptly for no reason and feel good, but with the passage of some time without providing the necessary first aid, the outcome can be very unfavorable. Therefore, absolutely all people should know and remember the main signs of an attack of a stroke, in time to help a person and, maybe, even save a life.

First signs and symptoms of cerebral stroke

What is the difference between a heart attack and a stroke? Heart attack and stroke have a very similar analogy, that is, a heart attack is usually called damage to a part or the entire organ as a result of clogging the vessel with a blood clot. There is a heart attack( myocardium), a kidney infarction, a lung infarction, a spinal cord infarction. A stroke is a specific name for a cerebral infarction. The cause of blood clots in the artery is often a sharp narrowing of the vessels as a result of the transfer of atherosclerosis.

Very often, a heart attack can trigger the onset and development of a stroke, because with an infarction, acute heart failure occurs, leading to blood clots, which in the future can clog the blood vessels in the brain.
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4 signs of a stroke

In the main cases, determining a stroke is not so difficult, if you remember the following four of its signs:

  1. A person just can not smile normally. The person will smile crookedly, one side of the mouth will necessarily be omitted.
  2. The conversation in case of stroke will be vague, blurry, it will create a feeling that a person has drunk a lot of alcohol. Ask the patient to answer the questions: "Where do you live?", "Where did you learn," "How do you feel?".It is important that the patient's response consist of no less than 3-4 words.
  3. Raise both hands to one level the patient also can not. The hand that will be raised below will say about the defeat of this side on the body.
  4. It is normal to stick out a tongue, as a healthy person can do it, the patient also can not. The language will fall on one side.

Warning signs of stroke in women

Stroke symptomatology in women may have some of their characteristics, although the signs of an attack in women and men also have some similarities. Special scientific studies have given indicators that characterize some of the special signs of stroke in women:

  • Appearance of general weakness accompanied by nausea
  • Sudden sensation of pain in the limbs and face
  • Difficulty in breathing and heartbeat
  • Emergence of hiccups
  • Painful syndrome in the chest.

In women, such symptoms of stroke appear in 52% of cases.

In men,

The above signs can also be seen in the male sex, only in 44% of cases. Symptoms in men with stroke are more likely to look like traditional symptoms described below.

Traditional signs for men and women

  • Sudden occurrence of severe headache
  • Restriction of movement and unconsciousness
  • Weakness and lethargy of limbs or muscles on one side of the body
  • Darkening or turbidity in the eyes of
  • Disruption of perception of occurring events
  • Mental disturbances.

Signs and symptoms of ischemic stroke

The main signs accompanying an attack of ischemic stroke are:

  • Headache. Abrupt, sudden, some people may feel as if they were hit with a hammer in the head. This symptom may indicate a subarachnoid hemorrhage. If the headache was caused by a stroke, then the person will not be able to raise his head high or press his chin to the chest. Quite often, subarachnoid hemorrhage causes not only pain in the head, but also vomiting followed by loss of consciousness.
  • Dizziness. Severe or sudden dizziness may occur due to damage to the central parts of the nervous system.
  • Visual impairment. In this case, a person can fork over objects in front of his eyes or darken his vision.
  • Muscle weakness. A sudden general weakness of the whole body, tongue, face, arm or leg can be indicative of the onset of a stroke.
  • Sensitivity disorder. This symptom is usually characterized by numbness of the limbs or one of the sides of the body.
  • Violation of the reflex swallowing and speech. The patient may begin to stutter, muffle or not speak at all. When the reflex swallowing a person can choke, the tongue can be crooked and skewed.
  • Change gait and impaired movement. A person can not just stand still for a while, stand upright, walk alone. The appearance of paresis or paralysis will also indicate a stroke.
  • Impaired consciousness. It is especially pronounced in short-term memory loss, lack of orientation in space, time and self. The development of a coma( when a person sleeps and does not fully respond to a loud voice and painful sensations) is observed in more severe cases of stroke.
  • Convulsions. And they can appear together with loss of consciousness, both independently and with sharp twitching of the extremities.

Symptoms and signs of hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke will manifest somewhat differently than ischemic stroke. Its signs will be:

  • A sharp reddening of the skin on the face. This is due to the increase in blood pressure, which could lead to hemorrhage from the vessels to the brain region. In parallel with the reddening face, a person can see objects in red light.
  • Failure of breathing, blood pressure, pulse. Surrounding people observe noisy breathing in the patient, the pulse can be strained and slow, and BP high.
  • Paresis of limbs. Partial paralysis of the arm or leg.
  • Inverted stop. And the stop will be turned out from the opposite side of the affected area of ​​the brain.
  • The "hanging" position of the cheek. It will be flabby and it can really create the feeling that it is hanging.
For any of the above signs, you urgently need to call an ambulance team, because the absence of medical first aid with a cerebral hemorrhage in a few hours can be fatal.

Eye Symptoms

Eyes during an attack of a stroke can help others to identify the disease. For the following symptoms, a stroke can be identified:

  • A pupil dilated in one of the eyes will speak of the lesion of this side of the brain
  • Eyeballs can "swim" and move chaotically
  • Pupils of the patient may not react to movements of objects before the eyes
  • Feeling of squeezing the eyeballs
  • Splitting objects
  • Unnatural eye eversion.

How to recognize the first signs and symptoms of a micro stroke

For a microstroke disease, the name mini-stroke is sometimes used, although there is no such diagnosis, there is a stroke diagnosis. Micro-( mini-stroke) refers to point damage to the brain or pinpoint hemorrhages in it.

Frequent signs of a stroke are dizziness and nausea, as well as impaired coordination of movement.

Often, stroke is accompanied by a sharp headache in the forehead and temples. More information about this symptom is here.

Symptoms with a micro stroke last not for long - from a few seconds to 24 hours. The signs of micro-( mini) stroke are as follows:

  • Feeling of weakness
  • Headache
  • Feeling stunned
  • General weakness, etc.

Usually, the microinsult is diagnosed as acute dyscirculatory encephalopathy.


Very often strokes in young people are taken for nervous system infections, multiple sclerosis, and sometimes even for functional disorders that are not due to organic CNS damage. Therefore, all people under the age of 45 should not neglect hypertension, frequent feelings of fatigue, dizziness and headache, but consult a doctor because these symptoms may be the cause of a stroke at a young age.

. The elderly are somewhat more difficult to toleratestrokes of stroke, rather than young people. Statistics show that people over 65 years of age( and beyond) are more likely to develop this disease.
Elderly people after a stroke can become somewhat frivolous, foolish, inadequate to communicate and treat surrounding people, or vice versa - they become aggressive and evil, which can cause surrounding people to fear.

Recurrent stroke

A recurrent stroke usually occurs in the first year after the first attack. A repeat stroke is much easier to avoid than the first, you just need not ignore the appointment and recommendation of the doctor. Signs of a second attack will be the same as the first, so the surrounding and close people of the patient will be able to diagnose the attack more quickly. Again, this is dizziness, nausea, darkening in the eyes, tinnitus, paresis, paralysis, etc.

Signs of a spinal cord injury

Stroke of the spinal cord is a sharp violation in the circulation of the back, which leads to a malfunction of the spinal cord itself. A stroke attack of the spinal cord is a fairly rare disease, but it has a place to be. It is also distinguished by two types - ischemic and hemorrhagic. The following symptoms that characterize an attack of the spinal cord appear quickly or suddenly:

  • Severe back pain, accompanied by weakness in the extremities or a sensitivity disorder in them
  • Severe damage to the spinal cord can lead to malfunction of some internal organs, which can result in a violation of bowel movements and urination
  • Paresis of the lower limbs and pain in them.

Coma symptoms after stroke

Coma after an attack of a stroke develops rather quickly, acutely and has the following symptoms:

  • The person suddenly fainted
  • His face became purple-red
  • Breathing became loud, wheezing
  • Pulse became tense, blood pressure increased
  • Eyeballsdeviated
  • Pupils narrowed or became uneven
  • The pupils' reaction to light became sluggish
  • Muscle tone
  • decreased The functions of the pelvic organs( incontinence)

Signs of death from a stroke

The following indicators indicate the onset of death after an attack of a stroke:

  • The person completely lacks a reaction to ammonia and cheeks
  • Body temperature gradually decreases
  • Respiration and pulse are also absent
  • Pupils are no longer responsive to light
  • May alsothe phenomenon of "cat's pupil" is observed.
Despite the presence of these signs, resuscitation procedures before the brigade's arrival "ambulance" should still continue( heart massage, artificial respiration).Finally, only a professional and experienced doctor will be able to diagnose death during a stroke.

Home Treatment of cerebral and spinal cord injuries

Rehabilitation after an attack of the brain or spinal cord is needed for every patient. After all, after a stay in the hospital, everyone is sooner or later discharged home, where later his family and friends help him with treatment. The following describes how rehabilitation consists at home.

The standard of treatment

It first of all should begin with an urgent call of an ambulance. And then for the full recovery you can apply various methods prescribed by the doctor. The complex of measures for restoration will consist of preventing complications of stroke and avoiding the consequences of severe blood circulation.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the possible consequences of a stroke. The likelihood of a full recovery from a hemorrhagic stroke entirely depends on how effectively and qualitatively the further rehabilitation process is carried out.

In order to return the patient to a working state, a long and complex rehabilitation period is needed. More details about this you can find in the relevant article.

Often stroke leads to the development of new diseases, for example, motor aphasia. You can find out about this type of speech disorder at this link: http: // bolezni-nevrologii / narushenie-rechi / motornaya-afaziya.html

Usually the standard of treatment includes such basic activities as physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, medication, prophylaxis of pressure sores,as well as stagnant phenomena in the lungs.

Medical treatment

Its task is to stabilize and normalize blood circulation, work of internal organs, as well as to restore brain metabolism and prevent re-hemorrhage.

In the first three hours a patient can undergo such a procedure as drug thrombolysis. This procedure dissolves the thrombus, which prevents the full nutrition of the brain with blood. After this, an angiographic examination can also be carried out, which will determine how much the blood vessels in the brain are clogged.

Further, medics can be assigned various kinds of drugs, such as nootropics or drugs that affect hemodynamic parameters and brain metabolism.


Herbs are faithful helpers in the fight against various diseases, so people are increasingly resorting to their use. The following recipes will help to recover a person after an attack.

Tincture from the marjin root. A glass of boiling water, 2 tsp.plants, infuse 4 hours. Taking two tablespoons three times a day will help improve the condition.

Mummy. A small piece of mummy, the size of a match head, dissolved in several tablespoons of water and immediately used.

Oil from laurel leaves. Grind the dry bay leaf about 3 tablespoons, then add them to sunflower oil( 1 glass).This mixture is recommended to insist for a week, after which it must be smeared affected by a stroke limb.

Is it possible to treat pine cones after a stroke?

Green pine cones have long been very effective in rehabilitation after suffering a stroke. Of these, tinctures are prepared. But for this we need cones gathered at a certain time( June 20-26).During this period, they do not have time to open up and discard seeds, which is extremely important.

So, for the tincture you need 5 washed, finely chopped cones, a glass of 70% alcohol or vodka. You need to insist for two weeks, every day shaking the tincture. The more you shake the tincture, the better it will turn out. After straining, take it in the morning on a teaspoon after breakfast.

To whom spirituous tinctures are counter-indicative, it is possible to prepare a decoction. It will take 5 washed, finely chopped cones and a half liter of water. The resulting mixture boil for 5 minutes and leave to infuse for several hours. You can use a quarter of a glass in the morning before breakfast.

Treatment in Moscow

Today, many specialized centers offer treatment after a stroke in Moscow, where the achievements of medicine for the rehabilitation of people after a stroke are combined with top-level service, a cozy, warm and homely atmosphere, as well as an individual approach and attention to each individual patient.

Specialized rehabilitation centers exist in order to maximally help the patient to return to their old life, which is less possible to reach home.
We offer a video of the program "On the most important", which tells about the stroke and recovery after it:
http: // uVREGNHnPzA

Treatment in Israel

Today, treatment for stroke in Israel is quite common, because the peculiarity of rehabilitation in this country is complex andon the stage of treatment. It is based on the use of the latest medical programs, drugs and methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of each person.


If it is possible to carry out the rehabilitation process in a specialized institution, do it, because such establishments restore the body in an integrated way, use modern highly effective drugs, and the person will be constantly watched by qualified doctors.

The choice of the rehabilitation center depends only on you, or rather on the preferences: prices, the closest location. And yet, remember that it is the support and positive attitude of surrounding people that most affect the full recovery of a person who has suffered a stroke.

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