Acute hives: classification, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

If seen on the skin or mucous appearance of blisters, it is possible that it is a urticaria. You should consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and start therapy on time. Causes, treatment, symptoms of acute urticaria in adults and children, her photo - all this you will find in this article.

Features of the disease

Urticaria demonstrates itself the appearance on the surface of the skin of characteristic blisters. This kind of reminiscent of the consequences of contact with the nettle. In addition to skin surfaces, the disease can also cover mucous membranes.

Urticaria is also defined by the form of manifestation as:

  • acute type of the disease,
  • is a chronic type of manifestation.

Their main difference in the duration of the active phase. Acute hives can pass for a period of six hours to a month. This type of disease in comparison with the chronic form is more common. But if you do not turn in time for help with acute urticaria, then it can change the form of manifestation to a chronic course.

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Eruptions appear, and if the allergen is identified and excluded from the life of the patient, then it can happen that the body's reaction to it passes without a trace.

Acute hives are discussed in this video:


Types of the disease

Acute hives have a variant - Quincke's edema. It is also called giant urticaria. This type of disease is dangerous because the skin or mucous develops swelling, which can have significant dimensions. If this phenomenon develops in the larynx, then in the absence of urgent medical assistance, the patient may die.

There are also such types of diseases:

  • spontaneous urticaria - arises for unknown reasons,
  • physical urticaria - is caused by various physical phenomena:
    • heat,
    • vibration,
    • sunlight,
    • mechanical pressure,
    • cold;
  • cholinergic urticaria - occurs as a reaction of the body to emotional stress;
  • aquatic urticaria - appears as a result of contact with water.
  • atypical urticaria - rashes do not cause discomfort and have a linear form.

Localization of rashes

The localization of the rashes can be:

  • on the trunk,
  • on the limbs,
  • on the face;
  • can be affected by the mucosa:
    • of the larynx,
    • of the nasopharynx,
    • of the tongue, lips.

Reasons for the onset of

The body reaction in the form of blisters, which is defined as acute urticaria, can be caused by various factors:

  • food containing substances that can be allergens for sensitive people:
    • seafood,
    • eggs,
    • chocolate,
    • fruit,
    • products,in the composition of which there are artificial colors;
    • nuts;
  • medications containing:
    • sulfonamides,
    • hormones,
    • B vitamins,
    • penicillins;
  • disease can be as a consequence of other disorders:
    • anaphylactic shock,
    • dysbiosis,
    • poisoning,
    • hepatitis;
  • substances that trigger an allergic reaction:
    • cosmetics,
    • pollen plants,
    • sera,
    • substances that enter the body when bitten by insects.

Appearances of pathology in some people cause external influences:

    • cold temperatures,
    • vibration,
    • warm temperatures,
    • solar rays.

Symptoms of acute urticaria

The most striking feature of the disease is a rash that looks like blisters of different sizes. In some cases, the blisters are very small - a few millimeters. And the largest formations on the skin are a few centimeters.

They are firm to the touch and have a reddish color of different saturation. The blister can also be with a rim red or white. If the acute form of the disease was not treated in time, then sometimes the progression of the disease led to the fact that the blisters merged into one large red spot.

Characteristic for urticaria eruptions are accompanied by a very disturbing person itching. Also there is a puffiness in these places.

Acute hives have general symptoms:

  • slight chills,
  • headache,
  • muscle aches,
  • faintness,
  • aches,
  • vomiting,
  • fever.


To determine whether a rash is an acute urticaria, perform such actions:

  • the patient is recommended to pass the tests:
    • for a general urine test,
    • for a general blood test;
  • biopsies a small area of ​​skin, separated from the rash;
  • tests are also performed in order to determine the allergen:
    • radioallergosorbent test,
    • provocative samples:
      • aqua test - carried out with water, the temperature of which is changed;
      • cold sample - the reaction of the body to a low temperature with the help of ice is checked;
      • a solar test - is investigated, whether there is an allergy on solar beams;
      • heat test - check for heat.

It is very important to determine to what effect the body responds with an allergic reaction. Next, you will learn how to cure acute urticaria.

Treatment of

Help should be provided immediately as soon as the acute urticaria has manifested itself. The first action after the detection of the allergen that initiates the disease, the exception of the use of this allergen.

Emergency care

If treatment is not started on time, then the development of the disease may make it necessary to hospitalize the patient. Especially if there are signs of Quincke's edema, then they resort to urgent delivery to the hospital in order to prevent a situation that threatens the patient's life. We tell how to act with such edema.

Read more on how to treat acute urticaria with a therapeutic method, read below.

Therapeutic method

  • In cases of acute disease, purgative enemas are prescribed.
  • The patient may be recommended a diet for acute urticaria, which does not have products that are seen as allergy provokers. The diet thus promotes the removal of harmful substances from the body.
  • Patient is advised to avoid stress and lead a quiet lifestyle.

Medication method

Gels and ointments are prescribed against itching. Recommended use:

  • antihistamines:
    • zirtek,
    • terfenadine,
    • kestin,
    • astemisane;
  • calcium gluconate,
  • is used to relieve swelling if the case of a more severe manifestation of the disease is treated with corticosteroids.

Specialists can use the injection method. An injection containing immune cells is injected under the patient's skin.

Folk methods

Some herbs are suitable for the treatment of acute urticaria. Use advice only after consultation with an expert.

It is recommended to use infusions:

  • valerian,
  • mint,
  • motherwort,
  • sage.

Infusions drink before taking meals three times a day. For external use, a weak tincture of calendula is well suited.

You can read about what you can eat with acute hives, below.

On folk methods of treatment of urticaria will tell this video:


It should be included in the menu dishes from products:

  • vegetables and fruits of light shade:
    • squash, cabbage,
    • cucumbers,
    • bananas,
    • pear.
  • lean meat:
    • rabbit,
    • turkey;
  • fermented products,
  • coarse bread,
  • can use vegetable oils.

The patient is recommended to exclude from the diet products that have proven themselves as possible allergens:

  • honey,
  • chocolate,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • smoked meat,
  • mushrooms,
  • eggs,
  • baking,
  • spices,
  • fried foods.

Prevention of the disease

To avoid a negative reaction to the allergen, it is necessary to find out exactly what acts as an allergen, and to exclude such a situation.

  • If the reaction to some kind of food is not to eat it,
  • in case of allergy to medicines - do not take those that cause a negative reaction;
  • if the human body reacts to mechanical effects: heat or cold, sunlight - you should consider this in your behavior. Do not, respectively, overheat or supercool, is under the open sun and so on.

Complications of

  • The disease can cause dangers if the symptoms of exacerbation develop. Acute hives have a variety - Quincke's edema, when there is a( noticeable size) edematous area. If such a phenomenon occurs in the larynx, then the situation can lead to a fatal outcome. We need urgent medical help.
  • Also, the presence of an allergen in the human body can trigger anaphylactic shock. To get out of this state, you need an ambulance.


The disease usually has a positive prognosis. Acute urticaria, if you remove the factor that caused it, can go completely without trace in a few hours.

If the time does not respond to the symptoms of the onset of hives, it can develop into a chronic form.

The difference between acute and chronic urticaria is discussed in this video:

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