Gymnastics for pancreatitis for the pancreas, respiratory and therapeutic

When the pressure in the duodenum increases, bile enters the pancreatic duct, resulting in an inflammatory process in the pancreas. The increase in pressure in the duodenum occurs due to the physical exercises, and in particular after the slopes and training of the press, training on a full stomach or after malnutrition. It is necessary to plan correctly the complex of exercises in pancreatitis and to try to avoid excessive physical activity in diseases of the pancreas.

According to experts in the field of gastroenterology, it is necessary to perform special therapeutic gymnastics, which will help improve blood circulation and outflow of pancreatic juice from the pancreas. Gymnastics also works well for chronic pancreatitis. Particular attention deserves medical respiratory gymnastics in pancreatitis. These exercises should be performed 2-3 times a day, especially after the pancreatitis attack subsides. You can make them lying, sitting or standing. Begin with three or four repetitions, gradually bringing up to nine:

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1) First take a slow breath and a quiet exhalation. After holding your breath, pulling your stomach strong enough, count to three. Then smoothly relax the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

2) Slowly inhale and exhale again. Then sharply hold your breath, with maximum force inflating your stomach, and count to three. Smoothly relax the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

3) With an exhalation, as far as possible, inflate the stomach. Seconds for three to four hold your breath, then calmly relax the muscles of the press. Then, when inhaling, strain your abdominal muscles as much as possible, and stick out your stomach, and when you breathe out, pull it into yourself. Relax your muscles.

4) Take a calm, relaxed breath and hold it in the middle for one or two seconds. At this moment, the diaphragm voltage is applied. Then simply continue to inhale, as if you are inflating the abdomen - the abdominal cavity should protrude slightly. Hold your breath, but for three seconds at the end of the inhalation, do not forget to stick out your stomach. After you can increase to six seconds. Relax the muscles of the press quickly and make a smooth exhale, drawing the belly into yourself. Breathe in and out, relax.

Performing this therapeutic respiratory gymnastics in the evening, try to avoid severe fatigue throughout the day. After all, the pancreas is affected by any stressors, as well as excessive fatigue. This therapeutic gymnastics favorably affects not only a certain organ, but also the body as a whole.

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