Red systemic lupus erythematosus: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, pathogenesis

Pathological changes in the skin are accompanied by negative manifestations in the overall functioning of the body, because the causes that caused visible pathologies of the upper layer of the epidermis, mainly cause internal disturbances in the work of organs. And systemic lupus erythematosus, which is one of the varieties of this dermatological disease, can be considered one of the most frequent disorders, accompanied by serious negative changes in the skin condition, the degree of its protective qualities and having many consequences, which are dangerous for the health of the skin and the whole organism.

The systemic lupus erythematosus is accompanied by changes in the condition of the skin, with a change in functional qualities in the heart, respiratory, nervous systems, as well as in joints. However, in the first place this autoimmune disease is expressed in the appearance of pathologies of connective tissue of the skin. It becomes less elastic, receptive even to insignificant mechanical influences, in it the basic processes are violated, which leads to stagnation in the tissues.

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Features of the disease

Excessively active production of antibodies that do not attack foreign cells( infectious and viral), but are directed against the cells of their own organism - this is what happens in systemic lupus erythematosus, which largely violates the entire process of functioning of the body systems. With , the body begins to "fight" against itself, as a result of which a large number of habitual functions are disrupted, the whole process of metabolism is lost.

Most often, this disease is observed in the female population, the age category is largely irrelevant. However, children and people( mostly women) aged 25-40 years most often suffer from the systemic version of lupus erythematosus. Men get sick with this disease 8-10 times less often.

Photo of systemic lupus erythematosus

Pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus

The clinical picture of systemic lupus erythematosus is quite diverse: in some cases, at the onset of the disease, only skin lesions are noted in the form of a small rash that is localized mainly in the skin area of ​​the face( neck, cheek, nose)in the part - except for the skin, certain internal organs are affected, and the disease begins to manifest itself with the symptoms of the predominant lesion. For example, if

  • affects joints to a greater degree, then the pathology of the joints of the fingers occurs,
  • causes cardiac arrhythmia and tachycardia,
  • , and painful sensations occur in the chest area of ​​the patient.

Also in some cases, the excretory system is affected, in particular, the kidneys. It manifests itself in the form of the appearance of a large amount of protein in the urine, there is pain when urinating, and kidney failure may gradually develop. Further aggravation of the pathological process in the development of systemic lupus erythematosus leads to the appearance of negative changes in the tissues and nervous processes in the brain. This causes obvious changes in the behavior of the patient, there may be signs of mental abnormalities.

Due to the variety of manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus, diagnosis of this disease is difficult. However, when conducting the appropriate differential diagnosis, it is possible to identify the beginning disease by conducting a comparative analysis with a similar disease.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is discussed in this video:


Having general complaints about worsening of well-being is a common picture of the current disease. However, the physician should conduct a full range of diagnostic procedures for suspected systemic lupus erythematosus, which will help to detect even the initial stages of the current pathological process.

Classification of

Today it is common to divide systemic lupus erythematosus into three types:

  1. Acute lupus , at which there is a sharp and rapidly current progression of the characteristic symptoms of the disease. A large number of internal organs and systems are affected, this type of disease can be considered a continuous current exacerbation of the disease. Survival of patients with detection of acute type of systemic lupus erythematosus is low, most of the cases die within the first two years from the moment of detection of the disease. There is practically no susceptibility to the treatment, which causes a high mortality rate among patients.
  2. The subacute form of of systemic lupus erythematosus is characterized by not too rapid progression of the existing manifestations of the disease, however in this case the prognosis for the patient is not too optimistic, and only the detection of the disease at the earliest possible stage allows saving life for the next 5-8 years from the moment of detectiondisease. Most often, subacute form of systemic lupus affects the joints of the body and skin.
  3. Chronic form - this type of considered disease is considered to be the only one with a benign course that consists of stages of exacerbation and prolonged ongoing remissions. With the help of adequate and thoughtful treatment, prolongation of the periods of remission is possible, which allows to stabilize the general condition of the patient, allowing him to lead a familiar life.

Three forms of the disease indicate the degree of neglect of the current pathological process, and also makes it possible to apply the generally accepted scheme of drug exposure when detected.

Problems with organs with SLE

Localization of

Symptomatic manifestations of this autoimmune disease can vary significantly in different patients. However, as a rule, skin lesions, joints( mainly of the hands and fingers), the heart, lungs and bronchi as well as digestive organs, nails and hair become more common in the localization of lesions, which become more fragile and prone to prolapse, as well as the brainand the nervous system.

Causes of

Depending on the location of the primary lesion, the manifestation of the disease may vary significantly. And the causes of these negative changes can become both a hereditary factor, and acquired current diseases of an infectious, inflammatory and viral nature. Also, various kinds of trauma can provoke the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease( for example, skin lesions are most often caused by exposure to mechanical stimuli, as well as prolonged exposure to low or high temperatures, irradiation( artificial or solar).

Today,which can lead to the emergence of systemic lupus erythematosus. The provoking factors that become the starting point of this disease, there is alsoThe most frequent symptoms and manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus include such characteristic changes in the body:

  • lesions of the skin in the form of a small rashred, the affected areas gradually increase in size and even merge with each other, becoming a significant area of ​​the area of ​​damage. The skin in these places loses its natural elasticity and elasticity, it is easily susceptible to external influences;
  • with joint damage noted increase in their sensitivity, there is soreness, fingers can gradually deform;
  • lesions of the brain entail changes in the state of the psyche, impaired behavior of the patient;
  • lesions of the lining of the lungs and bronchi leads to pain in the chest, difficulty breathing in the patient;
  • with marked renal involvement worsens the process of urinary excretion and retention, even kidney failure may occur in advanced stages of the disease.

These relatively small manifestations, such as hair loss, increased nail brittleness, alopecia, fever, a slight increase in body temperature, as well as weakness, loss of appetite and weight changes are also often noted in the initial stages of the current systemic lupus erythematosus.

Systemic lupus erythematosus in an adult and a child


For the preliminary analysis, the attending physician analyzes the subjective feelings of the patient. A visual examination of the affected areas of the body is also carried out. However, to clarify the diagnosis, a number of tests are performed, which will provide the most complete picture of the disease in a particular case.

The following tests and studies can be used to clarify the preset diagnosis by a dermatologist:

  1. Histological examination of samples of the affected skin, and in case of nail or hair damage and hair particles and nail plate, this disease can be distinguished from eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis of various nature.
  2. Microscopic examination of skin and hair scales samples.
  3. Immunological study - based on the interaction of antigens with antibodies.

Analyzes that help to clarify a preliminary diagnosis are as follows:

  • blood tests in which the presence or absence of specific antibodies, the response to syphilis, a decrease in the number of leukocytes and platelets;
  • conducted biochemical studies of tissue samples taken from lesions.

The treatment and symptoms of SLE are examined in this video:

Treatment of

A doctor-dermatologist prescribes the kind of therapeutic effect that will allow in the shortest possible time and for a long time to eliminate the characteristic manifestations of the disease. The choice of the curative scheme is determined by the available manifestations, the classification of the type of disease to a specific type. During the treatment the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the degree of susceptibility to the treatment.

  • Adults are treated with antimalarial drugs, the dosage and duration of use of which is prescribed by the physician. When the therapeutic effect is carried out, it is obligatory to monitor the doctor for the patient's well-being.
  • Children of are also treated by means prescribed by a doctor. Dosage in the treatment of children is determined by their age, weight, as well as the degree of sensitivity of the body to the treatment.
  • In the case of pregnancy , the treatment process should be performed taking into account the condition of the woman: the absence of a negative effect on the fetus, the medicines are selected, and the necessary adjustments to the effect process are introduced.

Complex treatment allows you to get the most pronounced results, which persist for a longer time and stabilize the patient's condition.

Therapeutic way of

In the detection of any stage of systemic lupus erythematosus, a comprehensive approach is used, which allows obtaining the most pronounced results. The therapeutic method involves the application of methods of physiotherapy which enhances the ongoing medication.

The method of using magnets, irradiation in limited doses can be used to stop the current pathological process. Also, work and rest time are normalized, causes for stressful situations are eliminated.

By medicamentous method

To preparations which also can be appointed or nominated at carrying out of treatment of a system lupus erythematosus, it is necessary to carry:

  • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, a doctor can be prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of a wide spectrum of action. However, if they are too long-term use, it is likely that there is a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the intestine and stomach, which can become a causative gastritis and then ulcers;
  • corticosteroids also stop the processes of inflammation, but have a lot of side effects in the form of joint deformities, lowering the degree of clotting, manifestations of obesity;
  • for severe forms of lesions by a doctor may be prescribed drugs that reduce the level of immunity.

In the treatment of manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus, such drugs as Plakvenil, stopping the pathological changes in the joints, which prevents their severe deformation, are used. Also prescribed drugs that reduce the rate of production of the body's own antibodies.

Often used is nicotinic acid, which helps the body cope with the manifestations of this skin lesion and stimulates the protective function of the body. Rashes should be treated with ointments, which are based on zinc and lanolin.

Surgical intervention in the detection of systemic lupus erythematosus is not performed.

Folk methods

This disease can not be cured either with medicines, or with the help of folk methods. However, the use of traditional medicine helps to stabilize the patient's condition, it can be used in the final treatment and in the remission phase to consolidate the result.

Prevention of the disease and recommendations

Even if there is no possibility of completely curing the systemic lupus erythematosus, it is possible to continue to lead a habitual way of life. And as a prevention of recurrences and exacerbations of the disease it is recommended to fully comply with all the recommendations of the doctor, try to provoke stressful situations, is not for a long time in the open sunlight.

Regular conducting of health surveys will allow timely detection of deterioration in the condition and initiate supportive treatment.

Complications of

The most terrible complication in systemic lupus erythematosus can be a lethal outcome, which is most often noted in acute forms of the disease. However, in the absence of necessary and adequate treatment, the probability of death of a patient even in the chronic course of the disease is quite high.

SLE in a woman


Survival in an acute form of the disease is low, no more than 2-5 years from the onset of manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus. In the subacute form of the disease, the survival rate is higher than 80-95%.Chronic form of the disease with proper treatment is not a fatal disease.

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