The causes of frequent angina in adults and children: purulent, viral, follicular

Various inflammatory changes in the glands and other parts of the oropharynx are commonly called angina.

Angina - the etiology of the disease

However, typical manifestations of this ailment are caused only by bacteria, mainly - streptococci. Infections caused by staphylococci, corynobacteria, haemophilus and several types of spirochaetes are diagnosed less often, but they are also classified as typical forms of angina.

Viral infections that affect the throat are considered atypical manifestations of the disease. Special drugs that kill viruses do not exist. Therapy in this case is aimed at combating acute symptoms and strengthening immunity.

Candidiasis of the oropharynx caused by the proliferation of microscopic fungi is also considered to be an atypical form of angina and treats them quite differently.

Causes of sore throat


  • One of the main causes of fungal angina is the low functionality of the immune system. The number of conditionally pathogenic( constantly present in the oral cavity) fungi with weakened immunity increases and leads to pathological changes on the mucous membranes.
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  • Prolonged use of antibiotics can also cause the multiplication of this infection, as it blocks the protective functions of immunity.
  • Irregular oral hygiene is also a common cause of increasing the number of fungal organisms in the mouth, increasing the load on the immune system.
  • Injuries and burns of mucous membranes increase the risk of focal congestion of fungi in deeper tissues and infection in the blood.
  • Excess of consumed sugars creates a favorable nutrient medium for fungi, which leads to an increase in their number.


Influenza viruses and adenoviruses are transmitted from the carrier to a healthy person mainly by airborne droplets. Seasonal epidemics are caused again by a decrease in immunity, which is due to a sharp change in temperature, hypothermia and vitamin deficiencies. People with strong immunity rarely get sick with viral sore throats.

There are types of viruses that can be transmitted by household, water-food or oral-fecal routes. The variety of viral forms, their propensity for rapid mutation and insufficient knowledge of the causes of the lesion in some cases hinder effective treatment. The most common is herpes sore throat.

What distinguishes viral angina from bacterial


Bacteria, like fungi, are a conditionally pathogenic flora in the oral cavity. Their numbers are controlled by immunity, and with a decrease in its functions, bacteria begin to multiply intensively, which leads to focal pathologies of tissues.

This is the most dangerous form of angina with more severe symptoms and possible consequences.

The causes of the lesion and the factors that provoke this infection of follicular or lacunar angina may be:

  • Transfer of a critical amount of bacteria from an infected person by close contact with it.
  • Contaminated air, increasing the load on the respiratory system.
  • The use of hormonal medications in the treatment of ENT organs.
  • Extensive development of caries, cysts on dental roots, gum disease and other dental pathologies.
  • Systematic smoking.
  • Subcooling, which promotes the onset of the inflammatory process.
  • Disturbance of metabolic processes.
  • Absence of essential nutrients in the body.
  • Stresses.
  • Depletion.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Timely untreated mechanical trauma to the oropharynx( bacteria in this case get quick access to internal tissues).
  • Prolonged labor activity in conditions of increased harmfulness.
  • Effects of radiation.

What is angina, says Dr. Komarovsky:

Why do frequent relapses occur in children and adults

  • The pathology of the immune system or its underdevelopment in childhood.
  • Presence of chronic diseases of internal organs.
  • Diseases of the blood.
  • Curvature of nasal septum. Adverse social conditions of residence.
  • Inadequate working conditions for sanitary and household standards.
  • Frequent climate changes.
  • Eating low-quality foods.
  • Elevated physical and emotional stress.
  • Bad habits.

Causes of Frequent Angin


Viral and candidiasis infections are not prone to relapse. Bacterial tonsillitis often passes into the chronic stage for the following reasons:

  • Irrational treatment of primary infection.
  • Incorrect diagnosis of bacterial infection.
  • Self-medication with folk remedies.
  • Refusal of antibiotics, their overdose or unauthorized interruption of the prescribed course of antibiotic drugs.
  • Development of complications on the background of primary infection.
  • Weak congenital immunity.

Streptococci are able to adapt to environmental conditions, producing immunity to medicines for long-term treatment. Infection, which is in the body for a long time, is very difficult to completely destroy.

How Dangerous is the Disease, Complications of

Viral angina caused by rhinoviruses or influenza viruses causes complications of predominantly local character. This otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. There are also more dangerous types of viruses, but they are diagnosed less often.

Fungal angina does not cause complications, but its neglected state can lead to asphyxia, when a large number of fungal masses accumulate in the airways.

To the possible complications of this form of angina include the following pathologies:

  • The outgrowth of infection into chronic forms.
  • Otitis of different severity.
  • Diffusion of purulent discharge into the internal cavity.
  • Formation of abscesses.
  • Rheumatism of joints.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Purulent appendicitis.
  • Streptococcal pneumonia.
  • Pericarditis.
  • Sepsis( when bacteria get into the blood).
  • Myocarditis.
  • Irreversible damage to the glands.
  • Meningitis.

About the most dangerous complications after a sore throat, our next video:

General recommendations for the treatment of

  • Diagnosis should be carried out in the most careful manner by an experienced doctor. Laboratory research is necessary.
  • Medical preparations and folk remedies for sore throat and temperature for treatment can not be taken without consulting a specialist.
  • When viral and bacterial infection requires complete rest and strict bed rest.
  • During the period of treatment, it is important to eat only the products permitted by the doctor.
  • Personal hygiene should be observed in order not to infect others and avoid the attachment of secondary infections.
  • Any form of sore throat should be drunk. Water and natural juices eliminate the effects of toxicosis.
  • Treatment of bacterial forms is carried out strictly in a hospital.

Principles of treatment of sore throat:


Any form of sore throat left without timely treatment can deliver a person a lot of subsequent health problems. The variety of modern medicines and new medical technologies makes it possible to successfully treat virtually all infectious ailments of the oropharynx, provided that the patient is brought to the hospital in a timely manner and has a competent approach to therapy.

Compliance with these conditions also avoids most complications. Started and chronic stages of development are treated longer and with less success.

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