Gastritis of the stomach in children( child) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10-12 years, pediatrics, causes, diagnosis, prevention, how to determine the child?

Unfortunately, gastritis is the most common disease not only in gastroenterology, but also in pediatrics. The digestive system in a child is formed only by the age of 7 years. This period is characterized by a low content of hydrochloric acid, as well as inadequate gastric motility. According to pediatrics, children suffer more often during those periods of their lives, when they grow faster, that is, in 6 to 10 years.

In children, as in adults, gastritis occurs in both acute and chronic forms. Gastritis in children in acute form manifests itself as a pronounced inflammation of the stomach with standard symptoms. It is associated with the short-term effect of strong stimuli on the mucous membrane. In turn, the chronic form of childhood gastritis has a long progressive course, which periodically recurs, and also gradually leads to degeneration and even complete suppression of the cells of the epithelium and glands of the mucous membrane. To its consequences in children include disorders in the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, metabolic disorders.

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Diagnosis of gastritis in pediatrics is based not only on the history and symptoms, but also on data from gastroscopy, biopsy, radiography and ultrasound. Gastritis in children is treated with diet in accordance with age, as well as the severity of the course of the disease. Effective are also medicamental therapy, physiotherapy and treatment in a sanatorium, but better still prevention.

As you already understood, gastritis is a phenomenon, unfortunately, common. That is, a disease that has previously met only in adults, with an extraordinary speed of "getting younger".This ailment is considered almost the norm in high school students, given the teenage reluctance to eat properly, hobby for fast food, nerves and overload at school, and sometimes even smoking and early drinking. However, often finding inflammation of the stomach mucosa in a child of 4 years often leads parents into a dead end! Even if the baby eats properly, unfortunately, in most cases the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed.

Pediatric gastritis: causes of

The reasons for this disease appear surprisingly, there are very many. Parents need to know them in order to prevent the development of the disease in time, and also to know how to identify the risks.

First, you can get gastritis. Not so long ago it was believed that gastritis is a completely non-infectious disease. However, scientists have established that there are both infectious and non-infectious variants of the development of the disease. That is, parents who have this disease diagnosed can simply infect their children with household methods. The main causative agent of this gastritis is Helicobacter pylori, and this bacterium, unfortunately, occurs in almost 80% of children aged 7 years.

Secondly, gastritis in children can be the result of an improper diet. According to experts, this is no less common cause of gastritis in even very young children. Starting with the frequent change of mixtures, incorrect or irrational introduction of lures during breastfeeding. Parents do not understand that all this can give a great strain on the babies' stomachs( which have not yet become stronger)( even if they are less than 2 years old).Not to mention the fast food. Doctors are unable to control irresponsible parents nursing children under the age of 6 with chips. In addition, that often they often become guests of a fast food cafe together with their parents or, if they are already 10-12 years old, even themselves. French fries and carbonated water are excellent grounds for the appearance of gastritis.

In addition, it is very important to realize that a frequent cause of inflammation of the mucosa is overeating. After all, most mothers just try to constantly feed their child. They believe that this benefits, although in all books about education they write that it is not so. Moreover, the stomach of the child is not able to cope with such loads, at first there is irritation, followed by inflammation, here's the gastritis, as a result!

Often this disease develops and because of the early consumption of chocolate, biscuits in unlimited quantities, spicy or spicy food. In pediatrics it is generally believed that chocolate is contraindicated in children who have not yet turned 3 years old. While many kids are full of chocolate candy with might and main with already 2 years, and even earlier! Parents should remember that the health of their child is completely dependent on their nutrition.

Also, gastritis can be caused by stress. Indeed, this disease often develops in young children because of conflicts in the garden or a tense atmosphere for the child at home. Unpleasant conversations during meals, cartoon horror stories, constant quarrels between parents - all this can also cause the development of ailment. That is, a favorable and relaxed atmosphere for the child is an excellent prevention.

In addition, an acute form of the disease can occur due to food allergies and poisoning. So, parents should closely monitor the quality of the products that feed the child.

The chronic form, as a rule, is the result of an incurable acute form. So seek help from a specialist with the first symptoms of gastritis.

Also, sometimes other gastrointestinal diseases or chronic infections can cause gastritis in children. Scientists have found that worms and lamblia, damaging the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, cause irritation, as well as inflammation, in the future this causes the disease.

In addition, it is impossible to deny the role of heredity in the development of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Predisposition to this ailment can be transmitted together with genes. In this case, at the slightest error in the diet, a child may get sick. This reason must also be taken into account.

Unfortunately, doctors do not deny that when taking certain medications, inflammation of the gastric mucosa is caused. And this, unfortunately, is sometimes inevitable. However, sometimes parents begin to engage in independent treatment for their child and do not think about the possible consequences. Thus, this can also cause gastritis. You do not need any self-treatment! Drugs affected by gastritis should be prescribed only to a qualified pediatrician.

Diagnosis of gastritis in children

How to determine the presence of acute gastritis in children? In pediatrics there is a definite list of symptoms( heartburn, pain, etc.), a complete history is also mandatory, since the diagnosis of this form is possible only on the basis of a complete clinical picture! Children who are older than 5 years can be suspected of ailment due to the presence of typical complaints, including changes in appetite. Also, a child older than 4 years old doctor can ask about the nature of the pain. A child over 12 years old can already ask where the pains are localized, and also they have some kind of relationship with meals, or the time of day and their frequency. It is very important to correctly identify the disease, after all, treatment can affect the further development of a growing organism.

As for the chronic form of gastritis: it is a histological diagnosis. That is, for diagnosis it is necessary to use gastroscopy, biopsy, and morphological examination of the gastric mucosa. These data allow assessing the level of damage, as well as the activity of the inflammation process, the prevalence and presence of the infectious basis of the disease.

In addition, with chronic gastritis, children of 5 years of age are additionally assigned an intragastric pH-metry( to determine the level of acidity).Depending on the results of previous studies, x-rays and ultrasound are also prescribed.

Chronic gastritis in children under 12 years is very difficult, but just need to differentiate with peptic ulcer disease, as well as duodenal ulcers, helminthic invasion, pancreatitis and cholecystocholangitis.

Prevention of gastritis in children

It should be noted that prevention is the most effective method of preventing various diseases, including gastritis in children. Of course, in most cases, with the correct and timely treatment of the acute form of the disease in children, it is cured completely. However, at times, the given process can pass in the chronic form and then its treatment will be essentially more complicated. That's why prevention is so important. And if you do not treat chronic gastritis in children, then there is a risk of developing a peptic ulcer.

Prevention of inflammation of the gastric mucosa in a child is the observance of the principles of rational nutrition, which correspond to the age of the child. Also recommend prevention as a timely treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and treatment of chronic infections of the nasopharynx.

In addition, young children who have been diagnosed with chronic gastritis should be prevented twice a year during the remission periods in order to avoid exacerbation of the disease, but in the absence of this at another time of the year. Among other things, the first 3 years must necessarily pass a control examination.

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