Intertrigo: treatment, signs, prognosis, symptoms, causes

Being a type of dermatological disease, intertrigo is common enough. Its manifestations are quite typical, which makes it possible to identify the current pathology at the earliest possible stage - it is during this period that the disease is more curable, the unpleasant symptoms are removed most quickly. Modern methods of diagnostics and even visual inspection determine this lesion accurately, and established treatment regimens provide impact effectiveness.

Expressed in the appearance of areas of the skin with different sizes of damage in the form of wet cracks, the development of which is accompanied by itching and burning of the skin. Moisture accompanies the whole process of the current of this dermatological disease, causing a lot of unpleasant sensations in the patient. If untimely treatment or severe neglect of the pathological process, an infection is noted that aggravates the disease, increasing the intensity of manifestations and the strength of pain, and itching in the skin. The danger of intertrigo can be called its rapid spread over the body, in connection with which it can develop into eczema with a chronic course.

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Features of

The detection of this skin pathology is performed by a dermatologist on the basis of first external examination of the affected areas of the skin, and then by conducting a series of tests involving the examination of blood samples and skin particles. Intertrigo can occur in virtually any age category, but most often this dermatological problem is noted in the period of newborn and in diseases in which the patient is in a lying position for a long time - bedsores with similar characteristic external manifestations on the skin are formed on the skin.

The formation of scuffs and cracks in it often occurs in skin folds, for example, in the interdigital area, in the gluteal folds, in the folds of the abdominal skin, in the axillary region. Here, the skin is ventilated to a worse degree, the moisture is weathered worse, which creates favorable conditions for the development of skin cracks and for the development of pathogenic microflora, which aggravates the course of the intertrigo.

Photo of the intertrigo

Classification of the intertrigo

Today, dermatologists offer a certain classification of this skin disease, which assumes the difference in the disease, depending on the cause that caused the pathology. The classification includes a bacterial variant of the examined skin pathology, an infectious one, and a candidal variant of the intertrigo should be singled out separately, which is revealed when the skin develops cracks, wet areas with severe pain, itching and burning when the Candida fungus enters the area.

Candidiasis has its own classification:

  • erythematous form , accompanied by the formation of bright red spots on the skin surface, which gradually merge, forming significant areas of damage;
  • is a vesicular variety of the pathology of , in which the surface of the skin is formed with transparent contents inside.

Depending on the type of disease, treatment is carried out, which is primarily aimed at eliminating the root cause that caused the development of skin lesions. Supportive therapy allows you to quickly eliminate the manifestations of intrigue, as well as increase the level of immunity and reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the disease.

Localization of

Intertrigo lesions can vary significantly between patients. However, the most commonly affected are the following body parts:

  • axillary hollows of because of the constant increase in humidity in this area, the presence of folds and the lack of the necessary level of personal hygiene, the probability of developing here is intra -trigo;
  • inguinal folds of - here is also one of the least ventilated areas of the body, where there may be increased humidity, which creates conditions for rapid multiplication of pathogenic microflora;
  • gluteal folds of - here the manifestations of intertrigo are noted most often in the period of newborns;
  • interdigital space also often manages this skin ailment due to the reduced degree of ventilation between the fingers that, if it gets into this area of ​​infection and insufficient drying of the skin leads to the formation of itchy and painful cracks.

The listed areas are especially often affected by intertrigo, here cracks are found, which do not heal for a long time if there is insufficient treatment and subsequent skin care. In this case, cracks can be accompanied by rashes of various kinds( pustules and papules that can be with the contents inside and without it, simply represent the tubercles protruding on the surface of the skin).Single rashes can then move into more massive, affected areas merge with each other, forming significant areas of damage.

Causes of

The most common causes of skin disease such as intertrigo include increased skin moisture in a certain area( mostly skin folds), lack of personal hygiene, which can lead to the development of pathogenic microflora in this area, and the presence of skin frictionexacerbates the manifestations of the current illness.

Bacterial skin lesions can also provoke the formation of cracks in its folds, accompanied by itching, burning and soreness. However, there are a number of factors provoking the disease, which can also cause the emergence and development of an intra-arthritis. These include:

  • changes in metabolism, which are expressed in sudden fluctuations in body weight, obesity, abnormalities in the functioning of the adrenal cortex;
  • marked decrease in body immunity - this factor is especially aggravated when pregnancy occurs, if there is AIDS, autoimmune diseases, in the presence of malignant neoplasms in the body;
  • dysbacteriosis, accompanied by a disturbance of the equilibrium of normal microflora in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypovitaminosis with insufficient intake of vitamins;
  • frequent treatment with antibiotics;
  • excessive exposure of skin;
  • work in industries with harmful substances.

Symptoms in children and adults

The manifestations of this disease are quite typical, which allows it to be detected in a timely manner even in the early stages of development. The main symptoms of intertrigo include the following manifestations, which can occur both in childhood and in adults:

  • reddening of the skin in the folds;
  • formation of cracks in the skin, which are accompanied by soreness, burning and itching;
  • with aggravation of the disease the surface of the affected skin becomes soaked, poorly curable;
  • is likely the formation of rashes, which can have a different character - to be filled and without;
  • the listed symptomatology at a failure of treatment quickly extends on a skin.


For preliminary diagnosis it is usually sufficient to visually inspect the damaged area of ​​a dermatologist. However, in order to start treatment and choose the most effective scheme, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, for which the following methods are used:

  1. Laboratory study of epithelial particles from the affected area by microscopic examination. This makes it possible to identify the presence of fungus on the skin, determine its appearance.
  2. A serological study that includes a blood test for the amount of antibodies to fungi in it and further determining the treatment modality. This includes polymerase chain reaction, enzyme immunoassay, immunofluorescence reaction.

The listed methods of diagnosing the disease give the most general picture of the disease, predetermining the choice of therapeutic effect.

Treatment of

The aim of treatment in the diagnosis of intertrigo should be considered elimination of manifestations of the disease, restoring the integrity of the skin and eliminating the cause that caused the disease. The choice of an antifungal drug is determined both by the degree of neglect of the pathological process and by the age of the patient.

Children's age involves a reduced dosage of medicines and constant monitoring by the attending physician-dermatologist to prevent possible side effects from treatment. The duration of the exposure is also determined by the patient's age, the degree of neglect, localization, and susceptibility to the treatment.

Therapeutic method

Before starting the use of medicinal antifungal and antibacterial drugs, the physician is assigned to conduct intensive hygienic procedures of the injury site, which include the treatment of the damaged site with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The shower during the day is mandatory at least two times, after contact with water, the damaged areas are wiped dry. Use of sponges, toilet soap and shower gels is prohibited.

After hygienic procedures, the damaged areas of the skin should be treated with aniline dyes, which include brilliant green, methylene blue.

By medicamentous method

The use of drugs aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microflora is the most effective tool in the fight against this dermatological lesion. The drugs, well-proven in the treatment of intertrigo, include:

  • clotrimazole ointment, which is applied a thin layer on the affected areas. Rubbing it is not required, it is enough to apply a thin layer 2-3 times a day. Children use clotrimzole ointment is allowed no more than 2 times depending on the tolerability of the drug;
  • dekaminovy ​​ointment is also applied to the affected skin up to 4 times a day, it also does not require rubbing, has a high degree of absorbency, leaving no traces of fat on the skin and not causing a negative reaction when it hits healthy areas of the skin;
  • Lamikon, offered in pharmacies in the form of a spray or gel, copes well with the manifestations of intrigue, removing itching, burning and soreness of cracks. It is used 2 times a day.

The listed preparations for external application combine with reception of certain medicines inside. This fluconazole in tablets, which is prescribed depending on the age of the patient 2-4 times a day, ketonazole in tablet form, also applied 2 times a day orally, tablets clotrimazole( they are prescribed by a doctor 400 mg twice a day.up to 200 mg per day).

Operation and other methods

Surgical treatment for intertrigo detection is not performed.

Prevention of

As a preventive measure, more regular and thorough hygienic procedures can be recommended, especially in skin folds, with excessive sweating, as well as at high air temperatures, high air humidity, which causes the appearance of symptoms of venetrigo.

Maintaining a high level of immunity, the timely and complete cure of all current diseases of the body, especially dermatological, will also help maintain skin health. A regular examination of the doctor will provide an opportunity to identify even the initial stages of the disease.

Complications of

If there is a lack of treatment or its absence, the probability of escalating intertrigo into eczema with a chronic course is high. With the aggravation of this pathology, it is possible to attach a bacterial infection, which is more difficult to cure. After the treatment of the advanced stage of the disease, the probability of manifestation of cosmetic defects is high.


Survival in diagnosing intrtrigo at an early stage, and on more neglected, is almost 100%.

Candidate intertrigo, its symptoms and diagnosis are described in the video below:

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