Chronic constipation in children, babies( newborns), a child of 2-3 years - the reasons and treatment, how to treat by charging and diet, what to do?

Often, chronic constipation occurs in children. Diagnosis of this condition can be done if the stool is delayed for 36 hours, if defecation causes special difficulties, if the child, in order to empty the bowels, sit on the pot for 20-30 minutes, if the stool leaves a solid, has a ball-shaped shape and smells bad. Treatment of chronic constipation in children is slightly different from that in adults. When drawing up the scheme of therapy, the age of the child, the causes of the indisposition, and the degree of its severity are taken into account.

There may be chronic constipation in babies. There are several reasons for his appearance. Most often in a child who is breastfed, mother's milk is poorly absorbed. There are cases when the stool of the baby appears every five days. This is not a reason for excitement, if he feels well at the same time. To help cope with long delays in the stool of the baby, it is necessary, when the absence of defecation provokes the formation of severe colic, abdominal pain. Feel the stomach, if it is strongly swollen, if the baby refuses to suckle at the same time, immediately call an ambulance.

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Chronic constipation often occurs in children who are on artificial feeding. What to do with this? Consult a pediatrician and look for an alternative to the mixtures used. To treat chronic constipation in newborn babies can be two medicines: lactulose syrup or candles with glycerin.

Chronic constipation in a child in 2 - 3 years

Pathology can occur in children 2-3 years of age. They can have dangerous complications, often such a syndrome indicates the presence of a latent gastrointestinal tract, so parents should be careful about the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

Normally, the emptying of the intestine in a child in 2-3 years should occur at least once a day. You need to start worrying if the stool appears every two to three days, if the stool is painful, if the stool has a very dense consistency and is similar in shape to the balls. With chronic constipation, the stomach may ache in children, it reacts to pains with strong crying and the manifestation of strong nervous anxiety. Understand what to do in such a situation, will help identify the factors provocateurs of malaise.

There are several reasons for chronic constipation in children. Let's designate the main ones:

  • Introduction of physiological complementary foods.
  • Lack of abundant drinking.
  • Non-aligned power mode.
  • Thyroid problems.
  • Iron deficiency anemia.
  • Allergy to certain foods.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Prolonged use of antibiotics.
  • Some damage to the nervous system.

Put an accurate diagnosis and explain how to treat chronic constipation in children can only pediatrician. If you ignore the problem, complications may occur. Chronic constipation in children is dangerous because they very quickly poison the children's body. Fecal masses, lingering inside the hollow organ, begin to decay and release toxins. They are actively absorbed into the blood through the walls of the mucosa. So toxins spread throughout all internal systems. In addition, chronic childhood constipation leads to a deterioration in the assimilation of useful trace elements, to the disruption of metabolic processes occurring in cells and tissues, which also has a negative impact on the general condition and development of the child. Knowing how dangerous constipation is dangerous, you can try to learn how to treat the syndrome, what to do if other symptoms appear, how to help your baby, to ease his condition.

Treatment of chronic constipation in children

If chronic constipation occurs in 2-3 year old children, it is necessary to be able to give them first aid. The easiest way is to make a cleansing enema. To fill the can, the usual boiled water is used. It should be room temperature. To enhance the laxative effect in water, you can add glycerin. Glycerin suppositories can replace the enema. They are inserted into the anus in position, lying on their side, bending their knees to the stomach.

One-time measures will not help to eliminate chronic constipation in a child. Seeking an answer to the question of how to treat a malaise, parents should pay attention to the need for complex therapy. Its important component is a special diet, daily exercise and symptomatic treatment. There are a number of products that need to be excluded from the diet, others, on the contrary, include. It is useful to give dried apricots, boiled beets and carrots, fresh fruit( kiwi, mango).

Laxatives for the treatment of children can not be used. Means of traditional medicine can be used instead of them, but they should not be used independently. And all because they do not eliminate the causes of malaise. After first aid, when symptoms of constant stool delay appear, it is important to show the child to the pediatrician. After the examination, he will be able to talk in more detail about what should be a diet for chronic constipation in a child, how to treat the syndrome medically, why sometimes there is an effective morning exercise. Anyone who knows how dangerous the described syndrome can be, can take timely measures to eliminate it.

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