Codification from alcoholism by the method of Dovzhenko: the essence, stages of the program, contraindications

Although a number of doctors argue that alcoholism is incurable, there are ways to deal with it. The most effective is the coding of Dovzhenko, which has gained recognition in many countries. What are the advantages of Dovzhenko's method? How is the encoding performed and for how long is its effect preserved?

Codification from alcoholism by the method of Dovzhenko

The term "coding" was first voiced by the famous Soviet psychologist A.R.Dovzhenko, who created his own method of treating alcohol dependence. The most well-known encoding is based on shock therapy.

In 1979-1984 the Dovzhenko method was tested for patients with different types of dependence. A stable positive effect was achieved in 93% of cases, therefore this type of treatment became well known even abroad.

Carrying out the encoding for Dovzhenko requires a certain skill and skills of the therapist. During his lifetime, the author of the technique managed to train 150 specialists, many of whom continued to rid alcoholics of addiction.

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Most people completely get rid of alcohol dependence after passing the encoding by Dovzhenko. However, this is not the only reason for the international recognition of the method.

It has an impressive set of advantages:

  • Simplicity of the procedure.
  • Humanity.
  • No side effects.
  • Safety for health.
  • Safe result for 1 session.
  • Anonymity.
  • Versatility.

Coding from alcohol by Dovzhenko is satisfied with the simple execution, does not require additional tools. In addition, coercion is not used in the treatment, all activities are carried out only with the permission of the patient. During the procedure he is awake and aware of everything that happens to him.

Unlike other types of encodings, Dovzhenko's method forms a persistent negation of alcoholic beverages without vomiting and nausea when seeing a shot. The patient may be at a festive table with loved ones without any discomfort from someone else's side.


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There are no health risks. Moreover, the effect exerted on the subconscious mind has a beneficial effect on the nervous system as well as the psyche. A person becomes calmer and more balanced.

For the encoding of Dovzhenko, 1 session is enough. Treatment of alcohol dependence anonymously, but if necessary, the patient is issued a certificate of the procedure.

Requirements for the patient

Almost any person can complete the encoding for Dovzhenko. However, each has certain requirements.

So, treatment is possible only when reaching the age of majority and exclusively at the request of the patient. Force encoding is not allowed. In this case, it will not only not be effective, but will also cause a complication in the form of increased cravings for alcohol.

The key to successfully getting rid of alcohol addiction is awareness of the problem to patients and its willingness to follow the guidelines that the psychotherapist will inspire. The stage of alcoholism is not of fundamental importance. The frequency of remissions and relapses also does not affect the results of treatment.

Within 1-2 weeks prior to coding, a person should not take alcohol and medications containing alcohol. Compliance with this condition serves as a guarantee of the patient's serious attitude. In addition, it strengthens the patient's belief in the success of treatment.

The essence of the method

The method of Dovzhenko is to provide hypnotic and psychological influence on the subconscious of the patient, as a result of which he is adjusted to an indifferent attitude to alcohol for any period. Also the doctor inspires the patient to set on absolute sobriety. All this helps to achieve first a reduction in cravings for alcohol, and after a while - its complete disappearance.

The effect of hypnosis and psychological impact is achieved without the use of medical drugs and even without the introduction of a patient into a state of deep hypnosis. During the whole session the patient is awake and aware of what is happening to him.

Instructing the patient about the harm of alcohol, the specialist uses available words and gives specific examples. The emotional coloring of the monologue helps to adjust the patient to cure. Installations for aversion to alcohol, the patient does not receive, therefore at the sight of alcoholic beverages it will not be sick and fever.

The final culmination of the coding procedure is a specialist's story about the reactions of the body to taking alcohol during the forbidden period. They are unpredictable, up to a lethal outcome.

Stages of

The Dovzhenko alcohol dependence treatment program is conducted in 3 stages. For encoding, 1 session is sufficient, but the doctor must first collect information about the patient and prepare it for the procedure with the help of psychotherapy sessions.


Initially, a consultation is conducted. The specialist finds out the patient's motives, his expectations, as well as the readiness to be treated and lead a sober lifestyle.

The patient learns about the essence of the coding and the activities that the therapist will perform. Also, the patient receives statistical data and can get acquainted with additional methods of treatment.


If no problems are detected during the preliminary examination, the patient is prescribed psychotherapy sessions that solve several problems:

  • Normalization of mental health.
  • Restoration of the nervous system.
  • The formation of persistent conscious and unconscious attitudes to sobriety.

It usually takes 4-5 sessions of up to 1.5 hours. The patient is explained the mechanism of the formation of alcohol dependence, and he is informed about the serious health consequences. Gradually, a person begins to realize the importance of treating and maintaining a sober lifestyle.

When a patient receives the necessary adjustments, the specialist exposes him to mild hypnosis. The fixing effect requires 5-6 procedures lasting about 1.5 hours.


The last step is direct encoding, in which the patient is injected into a shock state. So the psyche becomes receptive to external influences. The doctor remains to impress the patient with a refusal to drink alcohol for a selected period of time.

In the end, the specialist once again reminds the patient of the complications that alcohol can cause. Also, the doctor gives the patient advice on preventing the accidental use of alcohol-containing products - for example, certain types of sweets, kefir.

Then the person returns to normal life. The main criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of encoding is the maintenance of absolute sobriety. If alcohol accidentally got into the body of a patient, he needs to contact his doctor immediately.

Coding time limits for

In most cases, the coding effect is fixed not permanently, but for the selected time interval - from 3 to 5 years. However, in extreme cases, people are coded from alcohol for life. Decisive in choosing the time interval is the desire of the patient himself.

According to statistics, a man's persistent aversion to alcohol is achieved after 1-2 years. How the organism will behave after exiting the encoding depends on the individual characteristics.

Some alcoholics within a year completely refuse a shot and lose the desire to drink, even if they are friends and acquaintances doing it with. The refusal of alcohol is given to others much harder. After the end of the encoding period, they need to repeat the procedure.


As with any other medical procedure, the encoding for Dovzhenko has certain contraindications:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • Mental illness;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • ARVI;
  • periods of exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • recent attack of a heart attack.

If a person is in a state of intoxication or suffers from abstinence, before encoding it is necessary to wait for sobering up and elimination of symptoms of intoxication. In the presence of concomitant diseases, the procedure is possible only after a complete cure.

There are also 3 factors that reduce the effectiveness of the Dovzhenko method:

  • The alcoholic has no desire to lead a sober lifestyle.
  • Complete degradation of personality.
  • Psychopathic conditions.

The encoding is possible in these cases, but the treatment may be ineffective.

Is it possible to decode?

If during a ban, a person accidentally drinks alcohol, the coding should be urgently removed. And it must be done by a doctor. Independent attempts to decode can provoke irreversible health consequences.

To remove the encoding for Dovzhenko use the same techniques as for its overlay. The therapist inspires the patient with new information, which is postponed at the subconscious level. In some cases, the procedure is even carried out by phone.

After the decoding, the patient feels freer. He can eat any products, including sweets with liquor, rum baked goods and kefir, which contains a small amount of ethyl alcohol.

On the video about the essence of coding from alcoholism by the method of Dovzhenko:

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