Soda for dysbiosis

Soda is a fairly effective tool that has a fairly impressive list of medicinal properties. Soda for dysbacteriosis is used as an anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic and bactericidal drug. How is dysbiosis treated with soda?

Soda helps to get rid of such symptoms of a dysbacteriosis as a heartburn and an unpleasant smell from a mouth. To cure heartburn, dissolve 4 g of the drug in 300 ml of water, after which the solution is drunk. In addition, if you add a small amount of lemon juice to this solution, you can get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. However, the use of the latter is not recommended if the dysbacteriosis is accompanied by flatulence and swelling.

To get rid of bad breath, in 300 ml of water, add soda and rinse the mouth immediately after brushing your teeth.

It is worth noting that doctors recommend immediate application for medical help, especially if you have not already been diagnosed, since such symptoms may be the result of a much more serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Clefts with soda for dysbacteriosis

Enema with soda for dysbacteriosis helps in the effective removal of toxins from the intestinal cavity. It is worth noting that the holding of such an enema is prohibited if a violation of the intestinal microflora was caused by ulcerative diseases, intestinal infection and their treatment.

The solution is prepared as follows: 50 g of raw material are taken per liter of liquid. A solution is prepared and brought to a temperature range of 40-45 degrees. In parallel, you need to prepare a simple enema with boiled water. The process should be as follows:

  • A standard enema is performed.
  • Sodium enema is put, while trying to keep the solution for half an hour.
  • Another conventional cleansing enema is being performed.

Before using soda for dysbacteriosis, it is worth consulting with a specialist, so as not to harm the intestines even more. Such a device is really quite effective and helps in the rapid correction of the intestinal microflora. In addition, it is always at hand.

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