Whether it is possible perlovku at a gastritis?

The most common disease of the digestive organs is gastritis. Both his appearance and his recovery directly depend on what and how we eat properly.

That's why the specialists developed a complex of diets, which are called to be responsible for the correct work of the stomach during this disease. The basis of them were cereals, one of which is pearl barley. Many patients suffering from this disease often have a question: "Is it possible to pearl barley with gastritis and what is its benefit"?

The use of this cereal to people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the stomach mucosa is simply necessary, because it contains hordecin - the most valuable component, which has a very broad antibacterial effect and helps the damaged mucosa to recover faster.

In addition, it contains many vitally important for the body, especially weakened by the disease, substances. Among them there are proteins rich in amino acids, a sufficient amount of fats and carbohydrates, fiber, and a very wide vitamin range.

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A set of micronutrients contained in this croup is also very valuable. In addition to salts of potassium, calcium and iron, it contains phosphorus, iodine, manganese, bromine and many other substances necessary for any organism. Therefore, the question "can a barley with gastritis" in relation to this groin not even stand up.

How to cook a pearl barley with gastritis?

The only issue is the correct preparation of this product. In inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs, it must be special. Of this cereal is not recommended during the illness to cook porridge, because they are very thick and heavy for the stomach.

It is best to use a pearl barley with gastritis as a filler of thick soups that can be cooked on vegetable broth or on low-fat meats. These soups, very well cooked, bring an invaluable benefit to an organism that has suffered from this disease.

In addition to its very high nutritional content, which allows it to be saturated with minimal portions, it brings to the body all the necessary substances and trace elements, which are contained in both perlite and lean meats.

The simplest recipe for a soup from this cereal with gastritis is as follows. The vegetable or meat broth is cooked, then the vegetables and meat are scrolled through the meat grinder and released back into the soup along with a handful of groats. Cooked on low heat until it is completely ready.

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