Pancreas, liver and gallbladder

Most people have an erroneous opinion - the source of bile in the body is the gallbladder. It's not like that at all. Digestive juice, which is bile, is produced by the liver, and the gallbladder serves only as a reservoir for its storage and concentration.

Bile is indispensable for the breakdown of fats. In its absence, the process of digestion of substances from the lipid class stops, because it becomes impossible. Therefore, the liver is considered a vital gland, the function of which can not be compensated by any other organ. When a liver is removed or a complete loss of its bile function, a person dies in a very short time.

The liver is produced within a day about a gallon of bile, which is drained into the gallbladder, stored there on demand. In the gallbladder, bile concentrates, increasing the index many times over compared with the original source produced by the liver.

Disease of the gallbladder: symptoms

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder( its walls), accompanied by a stance, sudden, dull, aching pain on the right in the hypochondrium. Painful lumbago is given in the back or in the right collarbone. Pain syndrome is often burdened by nausea, fever, vomiting.

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This disease is more than a third found in women than in the strong half of humanity. Most patients diagnosed with cholecystitis are patients with excessive body weight, although slender people also have this ailment, but much less often.

Cholecystitis can be both an independent disease caused by stones in the bladder, as well as concomitant diseases of other organs located in the neighborhood. For example, inflammation of the bile, as a complication, occurs with acute inflammation of the pancreas.

Pancreatic and Gall Bladder Interconnection

Acute pancreatitis is a rapidly developing inflammatory process in the pancreas, which often results in edema of the organ, with further impairment of enzyme outflow. Enzymes of the pancreas, getting into the lumen of the gallbladder, cause inflammation of its wall, called cholecystitis. Stones in the gallbladder, which increase the pressure in the ducts, cause spasm of the sphincter and throwing bile into the pancreas, or rather, in its ducts. This mechanism causes biliary pancreatitis - an inflammatory process in the pancreas provoked by bile irritation of its tissues.

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