Rupture of the heart from fright, with a heart attack: causes, treatment, photos and video

Among the various diseases and injuries are those that require immediate response to help. Knowledge of the symptoms of the disease will help in time to recognize it. It is also useful to know that it is necessary to comply with bed rest during infarction, insofar as prescribed by the doctor, so as not to provoke a heart rupture. So, is it possible to break the heart from fear and fear?

Features of injury

Integrity of the walls of the heart can be damaged, namely the rupture due to a number of reasons. The septum between the ventricles of the heart or the muscle that takes part in the valve can also burst.

Such phenomena pose a threat to human life, therefore at the first signs it is necessary for the patient to stop exposing the body to any kind of loads and call an ambulance. On how quickly experts will establish the correct diagnosis and begin treatment depends on the possibility to save the life of the patient.

Below the picture shows the heart at a break.

Heart rupture( photo)

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Classification of

Heart breaks are distinguished primarily as external and internal injuries. The heart has an outer shell. It looks like a dense bag, the wall of which has two layers. Between the layers there is a small amount of fluid for lubrication. This, figuratively speaking, the pericardium cover. It performs a protective function.

When the heart wall ruptures, an external rupture is diagnosed. The blood expands into the pericardial area. Perhaps the phenomenon of tamponade - when the space of the pericardium is filled with blood, in this case the heart "chokes" and can stop.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • Features of external ruptures:
    • The danger of this phenomenon increases if more than one fifth of the myocardium is a damaged area.
    • Heart chambers are differently able to resist rupture:
      • The most affected left ventricle.
      • With the right ventricle, the rupture happens much less often.
      • The atria are not ruptured often.
      • Torn, basically, the side wall of the left ventricle and the front wall.
  • Internal rupture is when the integrity of the papillary muscle or the septum between the ventricles is disturbed.
    • If the septum breaks, then arterial and venous blood mix, which leads first to swelling of the veins and enlargement of the liver. Can I save the patient depends on how quickly and qualitatively he will receive help.
    • The rupture of papillary muscle happens rarely and brings a condition that is incompatible with life. If the muscle has not a full separation, but a partial one, the patient needs urgent operational help.

There are also breaks:

  • Late and early. Late ruptures are possible on the fourth day after a heart attack and the danger of this phenomenon persists until the seventh day. The tissue is torn at the border of the healthy and affected areas. The site affected by necrosis is weakened and the additional load in the form of increased pressure or physical activity can provoke a rupture. An early rupture is possible in the first day, as a heart attack occurred. This is facilitated by the extensive damage to the wall and additional loads.
  • Slowly flowing and one-stage. A rupture, which increases along the length of the lesion slowly, creates a situation where a small amount of blood that is allocated to the pericardium is simultaneously partially thrombosed. It may happen that this will stop the flow of blood. Despite the fact that the symptoms of the disease can diminish upon the discontinuation of blood, the patient needs urgent hospitalization and specialist care. One-moment break - there is a sharp disruption of the integrity of the tissue, as a result, there is a cardiac tamponade. At the same time, the blood that has got into the pericardial bag, squeezes the muscles of the myocardium.

Causes of heart rupture


Damage to heart integrity can be caused by such factors:

  • as a result of mechanical impact: stroke, injury;
  • heart rupture with myocardial infarction
  • to a rupture can lead to diseases:
    • tumor heart pathology,
    • congenital anomalies - in the heart there is a site where the birth wall is thinner than normal;such a phenomenon at high loads can cause a break in a thin place;
    • Infectious or inflammatory diseases of the heart membranes,
    • as a result of excessive content of any substances in the tissues of organs:
      • sarcoidosis,
      • amyloidosis,
      • hemochromatosis,
  • female sex is considered a risk factor, because according to statistics among women this disease occurstwice as often.

A rupture of the walls of the heart or internal septum, as a complication of myocardial infarction, occurs in 8% of patients with this diagnosis. It is violation of the integrity of the heart is the cause of death in a heart attack, it is up to 30% of patients who have this disease.

When infarction of

The causes that cause the heart wall to rupture with a heart attack are:

  • If the patient has had a first heart attack, a violation of the wall integrity is more likely than with subsequent heart attacks. This is due to the fact that the scar, formed at the first case of rupture, makes this place more resistant to such a danger.
  • Extensive damage to the heart muscle, which can cause a transmural infarction.
  • Premature physical activity after a heart attack may be the cause of cardiac rupture.
  • When a patient who has had a heart attack received medical help later than a day after the attack.
  • The negative role is played by the fact that the patient has been taking anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs for a long time. They impair the body's ability to create scars at the site of the rupture.
  • Hypertensive disease creates the prerequisites for a heart attack, which can lead to heart rupture.
  • If thrombolytic agents are prescribed late in the treatment of a patient with heart problems. Thus, no time to prevent myocardial infarction, which in turn can cause a heart rupture.

The heart rupture has its symptoms, we'll talk about them later.

Symptoms of

If a patient develops a situation where a heart break can occur, the symptoms of the disease can be viewed by periods.

On the eve of the rupture:

  • heart pain that is not stopped by nitroglycerin or other drugs;
  • the phenomena similar to a shock accrue:
    • weak pulse,
    • arterial pressure drops noticeably,
    • the patient has a sticky cold sweat.

The period of the rupture can manifest itself with such symptoms:

  • skin color becomes gray-blue,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • veins on the neck thicken,
  • pulse is not probed,
  • pressure is not detected,
  • respiration stops a minute after the appearance of the previous symptom.

If the rupture is small and the outflow of blood has stopped, then the pressure is gradually restored.


The specialist listens and analyzes complaints of the patient, asks questions and time intervals when there are alarming symptoms. The doctor finds out whether the patient had had a heart attack before. After this, additional studies are carried out to the extent that the specialist chooses.

  • The pulse and pressure are measured.
  • With the help of a stethoscope, the heart is heard.
  • Skin covers are examined to determine their coloration.
  • Fetal analysis:
    • Biochemical blood test - the level of the content of a number of substances is determined, which will tell about possible violations of systems and organs.
    • Clinical( blood and urine) indicators will provide information about the overall health of the patient and possible other diseases.
    • Deployed coagulogram - a study that determines the ability of the blood to clot.
    • Analysis for the content of troponin T - its elevated content may indicate that the heart muscle has undergone destruction.
  • Echocardiography - determine the violations in the movement of blood, the place of rupture, how much blood is poured into the cavity.
  • Electrocardiography - can determine what is the difference between heart rate and heart rate. Since the moment of the break, the heart still has a rhythm close to the normal value, and the pressure and pulse noticeably fall. Over time, the heart rate becomes less frequent and there may be a cardiac arrest.

About treatment for heart failure, we will tell further.

Treatment of

The main method of care is surgery. The operation is carried out as quickly as possible.

Therapeutic and medicamentous

In the period before the operation of the patient support, if necessary. Carry out activities to establish the correct movement of blood.

  • To do this, you can install a device that will support the work of the heart for the time before surgery.
  • To facilitate the condition while waiting for surgery, it is possible to carry out manipulation to remove liquid from the pericardium.
  • To improve blood circulation in the period before the operation, drip administration of drugs is possible, which reduces the resistance of blood vessels.


  • Operation by the closed method( intravascular) - is applied at rupture of a septum. It is carried out under the supervision of an X-ray machine. The overlapping of the patch is performed.
  • An open operation is the same for installing patches, and also make a stapling gap.
  • If the papillary muscles are detached or the valve is damaged, it is possible to insert muscles and prosthetic valve.
  • In the presence of an aneurysm, to prevent tissue rupture it is removed and the place is strengthened with a patch.
  • Heart transplantation with indications to this is possible if there is donor material.
  • To avoid a heart attack and its consequences in the form of ruptures do heart bypass.


To be protected from heart rupture it is necessary to perform:

  • Ensure that the level of cholesterol is normal.
  • It is necessary to determine its content in the blood and to adhere to a reduction diet if necessary.
  • Observe preventive measures to avoid ischemic disease.
  • Must quit smoking.
  • Timely treatment of infarction and compliance with the prescribed regimen. You can not prematurely expose the body to physical exertion, it threatens the late rupture of the heart tissues.

About that, die from a heart rupture, read on.

Complications of

If a heart failure occurs, all patients need urgent operational help. In the case of a small rupture, when the blood outlet stopped, thanks to the blood clot that created the thrombus at the site of the rupture, the patient still has a mortal threat that is somewhat delayed and needs surgery.


Tissue fracture of the heart is a deadly phenomenon. With rapid surgical intervention, there is hope to save the patient's life. As a result of skilled operational assistance, only half of the patients survive. This is due to the fact that after stitching the muscles of the heart are prone to eruption.

  • If there was a rupture of the septum between the ventricles, then the patient can be saved if the help came not later than two days after the acute situation developed. There is a hope to prolong the life of the patient for a while.
  • In case of complete rupture of the papillary muscle, there is a rapidly advancing pulmonary edema and a fatal outcome.

The following video shows how the interventricular septum rupture looks:

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