How to Anesthetize Ear Pain at Home in Adults and Children

Earaches can cause a lot of problems. Most often they appear due to the accumulation of a large volume of fluid in the middle ear region. In addition, catarrhal pathologies, accumulation of earwax, and noise exposure are provoking factors.

To cope with the pain, you need to visit a specialist. ENT will select medicines and prescribe physiotherapy. As a supplement, you can use folk remedies.

Ear pain

Pain in the ears is different - pressing, aching, bursting. Some people shoot in the ears. In addition, hearing may worsen, tinnitus may occur and the temperature may increase.

Reasons for

Various factors can lead to the appearance of an earache:

  • hypothermia;
  • penetration into the ears of water;
  • complications after rhinitis;
  • inflammation after infection;
  • injury, including exposure to loud sounds;
  • incorrect removal of plugs;
  • penetration of alien objects.

In some cases, pain in the ears appears due to migraine attacks. They can also be one of the symptoms of teething wisdom.

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Concomitant symptoms and what they say

To get help on time, you need to know the signs that accompany the ear pain. Most often it provokes Otitis, which is characterized by such symptoms:

  • significant deterioration of hearing;
  • improvement of hearing when changing body position;
  • severe pain in the ears;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • appearance of congestion in the ears;
  • nausea and vomiting when there is an intense pain syndrome.

Than anesthetize

If you have pain, you need to see a doctor. If this is not possible, you can relieve discomfort with ibuprofen or paracetamol. Also an effective way to improve the well-being is the use of vasoconstrictive drops for the nose.

Do not use ear drops alone. When localizing inflammation inside the ear and damaging the tympanic membrane, they can be harmful. It is also forbidden to use them in case of trauma to the hearing organ.


As a rule, for the treatment of external otitis use ear drops with the content of antibacterial components and corticosteroids. They include the Sophradex, Garazon. This helps to reduce the symptoms of inflammation. Such drugs can be used only in the absence of purulent discharge. Sometimes you need to take antibiotics orally.

With average otitis, drops with lidocaine content - otypax, anauran are often used. They must be at room temperature. Means can not be used for purulent discharge.

When the inner ear is damaged, substances such as miklizin and dimenhydrinate are used. Also often shown antihistamines - in particular, diphenhydramine.

If you have an allergy, you must tell your doctor about it. Drops containing neomycin or propylene glycol may cause undesirable effects.

The doctor can also prescribe pain medication - in particular, acetaminophen. Using antihistamines can remove the sensation of itching.

In the photo, the most popular means for ear pain

Folk recipes

To reduce the pain, you can use folk remedies:

  1. Peel the onion, grind with a grater and squeeze to get juice.3-4 drops of the drug should be injected into the auditory orifice.
  2. Bury in the ears a few drops of olive oil. Thanks to this, it will be possible to quickly stop the pain syndrome and get rid of the infection. In addition, you can put a cotton towel into the oil and insert it into the ear canal.
  3. To relieve pain, garlic helps. To make an effective remedy, you need to take a couple of spoons of sesame oil and heat it in a small spoon of chopped garlic. Strain and inject a few drops into the ears.
  4. Ginger has pronounced analgesic properties. To do this, squeeze the juice of the fresh root and inject it into the ears to relieve the pain and reduce the signs of inflammation.
  5. Licorice helps to quickly cope with pain in the ears. To do this, a little plant should be crushed and mixed with melted butter to achieve a thick mass. The resulting mixture processes the skin in the ear region.

Folk recipes for ear pain

Compresses, lotions

To protect the sick ear, in most cases it is enough to tie a soft handkerchief on your head. Also effective are wet compresses, which are made on the basis of boric acid or alcohol. The cotton wool soaked in these products is injected into the ear canal and covered with the auricle with gauze.

A film or bag is placed on top. After that, you can tie your head with a handkerchief and leave for a few hours.

After removing the moist compress in the ears insert a dry cotton wool. In another couple of hours, the compress can be done again. However, leaving it for the night is not worth it.

How to apply a compress to the ear

Nontraditional methods

To improve the condition and relieve the pain, you can do special exercises:

  • close the ears with the palms and perform tapping on the back of the head;
  • close your ears, then sharply remove your hands;
  • insert the index fingers into the auditory holes and do 3 rotations forward and as much backwards, after which quickly reach the fingers.

Improve the prognosis also helps massage the eardrum. Thanks to this procedure it will be possible to stop inflammation, normalize blood circulation, eliminate pain and numbness. During this procedure, the pressure in the ears alternately changes by means of a special device.

In addition to medicines, physicians often prescribe physiotherapy procedures. With their help, you can strengthen the immune system and increase the effectiveness of medications. The most common methods include the following:

  • heat treatment;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phototherapy.

Folk remedy with ear pain, see the recipe in our video:

First aid for a child

To quickly eliminate ear pain in a baby, you can use paracetamol or ibuprofen. A warming compress also has a good effect. However, this agent can only be used at normal temperature.

After first aid, it is important to show the child to the doctor. The otolaryngologist will appoint the following remedies:

  • anesthetic drops for the ears - otipax, otinum;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - paracetamol, nurofen;
  • local dry heat;
  • vasoconstrictive preparations for the nose - nasivin, tizin;
  • warming compresses.

First aid for a child, what parents need to know:

What can and can not be done

If pains in the ears occur, you can take painkillers. Vasoconstrictive drops for the nose are also often used. Do warming up and use ear drops strictly prohibited. If the ear pain is associated with a tympanic lesion, there is a risk of seriously aggravating the situation.

In addition to the standard methods of therapy, it is quite possible to use folk remedies. However, self-medication is strictly forbidden. If you misuse these recipes, there is a threat of complications.


To avoid the appearance of ear pathologies, it is very important to prevent infection of the body. If this still happened, you need to conduct timely treatment. Also, preventive interventions include the following:

  • hearing hygiene;
  • timely treatment of the common cold;
  • strengthening of the immune system;
  • proper nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Ear pain can indicate serious illnesses and lead to a decrease in the quality of life of a person. To avoid negative consequences, you need to contact the otolaryngologist on time. The specialist should establish the reasons for the discomfort and choose the therapy.

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