Violation of the internal secretion of the pancreas, exocrine, endocrine function and its symptoms

The pancreas performs both an exocrine function and an intrasecretory function. The external secretion is expressed in the allocation of juice containing a set of enzymes, each of which is designed for splitting and digesting its product, into the duct of the duodenum. The composition of pancreatic juice includes lipase, amylase, trypsin and so forth. The synthesis of organic compounds is carried out in the pancreatic juice acinar cells and the liquid component is juice produced ductal cells. The basic enzymes are produced in an inactive form, and are activated in the duodenum.

Report exocrine function may occur due to inflammation, necrosis or tumor, or due to mechanical damage of the excretory tract, pancreatic trauma itself, disturbances of the thyroid hormone and parathyroid stresses. Violated secretion of enzymes or their transportation to the intestine. If there is a violation of the secretory function, enzymes can activate directly in the gland, which is fraught with self-digestion of the cells.

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The endocrine component of the pancreas function is expressed in the production of a number of peptide hormones that are thrown into the blood. The pancreas with special islets of Langerhans produces insulin. It is insulin that participates in carbohydrate metabolism and maintains the optimal concentration of glucose in the blood in the normal state by reducing it. Insulin immediately goes to the blood. The produced glucagon has the opposite effect to insulin, increases the concentration of glucose in the blood and participates in the metabolic processes of the body. Somatostatin is an inhibitor of the release of insulin and glucagon.

Violation of the intrasecretory function leads to serious illnesses, one of which is diabetes mellitus. Any failure in the pancreas, caused by various causes, leads to a deterioration in the state of the whole organism. First of all, if there is a violation of the secretory function, the digestive system, the kidneys and the heart suffer. Deviations in the body can be considered for a long time do not have symptoms, so when you change the color of the sclera, skin, weight loss, pain in the epigastric should conduct laboratory investigations and appointment with the doctor.

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