Alcohol Depression: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Features

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Alcohol dependence is accompanied by a mass of complications and provokes a lot of diseases among people who drink. Internal organs, brain, cardiovascular system suffer. No less dangerous is alcoholism and for the psychoemotional state of the alcoholic, because it can cause a state of alcoholic delirium( otherwise - white fever), schizophrenia, all kinds of neuroses, etc. Approximately half of alcohol addicts ever experienced alcoholic depression for the whole alcoholic experience.

Alcohol depression

Depressive state on the background of alcohol dependence in narcological and psychiatric practice is quite common. Therefore, people who believe that alcohol saves from depression are deeply mistaken. Depressive state can easily arise as a result of abuse of alcohol. Almost all alcoholics have various depressive complications, the intensity of which is determined by the amount of alcohol consumed and the experience of dependence.

Usually, a depressive state of alcohol origin occurs in an alcohol-dependent patient shortly after refusing to drink alcohol. Externally, such a state is almost not manifested, and the behavior of the alcohol dependent does not differ from the usual. Such a factor often becomes the reason why family members do not even suspect that the alcoholic has developed a disease.

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How much can an alcoholic be depressed? A similar condition can last a couple of days or a fortnight, however, there are cases when depression of alcoholic origin stretches for years. As a result of this psycho-emotional state, many alcohol-dependent people again take up the bottle, especially often this is due to the lack of treatment.

Such patients want to feel the joy of life again, to feel their importance and personal weight, and having problems to push forward even briefly. Such desires further exacerbate the situation and increase the craving for alcohol. As a result, a persistent sense of despair develops. Independent disappearance of alcoholic depression can not be expected, because it does not disappear spontaneously, therefore, patients need urgent and qualified medical and psychological help from specialists.

Reasons for

Specialists identify many reasons for the development of alcoholic depression:

  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Nervous system functional failures;
  • Infringements of inorganic activity;
  • Short-term mental disorders due to toxic effects of alcohol on organic structures.

The development of alcoholic depression activates accumulated troubles and life difficulties that weak people prefer to solve only with the help of alcohol. Especially alcoholic depressions are affected by representatives of the weaker sex.

Even drinking alcohol in a moderate formers the nervous system structures, disrupts their activity, as a result of which alcoholics become excessively irritable and aggressive. There is a cycle of successive factors: discontent with one's own life → increasing irritability and aggression → drinking alcohol → dissatisfaction with life. ..


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Symptoms and signs

Depression of alcoholic origin is developing after a sharp cessation of alcohol consumption. At first the alcoholic is disturbed by a short absence of mood, after the next binge there may be symptoms of short-term depression. At first, this symptomatology does not seem to be frightening or dangerous to an alcoholic. A distinctive feature of such states is the presence of a sharp inhibition of mental and mental processes, as well as the mood and desire to move and to do something.

Specialists subdivide the depressive state of alcoholic origin into two typical varieties:

  • Short-term depression - for this variety development immediately after re-drinking and duration of several days is characteristic.
  • Matte depression is a more disturbing and even dangerous condition resulting from the rejection of alcohol and is characterized by strong psychoemotional disorders such as loss of vital meaning, fresh and gray monotonous life, lack of interest, joy in life, boring life events.

For alcoholic depression is often characterized by the presence of pronounced disorders in the activity of the liver and gastrointestinal organs. Suicide attempts are not particularly rare, because under the influence of alcoholic depression, a person feels a sense of own uselessness and uselessness or uselessness.

Often, short-term depression is repeated many times, then it is symptomatic of the state of manic-depressive psychosis and manifests itself:

  • Sensation of anxiety;
  • Apathetic condition;
  • With sad mimic movements;
  • Inactivity of movements and gait;
  • by the Slow mental activity;
  • A quiet, muffled voice, etc.

The state of matte depression is dangerous because of the appearance of suicidal thoughts, so if a family member has an alcoholic, household members should be more attentive to him, especially during periods when he tries to give up alcohol.
On the video about the types, signs, consequences of alcoholic depression:

. Special features of

. From other types of depressive states, alcoholic mental disorder differs after about a week or two after drinking drunkenness, even without taking specialized medications, including antidepressant action. However, if the pathology proceeds in a heavy matte form, then the application of specialized therapeutic measures of medicamentous and non-medicamentous nature becomes necessary. Against the background of this depression, manic-depressive psychoses, reactive states and other mental disorders that require compulsory therapy are often developed.


Sometimes an alcoholic tries to get out of the drunken state without qualified help. To this end, patients themselves prescribe themselves a different kind of psychotropic drugs like tranquilizers and sedatives. As a result, the alcoholic's condition worsens, and he falls into another drunkenness.

Against the backdrop of this self-treatment with depression of alcoholic origin, there may be such manifestations as:

  • Unreasonable fussiness, nervousness and anxiety;
  • Slow motion;
  • Problems with brain, mental work, memory;
  • Sleep disturbances, manifested by sensitivity and anxiety, dream throwing, etc.

It is senseless to expect that an alcohol dependent person to seek help for himself, because such patients are often flushed with pride and unwillingness to recognize the fact of alcohol dependence and the corresponding depression. Therefore, timely treatment of household members can save the alcoholic life.


Diagnostics of this condition is usually of a differential nature, because pathology has a lot of common manifestations with other mental disorders. Such a disease is differentiated from the syndrome of a "moral hangover" or "drunken grief", as well as with forms of involutional or reactive depressive disorder.

Treatment of

The basis for the effectiveness of alcoholic depression treatment is the presence in the alcoholic of a persistent desire to get rid of addiction to alcohol, because in the absence of such a mood, it will be very difficult to get rid of pathology. How to treat the disease determines the doctor. Usually the patient is prescribed medication, namely antidepressants like Tofranil or Tryptizol, etc. At the end of the course of these drugs with a fixing purpose alcoholic are prescribed psychotherapeutic sessions.

The purpose of this treatment is:

  • Teach an alcoholic to enjoy life and fully live without alcohol;
  • Teach the patient to cope and get out of difficult situations and life problems without drinking.

Specialists believe that it is preferable to treat such patients in closed in-patient settings, where the patient will undergo detoxification and treatment courses of consequences of long-term alcohol poisoning. Also there will be no temptations and opportunities to take alcohol again.

Is it possible to recover yourself?

Independently out of alcoholic depression is almost impossible. Only a psychotherapist-narcologist will be able to determine the need for treatment to get rid of this condition, pick up the right drugs and adjust the dose of medications. And self-administration of antidepressants and psychotropic medications can provoke the development of a manic-depressive state, schizophrenia, or bring an alcoholic to suicide.

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